Nov. 3, 2020
16 Heshvan 5781

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai taught a parable: Men were on a ship. One of them took a drill and started drilling underneath him. The others said to him: What are doing?! He replied: What do you care? I only drill under my own seat!
--Vayikra Rabbah, 4;6
Election Day Prayer—Rabbi David J. Small
Blessed Creator:
You created human beings in Your Divine Image.
You charged us with the care and cultivation of Your world.
You gave us free will, hands to work, minds to reason, deliberate and decide.
On this Election Day, grant us the wisdom to choose our national leaders with care and conscience.
Guide us to assert our political rights and fulfill our civic responsibilities.
Humble us to accept difference of opinion with grace and understanding.
Encourage us to speak out and engage on the ultimate issues we face as a society.
Grant us wisdom to insure that our land be governed according to principles of equity, integrity, freedom, justice, kindness, truth and respect for all people.
Ennoble us to turn away from hatred and bias, racism and bigotry in all its forms.
Help us to heal the rifts that divide us.
Open our eyes us to recognize our common humanity.
Open our hearts to uphold the most vulnerable among us.
Open our minds to imagine a better future for all the people of this nation.
Grant us the insight to repair the damage we do to our climate and environment.
Sustain us to achieve prosperity with honor.
Grant us the courage to master our fears.
May we work together to overcome the challenges that face us.
Heal us from the global pandemic; strengthen all who care for the sick and promote public health.
Guide each of us to protect each other from illness.
Help us see Your Face in the face of every neighbor, of all colors and faiths.
Strengthen us to answer the inner voice of conscience, that we may be a blessing to our nation.
Bless us and help us to live in such a way that our nation may be a blessing to all humanity.

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