" C reate o pportunities t hat i nspire a ll s tudents t o g row a s l earners, i ndividuals, a nd c itizens."
D ecember 2 1 , 2 0 1 8
D ear E isenhower F amilies ,

U pon reflecting over the last five months, it is wonderful to see how the children have progressed in their learning.  So much of our lives, hopes, and dreams are tied to time and how we spend our time.  As we progress through time, we endeavor to improve ourselves each and every day through our actions, behaviors, choices, and words.  Even though their goals might have been attained, changed, or transformed, it is still incumbent upon us to review expectations with our children and to have them reflect on their growth.  It is all the more important that over the next two weeks the children continue with their reading, discuss new vocabulary, and share their understanding about what they have read.  Whether it is measuring tablespoons, counting cookies or discussing a holiday story, we need to be mindful that the time we spend providing encouragement, praise, practice, and reinforcement are the greatest gifts we can bestow upon them.  
I t is within the busy holiday times that we thank you for your continued support, effort, and commitment towards setting aside time to share a story and some problem-solving with your child.  
We wish you a happy, joyous, and safe holiday break.  
M ay the New Year bring with it all of the hope, prosperity, and health to you and yours., 

Luke Lambatos

Also, please like us on our Facebook page @PHSD23 .

Please remember, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at (847) 870-5040 or llambatos@d23.org
Also, if you haven't done so already, please sign up and follow us on Twitter @D23Eisenhower.
The link below will show tell you how to create your own Twitter account.

" Inspiration + Dedication = Growth"
D23 Dance-a-thon Fundraiser
Sullivan School Ambassadors are leading District 23's Winter Fundraiser to assist with building a vocational training center in Les Cayes, Haiti as well as sending D23 students to summer camp. Eisenhower students will be able to purchase duct tape bookmarks for $1.00 during their library class Jan. 14-18.
The bookmarks were made by Sullivan students.

Upcoming Events

Friday, December 21st
Winter Parties
Early Childhood Winter Concert(s)
10:00 am - AM Early Childhood & AM Kindergarten
1:15 - PM Early Childhood, PM Kindergarten, Full Day Kindergarten & First Grade

Monday, December 24th - Friday, January 4th
Winter Break

Monday, January 7th
School Resumes
Kindergarten & First Grade Winter Fastbridge
Benchmark Testing Begins

Wednesday, January 9th
Board of Education Meeting - 7:00 pm

Monday, January 14th - Friday, January 18th
$1.00 Dance-a-thon Bookmark Fundraiser
*Students may purchase a Dance-a-thon bookmark from Ms. Herzog during library class

Monday, January 21st
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, January 22nd
Teacher Institute Day - NO SCHOOL

Wednesday, January 23rd
Dance-a-thon Fundraiser Dance - 6-8:00 pm
Ross/Sullivan Gym
Kindergarten & First Grade State ACCESS testing for English Learners (EL) students

Thursday, January 31st
D23 EPTO Meeting - 7:00 pm Eisenhower Library

The Classroom Scene:
Thank you to all of our
Parent Room Party Volunteers
for the
Wonderful Winter Parties!

Ms. Ally's, Kayleen's, Kristen's, Melanie's & Nicole's Winter Concert
Ms. Nicole's
Mrs. Grischow's
Mrs. Miller's
Mrs. Hauschild's
Mr. Czarkowski's & Ms. Lelito's
Ms. Petrusha's
Ms. Garceau's
Mrs. Mullaney's
Mrs. Tomasik's
Ms. Gardiner's
Ms. Balla's
Ms. Schmidt's
Ms. Valderrama's
The Principal's
Book Club
T he Principal's Century Book Club is a listing of children who read multiples of one hundred books during their years at Eisenhower School.
*Books can be read by parents or enjoy a shared reading with your child. Take turns, use voices, and, most importantly, have fun!
Remember to ask plenty of comprehension questions and discuss new vocabulary words!
Your child’s name will be added to the front foyer wall when they read their first one hundred books. Their name continues to be added with each 100 books they read. 
Students will also receive a special prize from the office.
B ooks should be at the child’s reading level, and left to parent’s discretion.
Below, is a link to a form that you can download and print.

You may also list the books on a sheet of paper. 

Setting aside 20-minutes a night for family reading with or to your child makes a world of difference.

A big congratulations goes out to the following students for reading
100 Books!

Allen Batko
Olivia Billert
Angel Canseco
Kimberly Castro
Johanny Cortez
Olivia Couvreur
Cayden Donovan
Eva Espíritu
Guadalupe Jaimes
Igor Khabenyuk
Olivia Korta
Olivier Kubala
Keaton Kuhns
Nitai Madej
Karen Martinez
Angeles Medina
Evelyn Mendez
Melanie Muszynski
Ariana Noyola
Robin Patino
Yaritzi Patino
Kamile Pavydis
Matteo Roman
Eduardo Sanchez
Gavin Stasi
Dwight says, "Follow Us on Twitter!"

Also, if you haven't done so already, please sign up and follow us on Twitter @D23Eisenhower. The link below will show tell you how to create your own Twitter account.
Thank you to our PTO Room Party Parent Volunteers for putting together our wonderful winter parties!
Stay Connected with us!
Eisenhower Office: (847) 870-3875

Eisenhower Attendance: (847) 870-3876

Dr. Lambatos: (847) 870-5040

Eisenhower Principal: Dr. Luke Lambatos

Eisenhower Nurse: Mrs. Lissa Carlson

Eisenhower Administrative Assistant:

Eisenhower Office Assistant: