Student News & Voices
Find news that affects engineering, engineering tech, and engineering ed
students, what they're up to, and what they have to say...in their own words.
Sea Sifter: Fionn Ferreira, an 18-year-old student from Ireland, recently took the $50,000 top award at the 2019 Google Science Fair for his method for removing microplastics from the ocean. After 1,000 tests, the method was 87% successful. Read more here.
Sand Sifter:
The plastics problem--especially cleaning up the mess--is obviously on a lot of people's minds. These mechanical engineering students from the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec developed the Hoola vacuum as an effective way to remove microplastics from the beach
. They were inspired by Kamilo Beach on Hawaii's Big Island, these days better known as "Trash Beach," or "one of the dirtiest places on earth."
Read more here.
Future Half Full: In spite of a lot of catastrophic news, it turns out that students, overall, feel cheerful about their chances. A survey from Cengage revealed that 82% of American students are optimistic about their future. They're less sure about the country's direction, however. Find the stats here.
Academic & Professional Development Resources
Tips on navigating politics, from classroom to office.
Not Junk Mail: It may seem odd, but teaching students good e-mail etiquette from the beginning of their college careers can have lifelong benefits, says Inside Higher Ed. Most freshmen don't come in knowing how to relate to professors, especially when they're used to communicating by text and emojis. Teaching them to relate to their professors professionally and humanely can assist them beyond their senior year.
Read more here.
RELATED: Here is a template e-mail to send to students who haven't gotten the above memo.
Read it here.
A Quick Study: First-generation college students often fall behind their peers--not because they are less talented or intelligent, but because higher education study practices were never taught to them. These study tips from the Chronicle of Higher Education can help them lead their cohort.
Questioning Diversity: What's wrong with asking questions about a job candidate's experience with diversity? Plenty. "
We would do well to replace them with more tangible queries about teaching and mentoring," argues Alex Small in Inside Higher Ed.
Read more here.
Funding & Internships
Opportunity abounds!
This month's highlights:
ASNT Fellowship Award: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) award provides assistance to university or college graduate students in defraying costs of their post-graduate research in NDT/NDE.To fund research activity in nondestructive testing (NDT) at the graduate level, either master's or doctoral. Students at universities or colleges with post-graduate engineering and science research programs are eligible for up to five awards of $20,000 each. Deadline: October 15, 2019. Learn more here.
C. William Hall Scholarship: The Society for Biomaterials offers the C. William Hall scholarship to a junior or senior undergraduate pursuing a bachelor's degree in bioengineering or a related discipline. The recipient will have all expenses paid for participation in the 2020 World Biomaterials Congress in Glasgow, Scotland (including airfare, room, and board). Deadline: November 29, 2019. Learn more here.
Atkins Women and Minorities STEM Scholarship: The Atkins Women and Minorities in STEM scholarship is presented to female students and students of African-American, Asian, Pacific Island, Native American, Native Alaskan, or Hispanic descent. The recipient must be studying in one of the following degree programs:
Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental and Marine Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geotechnics and Applied Technologies, Geomatics, Transportation, Aviation, and Architecture.
Deadline: October 31, 2019. Learn more here.
Videos & Entertainment
Because sometimes you just need a break!
Video: Jumbo Elephant Toothpaste - Elephant toothpaste is a foaming chemistry experiment popular with kids that uses hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and yeast to explosive ends. Mark Rober takes a chemical engineering approach to scaling this experiment up and topple world record. Watch it here.
Video: Students Sweeten the Pot(holes) - Three students at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles have used machine learning to figure out how to easily identify and fill potholes in one of the nation's most traffic-ridden cities. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, their student video is a study in how to present a project online. Watch it here.
Video: Electronic Music Engineering - Deadmau5 is one of the world's most famous electronic music DJ's. What many people don't know is that Joel Thomas Zimmerman--the man behind the mouse mask--is heavily involved in engineering his shows. His latest tech is a giant twisting, tilting, flashing see-through video cube control panel. His team created a video on the engineering that went into the Cube V3's production.
Watch it here.
Podcast: The Engineering Student Experience -
Dr. Paul Nissenson, professor of mechanical engineering at CalPoly Pomona, presents this podcast about what to expect in the different engineering school majors, navigating university life, and what jobs are like as a professional engineer. It's only five episodes in, but Nissenson is producing more.
Click here