Join us for Eid Al-Adha Prayer and for an awesome Eid Celebration Festival with our beloved Memphis community. We are excited to host our first Eid Prayers at the MIC campus.
- There will be 3 shifts for the prayer at 7AM, 9AM, and 11AM at MIC.
- Make sure to register for the time you will be attending as well as the parking for the time you will be attending.
- Parking registration is $10 per car. Carpooling is highly encouraged.
- Registration will be checked at the gate and you will be allowed to remain only for that time you selected.
- Prayers will be held with 3 feet social distancing.
- Please bring your own prayer rugs.
- Wearing masks is recommended and encouraged if you are vaccinated and required if you are unvaccinated.
- We will have professional traffic control and law enforcement on site to guide traffic and parking.
- For first two prayers 7AM and 9AM, please exit via Pisgah Road.
- We appreciate any donations to help cover costs.
The Eid Festival will start later in the day at 5PM at MIC. There will be games, inflatables, food trucks, vendors, a car decoration contest (Best Decorated Cars win prizes), treats, balloons. and more.
We look forward to seeing you and hope you have fun and enjoy this beautiful day!