November 3, 2022
Dear Neighbor,

The last day to vote early is November 5th! Make sure you make a plan to vote, if you haven't already. You can check your registration status here. If you were not able to register or update your voter registration, same day registration is now an option in Virginia.

With COVID-19 vaccines now widely available, clinics at the Government Center and Gerry Hyland South County Center are scheduled to scale back their hours of operations. You can read the updates on the schedule outlined below.

At Tuesday's Board meeting, the Board designated November 13-19 as Transgender Awareness Week, designated November 15 as Fairfax Recycle Day, and recognized 21 of the County's nonprofit partners for their contributions during the pandemic. You can read the Board meeting highlights below.

I am hosting Round Two of the Older Adults Townhall on Tuesday, November 15th at 7PM. I am looking forward to this conversation that will be focused on transportation services and resources available for older adults in the County. I hope you can tune in on Channel 16 or Facebook Live. More information can be found below.

Lastly, I want to remind you to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend! Daylight saving ends on November 6th at 2AM.
You can read about the following Providence District updates:
  • Election Information
  • Health and Human Services Updates
  • Board Meeting Highlights
  • Older Adults Roundtable
  • Oakton High School Pantry
  • Green Corner
  • Land Use and Transportation Updates
  • Upcoming Events

With gratitude,
Supervisor Dalia Palchik
Election Information
Early voting for November 8 Congressional Midterm Elections is underway. There are 16 early voting locations in the County including the Providence Community Center and Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library. Early voting is open until November 5th.

If you missed the deadline to register or update your voter registration, same day registration is now an option in Virginia.

The Virginia Department of Elections unexpectedly sent Fairfax County 11,000 voter registration applications on October 31st. These applications were from people who registered to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles this summer. Immediately after receiving the new 11,000 DMV registration applications, the Fairfax County Office of Elections began work to process them. As of today, our elections staff have processed these voter registration applications. Big thanks to our elections team!

Check your registration status on the state’s online portal or call the Fairfax County Office of Elections at 703-222-0776, TTY 711.

Health and Human Services Update
Mental Health During the Pandemic Among Fairfax Students
The COVID-19 pandemic may have provided some protections for certain youth due to increased time at home and more family support and supervision. While for others, the pandemic may have heightened stressors and risk factors. Based on the 2021-2022 Fairfax County Youth Survey data, this newly published report addresses students’ experience with mental health issues, risk behaviors and other challenges during the pandemic, including disproportionate levels of risks on vulnerable and marginalized populations.

You can help our youth take care of their mental health by giving them opportunities to be involved, offering supportive relationships and recognizing their good work and accomplishment. Know the signs of depression and suicidal ideation, talk to youth and listen non-judgmentally, provide support and seek professional help when needed.
Read the report for more information and available resources.

Updates to COVID-19 Vaccination Center Schedules
With COVID-19 vaccines now widely available at pharmacies, urgent care centers and medical providers throughout the community, clinics located at the Government Center and Hyland South County Center are scheduled to scale back their hours of operation. Starting the week of November 7th, both vaccination sites will be open for three days each week. View the hours of operation here.

Additional schedule changes due to upcoming holidays will be:
  • Election Day (November 8th): Hyland South County Center clinic will be closed.
  • Veterans Day Holiday (November 11th): Government Center clinic will be closed.
  • Thanksgiving Holidays (November 24th-26th): Government Center clinic will be closed.

It is also important to note that both the Hyland South County and Government Center Clinics are scheduled to permanently close in December 2022.
  • Final day for Hyland South County Center: Wednesday, December 14th
  • Final day for Fairfax County Government Center: Saturday, December 17th

Board Meeting Highlights
The Board recognized 21 of the County's nonprofit partners for their contributions during the pandemic.
At Tuesday's Board meeting, the Board designated November 13-19 as Transgender Awareness Week, designated November 15 as Fairfax Recycle Day, and recognized 21 of the County's nonprofit partners for their contributions during the pandemic.

I presented the following Board Matters:

The Board approved the following administrative items:
  • Authorization to advertise a public hearing on December 6th at 4:30PM on a proposed amendment to the County Code to add a new section related to photo speed monitoring devices.
  • Authorization to advertise public hearings on January 24, 2023 at 4PM on a proposed zoning ordinance amendment regarding minor and editorial revisions.
  • Authorization to advertise a public hearing on December 6th at 4PM to consider a temporary uncodified ordinance that will provide for up to a one dollar per trip emergency fuel surcharge from December 30th through June 30, 2023.
  • Authorization to advertise a public hearing on December 6th at 4:30PM to consider amendments to the County Code Chapter 4, Article 17.1 (Personal Property Tax).

The Board approved the following action items:

The Board held public hearings and approved:
  • Comments from residents on the proposed Legislative Program to be presented to the 2023 Virginia General Assembly.
  • 1820 Dolley Madison LLC to permit an increase in height for a containment structure and an increase in fence height located in Providence District.
  • V Metro, LLC; V Metro W, LLC; Metro W, LLC to amend associated proffers for property located in Providence District.

The Board designated November 13-19, 2022 as Transgender Awareness Week in Fairfax County.
Older Adults Roundtable
On Tuesday, November 15th from 7-8:30pm, I will be hosting Round Two of the Older Adults Roundtable which will be focused on transportation services and resources for older adults in Fairfax County. The event will be streamed live on Channel 16 and Facebook Live, and Spanish and Mandarin translations will be provided.

If you have any questions, please contact my office at or 703-560-6946.
Oakton High School Pantry
Thanksgiving Meals for Families in Need
The Oakton Pantry, located at Oakton High School, helps Oakton High School students and families in need with providing non-perishable food, personal hygiene items, household cleaning products and school supplies.

The winter is an especially busy time for the Pantry and this year, they are seeing a record number of students visit the Pantry on a weekly basis. Since 2016, the Oakton Pantry has coordinated Thanksgiving meals for local families in need. They currently need 150 meals. If you can, please consider signing up to donate food. You can sign up to donate a Thanksgiving Meal Package or Grocery Store gift cards here.
Green Corner
Pumpkin Palooza
Consider composting your pumpkins instead of throwing them away! Dispose of your decaying jack o'lanterns at I-95 Landfill Complex or I-66 Transfer Station. Composting stations are open seven days a week!

Pumpkin Palooza runs until November 13th.
  • Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday – Sunday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

All About Trees: Fall Foliage, Planting, and More
Fall is the best time to plant trees, preferably native trees. Trees are an important part of our community that provide a lot of benefits to us beyond shade on a hot summer day. Native trees are the most beneficial because they are adapted to our local climate, they provide habitat and nesting sites, and they soak up storm runoff and clean our water.

Land Use and Transportation Updates
Silver Line Opening Six New Stations
Doors opening! The Silver Line Extension will officially open for customers on Tuesday, November 15th. The Extension includes six new Metrorail stations (Reston Town Center, Herndon, Innovation Center, Washington Dulles International Airport, Loudoun Gateway, and Ashburn).

Load your SmartTrip® card, study the new Metro system map, and be sure you are signed up for updates.

On opening day, customers who visit the six new Silver Line stations will be greeted by Metro teams handing out commemorative pennants, which is a Metro tradition that started when the first station opened in 1976.

Six Blue and Yellow Line Stations Reopening
Get ready for all six closed Blue and Yellow line stations to reopen this Sunday, November 6th.

The Blue and Yellow Line Express and Local shuttles will be discontinued since rail service will be available at all stations. WMATA will continue to provide three limited-stop DC-VA shuttles crossing the Potomac River during weekday rush hours. For more information, view the map.

Parking and Service Changes Beginning November 6th:
  • There will no longer be free parking at any Metro stations; however, the non-rider parking fee will be waived at Franconia-Springfield until May 2023
  • Metroway service will no longer be free
  • VRE service will no longer be free
Driving Safety Tips as Daylight Decreases
The transition from summer to fall means many changes in road conditions. These include slick roads due to rain and slippery streets lined with wet leaves or foliage which clog drainage structures and create standing water on roadways. The amount of daylight decreases through autumn and winter which means we will spend more time driving in the dark. This extended time of darkness in the morning and the evening makes it challenging to see pedestrians and bikers, so be especially vigilant in sharing the road.

It doesn't matter whether the road is familiar or not, driving at night is always more dangerous. Even with high-beam headlights on, visibility is limited to about 500 feet (250 feet for normal headlights) creating reduced time to react to something in the road, especially when driving at higher speeds.

Some things you can do to combat darkness while driving:
  • Ensure your headlights are clean and aimed correctly
  • Dim your dashboard
  • Clean the windshield to eliminate streaks
  • Gaze away from oncoming lights, use the edge line
  • If you wear glasses, ensure they are fog resistant
  • Slow down to compensate for limited visibility and reduced stopping time

Some things you can do to drive more safely:
  • Don't be an impatient driver; slow down
  • Stay in your lane and beware of drivers who dart from lane to lane
  • Even though the route may be familiar, don't go on autopilot; stay alert
  • Don't touch your phone, eat, drink or do other things that are distracting
Willard-Sherwood Health and Community Center
An exciting and innovative project is underway in the heart of Fairfax City that will bring health, wellness and recreation together on one campus. Fairfax City and Fairfax County are jointly redeveloping the campus at the current Joseph Willard Health Center (JWHC)/Sherwood Community Center location. Once complete, the City-operated community center and a County-operated health and human services center will provide integrated services to both City and County residents.

Conceptual designs that incorporate community feedback received earlier this year have been developed. You are invited to see the progress, ask questions, and provide additional input at the following virtual or in-person open houses.

Virtual Open House:
Wednesday, November 16th from 7PM to 9PM

In-person Open House:
Saturday, November 19 from 9AM to 11:30AM
  • Sherwood Community Center, 3740 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax VA 22030.
  • A presentation will be held at 9:45AM to provide an overview of all the design concepts.
  • No registration required. If you need interpretation services or other accommodations, please email

Final PLUS Release is Live
The final update to the PLUS platform went live on Monday, October 31st with the delivery of over 100 additional records for customers doing business with Land Development Services, Planning and Development, Code Compliance, Environmental Health, and Fire and Rescue. 

PLUS resources include:
Capital One Hall Space Request
Capital One Hall opened in October 2021 with a 1500-seat performance hall, The Vault – a 250 seat black box theatre, and classrooms available for community use at specially negotiated rates for Fairfax County-based non-profit art groups, and arts-related programming by Fairfax County agencies and Fairfax County Public Schools.

Applications are open again for Fairfax non-profit arts organizations for the use of Capital One Hall. Detailed information about this opportunity including fees and technical specifications is available on their website.
Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities
Dunn Loring Community Meeting
On Thursday, November 10 from 6pm to 7pm, a community meeting will be held to learn more about the Dunn Loring re-purposing project, a Fairfax County Public Schools capital project funded by a voter-approved bond referendum. During this meeting, you will learn more about the project and design process to date and have an opportunity to share your views on the project and design process. Public feedback will be shared with the Fairfax County Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, School Board, and FCPS staff on the community’s view of the project and design process to date. Please be aware that this stage in the design and construction process, no major changes may be made but small adjustments may be considered.

The November 10 community meeting will be a hybrid event, allowing participants to choose to attend in person at the Gatehouse Administrative Center (8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church) or virtually via Zoom. Language interpretation will be provided based on the availability of interpretation staff.

Friends of Oakton Library Book Sale
Be sure not to miss the semi-annual Fall Friends of Oakton Library Book Sale! Shop from their vast selection of gently used books for all ages and interests as well as puzzles, games, DVDs and more. Find your next great read, gifts for friends and family, vintage items, odd treasures, all at BARGAIN PRICES. Your purchases will not only give pre-owned books and media a second life, they also will support the Oakton Library and the greater Fairfax County Public Library system. 

  • November 16th, 17th, and 18th from 10AM to 5:30PM
  • November 19th from 10AM to 3PM
Please note that the library will stop accepting donations at the close of business, November 5th.

GIVE Tutoring at Oakton Library
GIVE Tutoring is a student-run non-profit organization that provides free tutoring for elementary school students by high school volunteers on Saturdays during the school year. This is a partnership between GIVE Tutoring and Oakton Library. The first GIVE Tutoring session at Oakton Library is November 5th. The next two sessions are scheduled for December 10th and 17th.

To register an elementary aged student for tutoring or for high school student volunteers who wish to tutor, sign up using the registration forms.
AARP's Caregiving Webinar
On Thursday, November 3rd at 7PM, AARP will share a framework to help you make plans to care for friends, family members, or loved ones. Learn about resources available to you and your loved ones, connect with other family caregivers, and exchange tips and advice. Participants will receive a complimentary copy of AARP’s Prepare to Care Guide.

History Commission Conference
Please join the History Commission for the 18th annual Fairfax County History Conference - We Are Fairfax County - on Saturday, November 5th from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

This theme will continue with the second of a four-part conference series – this year focusing on the continued contributions of the African-American community and the immigrants of the early 20th century, including German, Irish, Jewish and Italian heritage immigrants and the contributions they each have left on the fabric of this great county. This year's conference will be hybrid with the option of attending either in person or viewing the conference on Fairfax County Channel 16 television.

Friday Sensations
Friday Sensations at the Providence Community Center is back!

Registration for classes will open Friday, November 4 - Friday, November 18. Spots fill up quickly!

As a reminder, please bring socks with you for each appointment.
Please see flyer for class times or call: 703-865-0520 for more information and to register.
Pre-holiday Pottery Sale at NOVA Annandale
You'll find bargain prices on unique ceramic pieces at NOVA's Pottery sale on Wednesday, November 9 at the Annandale Campus of the Northern Virginia Community College, on the patio outside the CA Building main level, 9:30am to 3pm

Everything is handcrafted by students or faculty at the college and all proceeds benefit NOVA's ceramics program. Come early for the best selection!
Visual Experience, 2022 IASPAW Film Showcase

The International Association for Self-Proclaimed Artists and Writers is a non-profit that fosters global harmony through the arts. In collaboration with TaBois Galerie, this Film Showcase will present works by local filmmakers, dance performance, and a variety of artwork.
Early bird tickets are on sale now, and early bird ticket holders who attend with receive a special gift with our compliments, along with free popcorn and non-alcohol beverages for children and seniors.

When: Thursday, November 10 at 11am

Webinar on Working with Indigenous Mayan Youth
The International Mayan League, Northern Virginia Family Service, and the Fairfax Out of School Time Network are hosting a webinar on working with indigenous Mayan youth, particularly those who were unaccompanied when they came to the US. This webinar will be on Thursday, November 10 from 10:30AM to noon with English and Spanish interpretation available.

The webinar will cover:
Guatemala – Historical Background
  • War and genocide
  • Marginalization of Indigenous peoples
  • Four eras of forced migration
Situations faced by Indigenous peoples in Migration
  • Border Context
  • Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Region
Recommendations and activities
  • Improving engagement with Indigenous students/families
  • Creating culturally appropriate and welcoming spaces
  • Developing institutional changes for systems change
A list of existing resources
Youth Leadership Network Conference
Leadership Fairfax is holding a two-day Youth Leadership Network Conference on Friday, November 11th and Saturday, November 12th at Virginia Tech Northern Virginia Center, free for all Fairfax County youth ages 12–22. The conference will provide opportunities for Fairfax youth to connect with other young leaders, learn about new topics and expand their knowledge of leadership skills they can use in school, at clubs and on councils.

The conference theme of Meta Leadership aims to support students to increase their self-awareness, learn how to work better with others and explore topics important to them.

Sessions will be facilitated by expert trainers and coaches in partnership with Leadership Fairfax. Breakfast and Lunch are included both days.

Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax 2022 Annual Meeting
Join the Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax at its 2022 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, December 7 from 2PM to 4:15PM. Hear about the Partnership’s accomplishments in 2022 as well as what’s ahead for 2023 (hint: 2023 is the year they develop the next Community Health improvement Plan!).

The educational program will feature the 2021 study, Deeply Rooted: History’s Lesson for Equity in Northern Virginia by Steven Woolf, MD, MPH, Director Emeritus of the VCU Center on Society and Health. The discussion will include how the long history of exclusion and segregation in Northern Virginia has harmed the health of residents of some communities and concentrated wealth and opportunity for others. It will also address how the Partnership can address these issues going forward.

Program speakers include Patricia N. Mathews, president & CEO of the Northern Virginia Health Foundation, and Dr. Steven Woolf.

Contact Us
We want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with questions, comments or just to say hello. Please feel free to email us with events you would like to be included in my newsletter.

Office Phone: (703) 560-6946 | Email: