St. Benedict's Weekly Electronic Newsletter             October 11, 2016 
In This Issue
Hot Off The Pressespresses
Join us October 23rd for a Choral Evensong at 5 PM

This simple 35-45 minute service involves congregational singing of hymns while the choir will chant anthems appropriate to the readings of the day. There is no sermon or Eucharist celebrated. This time is meant to bring a certain calm and peace to our lives and guide us to a time of rest and reflection.

Click here for Details
Ladies Social Group  

jack-o-lantern.jpg October 22: Pumpkin Carving contest and Brunch (11am) at Gail Sickling's home

November 6: Tea & Cookie Exchange
December:  Annual Ornament Swap at Perri Daugette's

If you are interested check out the group on Facebook or contact Karen Takada for more information.
Parents' Night Out

October 29, 2016
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Halloween Crafts - Games - Costume Parade  (wear your costumes!)
Pizza - Snacks - Movie

Enjoy a quiet evening out while your kids  participate i n a fun-filled Parents' Night Out (or Kid's Night Out as the children call it) at  St. Benedict's!
PNO is open for children 6 months old through 8th grade.
Children 6 months - 36 months will be cared for in the (new!) nursery by the church's Sunday caregivers and children in preschool - 8th grade will  be cared for by the school's Passport staff.
We have returned to using Wufoo for our PNO registrations.
Like last year, you will register with the link below and then 
be redirected to PayPal to pay the registration fee.
The registration fee is $25 per child with a $50 family max.
Registration is required, no drop-ins allowed. 
Register at
If you have any questions please contact us at

Is life coming at you like non-stop, random chatter? STOP. RETREAT!

Come to the Parish Retreat at Kanuga and gather around the fireplace for a weekend sabbatical with friends, where we can connect through stories arising from the chaos of our lives - Our stories.
St. B's Parish Retreat. Kanuga.
January 27-29, 2017
Mountains, food, YS Band, air, (air!). Programs for kids, teens, adults.
You will want to be there.
Be a part of the story, click on the link and sign up now - WE NEED YOU! (NOW!) 

Registration:  Download Packet

Retreat agenda for all ages (Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday morning) including live music - Yuppie Scum Band - Saturday night. Carpool?: We can coordinate. We've got a plan for child care and activities. Don't worry about the weather! It was beautiful last year and it will be fun to enjoy together. What about the cost? We know... but we promise it'll be worth it.

Call/email Laura Alexander (770.548.9738/ or Victoria Patrick (404.234.2777/

Education/ Formation
Fall Children's Ministry Programs

Nursery opens at 9:00 am
Sunday School (toddler - 5th grade)Starts at 9:30 am
Children's Chapel Starts at 10:30 am
Acolyte Program (3rd-12th Grades)
PreYC (3rd-5th Grades)  
Parents are asked to volunteer one time per semester and there are a variety of positions click here to sign up.
To make sure we have the most up-to-date information on your child please complete our Children's Ministries Information Form.

Fall Adult Forum
9:30 am in the Parish Hall

Living the Questions 2.0: Contemporary theologians discussing theology in a thought provoking way.

Leaders: Gail Sickling and Colin Brown
St. Benedict's Weekday Nursery for Child Development

St. Benedict's  Nursery  for Child Development (StBN) is a weekday program which provides a  high quality learning environment  for children 3 months - 36 months old.
We still have a few spots available for this school year. 
Program Details
Our programs runs August - May
We follow the St. Benedict's School Calendar.

Core Program Hours:  9:00am - 1:00pm
Before/After Care:  7:30am - 9:00am & 1:00pm - 4:30pm

Infant Class
2 day - (T/Th) $2430/year
3 day - (M/W/F) $3645/year
5 day - $6075/year
Toddler Class
2 day - (T/Th) $2100/year
3 day - (M/W/F) $3150/year
5 day - $5250/year
Before/After Care
Before and after care is offered to children enrolled in the core
Flexible Care Option
 Click here for more information about the flexible care option for families who may need only an occasional day, may want to create their own schedule, or may need to add extra days or before/after care to their current enrollment. 
Form more details and to register visit:
Questions:  Courtney Vaughn 

Women's Bible Study (Meets 1st, 3rd, and 4th Mondays)
Drop Ins Always Welcome!

A Women's Bible Study of St. Benedict's Episcopal Church meets the 1st, 3rd and 4th Mondays in the Conference Room of the school. The Reverend Edith Woodling, Deacon, leads the group.

Bring a Bible (New Revised Standard Version, if possible) and your ideas and interests. Edith will have hot water and tea bags available or bring your favorite refreshment.

For more information, contact Edith at or 404-840-4833.

Youth News

Click here read this week's  EYC Newsletter 
Next Small Group Tuesday on October 25th  
All youth in 6th-12 grade are invited to join us Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 for dinner, devotion and fellowship.
Where: St. Benedict's 
When: Tuesday, 6:30-8:00PM (check fall calendar for dates)
Optional: bring 3 to 5 dollars to contribute for dinner
Fall Formation
Fall formation has kicked off and we'd love for you to join us on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15AM.

6th & 7th Grade: Upstairs PE Room (old nursery space) 
Leaders: Sean & Kelly McNabb, Tina Soucie, & Kathryn Folk

8th & Up: Upstairs Youth Room (conference room & church library) 
Leaders: Brian Sullivan & Karen Sawyer
Volunteers Needed for the Fall!!!

We are looking for parent volunteers to help lead formation classes - if your youth is in the 6th & 7th grade class, you can help lead the 8th & up, and vice versa .
Centering Prayer
Sundays at 8:45 am

In Fr. Brian's Office

Nov. 2  7PM
"Behold the Dreamers" by Imbdo Mbue   at St B's

Contact: Adrienne Wilson

Men's Bible Study

Every Thursday
7:30 - 8:30 am

Locanda Firenze in Smyrna Market Village

Help Us Stuff 150 Sacks for the MUST Toy Shop

We heard you -- "Its really hard to get items into socks."  Last year a number of people suggested that we move to something a little bigger, but still practical for our stuff-a-sock outreach for the MUST Ministries Toy Shop.  SO-- this year we have purchased small red drawstring sacks/backpacks. 

We hope to fill 150 sacks by November 6th. Bags and Collection bin will be in the Nave.

We need volunteers to deliver the collected bags to MUST Ministries Donation Center the weeks of October 24th and November 1st.  Please contact Carol Kirshner if you can help

Please try to include:
  • A pair of socks
  • A toothbrush
  • 1-2 hygiene items
  • Other items of your choice ($5-10 total spend) that fits into one of these themes:
    • Sports
    • Creative Expression
    • Character (Disney, Superhero, Star Wars, Hello Kitty, etc.) Please specify on tag.
    • Fashion

Click here to download the flyer with instructions 

and bag tags. 


St. Benedict's School October Outreach

The Lower School is collecting diapers (size 4, 5, and 6 are the most needed) and the upper school is collecting socks for MUST Ministries. Collection bins will be at morning and afternoon carpool and in the school lobby.
Church of the Common Ground 
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for 11/27, 12/25.
St. Benedict's has been supporting The Church of the Common Ground for 6 months.  As part of our service, we provide lunch for the 35-50 regular congregants, and they provide us with welcome, love, and a sense of being one body in Christ. 

You are invited to join this ministry.  Contact: Ray Jack 

Ladies Social Group  

November 6: Tea & Cookie Exchange
Join us for tea and cookies...exhange! Bring 3 dozen holiday themed cookies (that freeze beautifully) and exchange cookies and holiday fun! Please rsvp to Karen, or 678-842-0456.

December:  Annual Ornament Swap at Perri Daugette's

If you are interested check out the group on Facebook or contact Karen Takada for more information.
Music Ministry News

Registration is now open for Children and Youth Choirs

Rehearsals will continue on Wednesday evenings.  K-1st: 5:30-6pm; 2nd-3rd Grades: 6:00-6:50 pm, 4th-8th grades: 6:30-7:30 pm.  Register online.

October 21st
  • Ladies Choir Rehearsal followed by a Mexican Margarita Lunch:  1:15pm in the Nave

October 23rd
  • Ladies Choir of St. Benedict's and Trinity Youth Choir provide worship music at 10:30 am service
  • The Choir of St. Benedict's provides music at the Choir Evensong service at 5:00pm

Baptism Dates

The last date for the 2016 year will be November 6th (All Saints Sunday).

Please contact our registrar, Courtney Vaughn or complete the Holy Baptism form on our Member Resources Page
Calling All Flower Lovers

The Flower Guild needs you!  Due to recent moves by members, we are short-handed.  Please email Wallis Smith or call 904-225-6791.

Green Building Gone

St. Benedict's Episcopal Church and School has recently entered into agreement with the owner of the Green Building and have permission to tear th is eyesore down. The plan is to return the property to green space. We need to quickly raise $25,000 to tear down the building, clean up the lot, install landscaping and provide maintenance to the lot while we lease the property.

Click here to join the Demolition Team.
Go Like the Facebook Page and share it with your friends.
Call to Action:
Faith and Racism Workshop

November 13, 2016, 2-5pm
The Episcopal Church of the Ephipany

The Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism is excited to announce a follow-up workshop to our Faith and Racism forums hosted in September. 

Click 'attending' on the Facebook event page and share it with your networks! 

ALL ARE WELCOME.  Also, register here so we know who to expect.
Ongoing Announcements
Annual Budget: $540,100

YTD Contributions
YTD Budget

Stewardship 2016

Please take a minute to pledge if you haven't or increase your pledge if you have already submitted it.

Online Pledge Card
Fr.Brian is still looking for some of your beautiful faces.  If you haven't already, please send us your selfie.

You can post your family picture via our

Parish Calendar
Parish Website
Online Flower Donation
Membership Requests
Maintenance Requests
School Website
Path To Shine
Cathedral Bookstore
Diocese of Atlanta
The Episcopal Church
News Submission Form

New Way To Get Us Announcements
Do you have a St. Benedict's-related event or news that needs to be communicated to your fellow parish members? Click here for an easy form to convey the needed information to office.
Save The Date
Stuff-A-Sack Drive
School Collects diapers and socks

October 6
St. B's Book Club

October 9th
Episcopal School Sunday

October 11th
EYC Tuesday
Theology on Tap

October 17th
Ladies Bible Study

October 22nd  Ladies Social Group Brunch

October 23th
Choral Evensong Service 
October 24th
Ladies Bible Study

October 29th
Parents' Night Out

November 2nd
St. B's Book Club

November 6th
Ladies Social Group Cookie Exchange

November 13th
Choral Evensong Service

November 27th
Church of the Common Ground

December 18th
Lessons & Carols

January 27-29th
Parish Retreat to Kanuga

St. Benedict's Episcopal Church | 678-279-4300 |
2160 Cooper Lake Road   Smyrna, GA 30080