Dean's Message: On the Verge of Summer
Somehow, next month is summer already. With time passing as quickly as it has, we're excited to return to near-normal operations come fall quarter. Chancellor May released an update last week with details about our anticipated return to campus. You can read more about those plans here.
Meanwhile, the past month has seen several notable accomplishments in the College. First, we received significant recognition from the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, with prestigious appointments to both. This is a tremendous achievement, and a source of pride for our College and our campus. More on the faculty honorees below.
I'm also pleased to say that for the second year a CBS graduate student has won the UC Davis Grad Slam competition. Amelia Munson, who presented her research on the behavior of zebrafish (like the one above), will now compete in the UC-wide Grad Slam competition with winners from the other 9 UC campuses on Friday, May 7. Congrats, and good luck, Amelia! You can watch her presentation below.
On a different note, the College has launched a new website focused on diversity, equity and inclusion in the life sciences. There are reading lists, events, opportunities and more. Take a look!
Until next month,