Congregation Eitz-Chaim
              May 16, 2015

Eitz-Chaim is a congregation committed to prayer, discipleship,   and  service.  If you have a need or a prayer request, let us hear from you.

This Week on Shabbat

Vladimir Pikman will bring his last message for this year at the shul.


Awake Israel will share about their ministry in The Land at the end of services.   


Miriam and Shlomy Abramov

Will share after for 10 minutes after the Prayer for America and Israel.   


 2:00 pm Sisterhood Ministry in the Auditorium. 


Men's retreat new date May 15, 16, 17 will go off rain or shine.      


May 23rd   Bar and Bat Mitzvah   

Joe Vincent and Elisa Norman


2:00 pm Chavurah

2:00 pm  Farewell to Michael and Hannah Gabizon


 May 29th ~ Friday, Erev Shabbat

Praise and  Worship  


June 2nd  ~  Tuesday,   
Youth group kick off at the Shul    


Jerry Henderson: 

Please Continue to pray for Jerry

1. An Apartment in a Jewish area of Dallas. 

2. Jerry needs employment.   


Pray for the Shamishim and Elders.....Please pray for G-d's choice for new Elders and Shamish.


Please continue praying for  a new building/location for Eitz-Chaim. 



tzadaka box
           TZEDAKAH BOX
Eitz-Chaim does not "pass the plate."  Instead you will find a Tzedakah Box on the wall as you enter the lobby.  Tzedakah literally means "righteousness" or "doing the right thing."   Eitz-Chaim depends on everyone doing the right thing so that we can fulfill our mission of spreading the Good News and helping others.   Scripture is clear ... we are not to give grudgingly or of necessity.  We should do the right thing before God with a cheerful spirit (2 Cor 9:7). 

Giving submits to God's Lordship

Every act of obedience recognizes that there is a higher authority in our lives, that there is a Lord over us who is entitled to honor and respect. Due to our temperament, personality, or circumstances, we may find some commands relatively easy to obey. Our submission is really tested in the areas where our own nature and situation make obedience more difficult. For most of us, money is one of those areas. Our wallet is often the last citadel to fall to God's rule, and even when it does fall, it gets rebuilt and re-secured again all too quickly. If only we could remember that Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it's the place of greatest safety.

B'har (On the mount)
B'chuqotai (By My Regulations)

Torah: Leviticus 26:3-27:34
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:24                       
B'rit Chadashah: Matthew 22:1 - 14; Luke 4:16 - 21

Torah Commentary by Mark Huey   (Click here)

For You fashioned my inmost being, You knit me together in my mother's womb. I thank You because I am awesomely made, wonderfully;
Your works are wonders -
Psalm 139:13-14 CJB

May Birthdays

4. Elisa Norman
13. Jerry Mesquita
Tahama Barba
14. Silvia Santos
17. Mimi Snider
18. Joe Vincent
25. Lanet Callaway
31. Louise Torian
Marion Pollard

If you would like to be included on the birthday list please send us an email at:

May 2, 2015 -
May 2, 2015
"The Making of a Miracle Bible"
by Rabbi Mark & Daniah Greenberg

 Eitz-Chaim Congregation 

650 West Campbell Road 
Richardson, TX 75080

Services: 10:30AM, Saturday
Phone: 972-231-3884

Did you miss a Shabbat?

 Download  Audio or  Video of the services by clicking the links!

If you have a need or a prayer request, please contact

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meetings


Regular Prayer Meeting - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM every Wednesday


The Wednesday night prayer team has been praying for a new building in the right location. They continue to pray for God's will to be revealed. Please join them in praying for Israel, people's salvation, healing, and congregational needs.


needs your participation

Although we are are blessed to have Yeshua in our midst, it is up to each one of us to help provide the "loaves and fishes," so please bring something to share (no meat, chicken or pork products).  Please allow visitors and the elderly to go first in line. Parents are requested to accompany their children.

Karen Lawrence
Apple Pie

You may want to sit down for this; one of the commonly used phrases in America, "It's as American as apple pie," is actually false. It turns out that the most iconic pie in American culture and history is, in fact, not American at all.

There are few things as American as apple pie, as the saying goes, but like much of America's pie tradition, the original apple pie recipes came from England. These pre-Revolutionary prototypes were made with unsweetened apples and encased in an inedible shell. Yet the apple pie did develop a following, and was first referenced in the year 1589, in Menaphon by poet R. Greene: "Thy breath is like the steeme of apple pies." (500 years later, we have "I'm Lovin' It", thanks to McDonald's and its signature apple pie in an individual-serving sleeve.) Pies today are world-spanning treats, made with everything from apples to avocados.


Thank You  

Your contribution to the oneg is a blessing! 

Fellowship and Ministries 

  • 3rd Shabbat: Men's & Women's Bible Study at the Shul after oneg
  • 4th Shabbat: Messianic Prophesy Seminar after oneg - Travis Snow
  • 2nd and 4th Shabbat: Davidic dance lessons after oneg
  • 2nd & 4th Sundays: Nursing Home Ministry - Dan Boron
  • Sunday at 8 to 9pm: Women's Online Bible Study - Deborah Frost

If there are any questions concerning any of these ministries, please e-mail 

For questions or comments:
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