June 5, 2019

Dear Greetings!

After an unprecedented political drama last Wednesday, PM Netanyahu failed to form a coalition, and at midnight the Knesset voted to disburse. Politicians who were hoping for some time off this summer, will have to wait with their vacations a bit longer, as on September 17 Israel will go to vote... AGAIN! Because the temporary government does not have authority to make important decisions, re-elections mean a virtual shut-down. So, while our now-unemployed members of the Knesset, who served the public exactly one month, will continue receiving full salaries, the next school year (this is just one example) may not begin on September 1 as usual for tens of thousands of kids around the country due to budgeting issues.

Our firefighters continue their battle as multiple fires erupt every day across Israel. On the Gaza border, kite and balloon terror continues, and since the ceasefire a month ago, over 50 fires were ignited, burning forests, fields, and crops in the nearby areas. There are also fires in the Jerusalem area.

Finally, Nechama Rivlin, the wife of Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, passed away yesterday after a lengthy battle with lung disease. She had a lung transplant surgery 3 months ago, but slipped into a coma shortly after. She died one day before her 74 th birthday.  

As we continue trusting the Lord to let His will be done here in Israel, we ask that you please join us in prayer this week:
For our leaders and the upcoming elections. God's will is what we seek, and we have to believe there's a reason for the new elections. Pray for the Lord's guidance and leading for our current leaders. Pray that even though this is a temporary government, important issues would not be put on hold. Again, please pray for unity, as each time elections come around, a rift opens up between various people groups here.

For the Lord's protection over our land. Pray for protection on our borders even as our enemies in the north and south are threatening Israel's annihilation. Pray for supernatural protection from fires across Israel. The cause of some fires in the Jerusalem area is suspected to be arson. Pray for wisdom and guidance for our commanders, and safety for the IDF soldiers and us, the civilians.

For President Rivlin and his family. May the Lord comfort them at this hard time of loss.

For God's mercy as Israel celebrates LGBT month.

For Beit Hallel Congregation in Ashdod and other persecuted believers. During a recording of a live Hebrew Worship CD in Jerusalem a week ago, many ultra-Orthodox men showed up to protest the event. The police failed to stop them, and this protest erupted into an all-out riot, including the use of teargas. Pray for strength and protection for believers who are being harassed just because they believe in Yeshua.

For FIRM (Fellowship of Israel-Related Ministries) conference this month. Maoz will have a small table at the conference. Pray for opportunities to meet with Christians who love Israel and tell them about our work here. Pray for the Lord to expand the reach of Maoz through other conferences our various team members are attending.

For Ari, Shira, and the Maoz team around the world. Pray for Shani, Ari and Shira's daughter, who is traveling to a conference in the UK. May this be a blessed and fruitful time for her. Pray for her husband Kobi, who is staying alone with their five kids!

Pray for our international directors. Pray for the staff and our families. May we receive a special boost of creativity and energy as we continue doing His work.

For healing for Yacov Damkani, Eddie Santoro, and Paul Liberman.

For the "Narrated Bible in Chronological Order" project. As progress is being made on this project, we are getting more and more excited to see the final product. May the Lord use this book to open the eyes of many Israelis!

For Maoz media and music projects.

For the Music Making For Kids program. Two year-end recitals will be held this month, and the kids will be able to show their progress to their families and other children in the program. Pray for all the preparations, and for the children!

For the Hebrew Books department.

For the body of believers in Israel.

For our Arab brothers and sisters in Messiah.

For a project involving international TV programs. Pray for godly wisdom, anointing and favor for everyone involved, and for the Lord's overall protection for the production process. Pray for open doors for the further distribution of these programs. Pray that each program will bring an insight into God's plan for Israel to viewers all around the world.
This past Saturday I attended a women's conference, where a speaker was talking about our thoughts and what they do neurologically and physically in our brain. She explained, that each thought we have produces an electrical charge of some sort, and that charge begins creating something that resembles a tree. The video simulation she showed us was fascinating!

Several times in the Bible a man is likened to a tree. I believe our thoughts can and do determine our fruitfulness and the "type of tree" we become. Messiah Yeshua is our root, and if we use Him - and Him only - as our source, ignoring and not entertaining the thoughts and lies the enemy constantly bombards us with, the trees formed in our mind will be good, producing good fruit - inwardly and outwardly. I pray that we are victorious - every day and every hour - in the battlefield of the mind, and that we produce a lot of good fruit for God's Kingdom!

Thank you for standing with us. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for the time you're investing in intercession for Israel and Maoz. We bless you in the precious name of Messiah Yeshua.

Shalom from Tel Aviv!

Katy Smith
For the Maoz Israel Ministries Team