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FOCA Elert ~ September 2024

Make sure you see all the updates! You're at the end when you see this FOCA banner again.

FOCA Fall Seminar

register now - FOCA Fall Seminar: Healthy Shorelines

Saturday, November 9, 2024 - by Zoom webinar from 9:00am to 12:00pm

What makes a healthy shoreline, and what puts shoreline health at risk? Join FOCA for a digital seminar with speakers on water quality monitoring, identifying aquatic plants, septic system reinspection, source water protection, algae, and shoreline naturalization resources. Also, get an update on FOCA’s new Strategic Planning process from the Board of Directors. Click here for details and the link to register.

Special thanks to our Session Sponsors!

Septic Reinspection Session Sponsor:

Wild Waterfronts Session Sponsor:

Rogers Connectivity

Say hello to easy connectivity with Rogers 5G Home Internet, powered by Canada’s largest and most reliable 5G network.

Just plug & play to connect and get online in minutes. Visit rogers.com/5GHI-support for more details. 

Want to pause your services for the winter season?

Call us for options. 

FOCA Advocates for Responsive Government

Public Consultation on Mandatory PFDs

Transport Canada has opened a public consultation on the question of mandatory personal flotation device (PFD) wear for recreational boaters, a topic FOCA has been discussing with members over the past two years. We encourage you to learn more and share your comments by November 4, 2024. You can find a link in the "Latest News" section of our webpage: https://foca.on.ca/boating/. While visiting, take a moment to review the OPP presentation slides on PFDs and boating accident fatalities, from the FOCA Spring Seminar earlier this year.

Public Consultation on VORR

Transport Canada (TC) has also opened a comment period on plans to modernize the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORR) process. This follows stakeholder consultation feedback in 2023 that included 170 written responses and over 600 emails. The modernization discussion has been ongoing since 2016, to address concerns over the administrative time required to approve restrictions on local waterways, from applications made by municipalities. Stakeholder comments reportedly stressed the need for comprehensive consultations with all waterway users and impacted stakeholders before proposed restrictions are added to the schedules. Read the update from TC and add your comment by November 28, 2024. For more background about VORR, consult the information webpage of our partners at the Georgian Bay Association (source of the image at the side): https://georgianbay.ca/what-you-need-to-know-about-vorrs/

Electricity Pricing

FOCA has recently been contacted by two separate members who each noticed the delivery charges on their Hydro One electricity bills have gone up this year. Elert readers will recall FOCA's efforts from 2020 to 2022, which were instrumental in reducing the negative bill impacts of the elimination of the seasonal rate class of Hydro One customers, with implementation phased over 10 years; however, if you were moved into a low density rate class at that time, you will notice your bill increase each year as the change is applied. Additionally, effective July 1, 2024, Hydro One has implemented new electricity delivery rates which customers will see reflected in their bills. Read the update from Hydro One (source of the image at the side) which includes examples of rate changes for different customer types, from a link on our webpage: https://foca.on.ca/electricity-pricing/

Short Term Rentals

Short Term Rentals (STR) on unowned shore road allowances in Minden Hills are still up for debate, while Wawa is the latest northern municipality to adopt an accommodation tax, and Muskoka Lakes Council has approved a STR licensing by-law that will come into effect in January 2025. Meanwhile, the Township of Oro Medonte continues to respond to stakeholder frustration over STR since the Township's related by-law was repealed by the Ontario Land Tribunal in 2023, and an appeal to the Ontario Supreme Court of Justice was dismissed this March. Read these stories and earlier news on the subject, from links posted on FOCA’s webpage: https://foca.on.ca/rental/

Cade's Corner

An update from our partners in risk management - administrators of

the FOCA Association Insurance Program and CottageFirst

Woodstove & Chimney Safety

As the weather cools and we begin to turn to heating systems, it's important to keep safety top of mind. For those who enjoy the warmth and ambiance of a woodstove, regular cleaning and proper use are key to preventing fires and ensuring your property stays safe and cozy all season long. Check out these essential woodstove safety tips to keep your family and property protected. Then read the related article about chimney safety on page 24 of the 2024 Ontario Lake Stewards Magazine (download PDF, 28 pages). 

FOCA Board & Staff

FOCA is Hiring: Administrative Coordinator

Last call for an energetic, analytical mind who can enhance FOCA's work environment! This is a hybrid position, involving attendance in the FOCA office in downtown Peterborough, and at events. Download the job posting (2 pages) and apply as indicated.

Call for Nominations for the Board

FOCA is seeking passionate and dedicated individuals for the 2025-2026 slate of directors to join our Board. We are looking for individuals with expertise in governance, non-profit leadership, environmental policy, law, finance, communications, or related fields. For the application form, how to apply, and to learn more about our current Board, visit: https://foca.on.ca/team/

Welcome Back, Deanna

Please join us in welcoming back Deanna Forgie, FOCA's Programs Coordinator who has been on leave over the past year.

We are thrilled to have her skills and enthusiasm as an active part of our staff team, once again.

FOCA Serves Lake & Road Associations

NEW Member Benefit: Park'N Fly

Travelling soon? Enjoy savings off the online rate with FOCA's new Member Discount Code when reserving your next stay on the Park’N Fly app or at www.parknfly.ca. You can even earn Aeroplan points. Plus, join Park’N Fly Rewards and earn points and perks on every eligible stay. Access our code under the Member login on the Benefits webpage: https://foca.on.ca/member-services/benefits/

Member Benefit: Fall Cottage Life Show

The Fall Cottage Life Show is taking place from November 15 to 17, 2024 at the International Centre near the Toronto airport. Use FOCA's access code to get $3 off the General Admission ticket price when you purchase online. Access our code under the Member login on the Benefits webpage: https://foca.on.ca/member-services/benefits/. We look forward to your visit to FOCA's booth at the show!

Login for FOCA Member Benefits

Please note that all our Member Associations and our annual supporters - the "Friends of FOCA" - have been onboarded to FOCA's MemberPress system with individualized web logins. As a result, the old generic "focamember" login has been discontinued.

Association Member Families: Your association renewal contact has a link (specific to your association) that you can use to set up your own unique Username and Password as a Sub-Account of your association, in order to access all the member benefits and members-only materials on the FOCA website. Please ask your association representative to reach out to FOCA if they need assistance locating the association's link.

FOCA members are encouraged to login on the Benefits webpage to access the discount codes for all member benefits and offers from our sponsors and partners - like the new Park'N Fly offer, Rogers Preferred Pricing plan, AEDs from Action First Aid, Canadian Canoe Museum & Cottage Life Magazine subscription discounts, and the CottageFirst group insurance program for your cottage, boat, car, and more.

Not yet a member? Find out more about the many benefits of joining FOCA: https://foca.on.ca/member-services/

Sharing Member Knowledge

FOCA was recently contacted by a member from one of our Parry Sound associations with an interesting tip related to anchors for temporary marker buoys, due to issues with them becoming hooked on underwater fiber optic cable lines in the lake! Read more...

Apply Now! Achievement Award

It is time to apply on behalf of YOUR great association, for the 2024 Terry Rees Achievement Award.*

This award celebrates successes of the FOCA community, and encourages sharing of best-practices. Large or small associations can apply. Accomplishments should be current, but can include long-standing efforts that have recently reached a new milestone or highlight. To learn more, download the application form, and see details about past association recipients, visit our webpage: https://foca.on.ca/member-services/award/. Remember, nominations close on October 30th!

* In March 2024 the “FOCA Achievement Award” was renamed by the Board of Directors as the “Terry Rees Achievement Award” at the time of his retirement; the Award was originally named for FOCA’s first Executive Director, Jerry Strickland.

FOCA's Gold Level Sponsors

sponsors support our work, please support them

FOCA Champions Safe & Affordable Rural Living

What is FireSmart?

FireSmart is a national program that leads the development of resources and programs to help Canadians increase their resilience to wildland fire. Whether you’re at the beginning of your FireSmart journey or already well on your way, FireSmartCanada.ca has all the resources you need!

Start your education journey with FireSmart 101 to gain knowledge on the basics of FireSmart. For those looking to take the next step to become a local FireSmart promoter, consider the online level 1 FireSmart Ambassador Training. These programs will provide you with the tools and insights you need to start spreading the FireSmart message and to help make your home and cottage more resilient to impacts from wildland fires.

Fire Mangagement Planning

The Province of Ontario held a public comment period this summer on plans to modernize wildland fire management. According to the Province, by 2040 Ontario is expected to experience an increase of nearly 50 percent in the wildland fire occurrences compared to numbers recorded prior to 1990. Read more on the topic from a link in the "Latest News" section of FOCA's webpage: https://foca.on.ca/fire-safety/

FOCA's Silver Level Sponsors

sponsors support our work, please support them

FOCA Promotes Healthy Lands, Lakes & Rivers

New Invasive Species Found in Ontario

As reported in early September by our colleagues at the Invasive Species Centre (ISC; source of the image at the side), the aquatic invasive plant, hydrilla, was detected in the Hillman Marsh in Leamington, Ontario (not directly connected to Lake Erie). Hydrilla can grow up to 2.5 centimeters per day and to lengths of 7.5 meters. It chokes out native species, clogs water intake pipes and boat motors, and impedes recreational activities like swimming and paddling.

Learn how to recognize hydrilla- the ISC posts information hereThink you've spotted an invasive species? Take photos and note your location, then report online to EDDMapS or call the Invasive Species Hotline: 1-800-563-7711.

Preventing the Spread of Invasives

Be part of the solution for preventing the spread of invasive species by boat. It's now the law in Ontario to Clean + Drain + Dry your boat, trailer and gear before moving to a new waterbody. Learn more here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/invasive-species-action-plans#boaters and download a copy of the Province's Guidance for watercraft users (PDF, 12 pages; source of the image at the side) on best management practices for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Phragmites Management

The Ontario Phragmites Management Regional Plan Guidebook is a free guide designed to support municipalities and their regional partners throughout Phragmites eradication projects. To learn how to manage invasive Phragmites in your area, access the Guide from the "Latest News" section of our webpage: https://foca.on.ca/phragmites/

Thank you, Lake Stewards! (and Gavin...)

The lake stewards in FOCA's Lake Partner Program (LPP) were hard at work sampling their lakes this past summer, while our Assistant Lake Stewardship Coordinator, Gavin Vance was busy receiving their samples, preparing lake reports, and travelling around Ontario to spread the word about the importance of water quality monitoring and community science. Big thanks to all our lake stewards and to each of the associations that invited us to speak at their events! If you are interested in sampling a lake in the LPP, learn more on our webpage: https://foca.on.ca/lake-partner-program/

Asian Carps: Detection & Removal

FOCA's partners at the Invasive Species Centre hosted a webinar earlier this month, with a biologist from Fisheries and Oceans Canada presenting about the Asian Carps early detection and response program for the Great Lakes Basin. Watch the webinar recording: https://youtu.be/JBhBHti0sQE?si=TPeLSHyZnLF2LwKr

If you live or play along the Great Lakes, FOCA encourages you to learn more about how to identify these invasive species, and what to do if you think you have spotted one. Get ID tips and links to more resources on our webpage: https://foca.on.ca/carps/

Partner Updates & Regional Notices

Conservation Action Grant Opportunity

Apply to the Community Conservation Action Program 2025-2026 grant program for projects to be undertaken next year (April 2025 to March 2026). There is a 50% funding match of between $500 to $10,000 for approved local or regional community projects to connect Canadians with nature, engage youth in conservation, or provide educational conservation programming. Learn more and apply by Oct 4, 2024.

partner webinar series: Practical Water Wisdom

FOCA's water science colleagues across the border in Minnesota have been hosting a virtual learning series throughout 2024. The upcoming session on October 3rd is titled, "PFAS in Water: How did they get there and why are they so challenging to address?" Watch videos of past sessions on wetlands, zebra mussels, loons, wild rice and more, and register for the final October and November sessions, here: https://itascawaters.org/water-wisdom-2024

Planning Changes: Frontenac County

Frontenac County is in the process of implementing a new streamlined planning application approvals process, called the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) that is intended to further protect the natural heritage of County lakes and shorelines, while making permit approvals faster and less expensive by creating a template document that can be used by each of their four Townships. In-person consultation meetings are expected to take place between October and December 2024. Learn more online: https://engagefrontenac.ca/community-planning-permit-system 

Bin Site Transition Project - Muskoka

As reported by our member group, the Muskoka Lakes Association in their August NewsBites, the District of Muskoka has announced three new waste drop-off sites are opening by mid-2026 for Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, and Muskoka Lakes, in response to waterfront owner complaints about the Bin Transition Project that is removing 88 unattended lakeside garbage bins. Blue box materials have not yet been addressed. The District posts information here: https://www.engagemuskoka.ca/bin-site-transition-plan 

partner webinars in the Drinking Water Wise Series

This webinar series is brought to you by the Best Practices Eastern Ontario Working Group consisting of Quinte Source Protection Area, Cataraqui Source Protection Area, Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region, and Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region. Recent episodes include:

1. Groundwater 101

August 27, 2024 - a webinar about source water protection including the basics about groundwater and the hydrological cycle, aquifers, and homeowner responsibilities for wells and well records.

Watch the webinar.

2. Harmful Algal Blooms

September 25, 2024 - a webinar about harmful algal blooms: what they are, what may contribute to them, what homeowners outside of Source Water Protection zones should do about them, and how scientists are working to find solutions to protect us from them. Watch the webinar.

Water Fund - Kawartha Lakes

Kawartha Conservation encourages local property owners and community groups to apply for funding for local projects that positively impact the environment. You could reduce your project costs by up to 50%, to a maximum of $4,000. Get details and apply by October 15, 2024.

FOCA's Bronze Sponsors

Dock in a Box

sponsors support our work - please support them

FOCA on the Road

A recap of some member events FOCA attended in August:

Catchacoma Lake "DockFest"

August 3, 2024 - FOCA's Deanna Forgie participated in her own lake association DockFest event in the Kawarthas.

Pictured: Deanna with Ted Spence of the Catchacoma Cottagers Association.

Watershed Discovery Day

August 17, 2024 - thank you to the Friends of the Tay

Watershed for inviting FOCA to participate again in this year's Watershed Discovery Day in Perth, and to our Board Member Michael Peterson for representing us there!

FOCA's Excellent Road Adventure

This August, Michelle Lewin, FOCA's Manager of Communications and Development hit the road for a series of in-person visits with our members across central Ontario, Manitoulin Island, and up to Lake Wahnapitae north of Sudbury. We brought resources, spoke about invasive species prevention and management as part of FOCA's ongoing work with the Green Shovels Collaborative, and heard about local association successes and challenges from more than a dozen of our member groups. If you missed our posts from the road on FOCA's social channels, take a peak at the pictorial summary of the trip (download PDF, 6 pages). Thank you to all our member hosts and event facilitators who made the trip north such a success.


Even if FOCA is unable to attend your local event, we can supply you with a short written overview, slides, and/or a 10-minute recorded video presentation about our work and your member benefits. Contact us for these resources!

Final Thoughts

How Much Water?!?

In mid-August, FOCA was contacted by our members at Steenburg Lake Community Association (SLCA) in Hastings County when a beaver dam breach after a storm event dumped about 2.3 - 2.5 million cubic feet of water into their lake! The lake rose about 7 inches, but did eventually return to normal conditions. The Association reached out to the local Crowe Valley Conservation Authority (CVCA) - for information about what causes breaches like this. Learn more from the CVCA response as posted to the SLCA website (source of the image at the side).

Related Resources about Beavers & Dam Breaches

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry posts information about what landowners can do if beavers are causing damage to your property: https://www.ontario.ca/page/preventing-conflicts-beavers.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has a code of practice for beaver dam breaching and removal, to prevent harmful impacts to fish and fish habitat: https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/pnw-ppe/codes/beaver-dam-barrage-castor-eng.html. Thank you to our partners at Quinte Conservation for the links to these resources!

FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations, the voice of the waterfront for the past 60 years. Find out more about YOUR ROLE.

info@foca.on.ca | 705-749-3622 | https://foca.on.ca

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