We would like to thank all the voters who came out to weigh in on the library budget and Trustee elections. This past Thursday, October 13th, amidst occasionally torrential rains, 43 Hyde Park voters turned out to cast their votes regarding the election of Leigh Guynes and Karin Armstrong to the Board of Trustees as well as the proposed 2023 library budget of $508,101, $487,901 of which will be raised by tax levy. This marks a 4% increase to our budget. We also had 21 absentee ballots submitted on time, bringing the total number of votes to 64. Of those, 59 voted in favor of passing the budget, with only five votes against. Karin Armstrong was approved by the voters with 60 votes and Leigh Guynes received 56. There were several write-in votes as well and those potential Trustees are being contacted. Thank you, thank you, thank you Hyde Park! 

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