Elevation 6752'
The Official Newsletter of the City of Big Bear Lake, CA
Elevation 6752', composed monthly by City Manager Frank A. Rush, Jr., is presented to keep our residents, property owners, investors, businesses, and visitors well-informed about the City of Big Bear Lake's issues, projects, and initiatives!
Issue #1 - Published March 12, 2020
Sign Up for Elevation 6752' -
The Official Newsletter of the City of Big Bear Lake!
Thank you for checking out the inaugural issue of Elevation 6752', the official newsletter of the City of Big Bear Lake, CA! This brand new newsletter is presented to keep you well-informed about the City's issues, projects, and initiatives, and will be complemented by other public communications strategies in the future. The City Council, Planning Commission, City staff, and numerous others are all working hard to provide the highest quality City services, in a helpful and professional manner, and promote new public and private investment in our community - in order to enhance the quality of life and visitor experience - and we want to make sure you are well-informed about our efforts on your behalf!

The easiest way to stay-informed about the City of Big Bear Lake is to sign up for this new email newsletter. It's easy to sign up - simply visit https://www.citybigbearlake.com/ and click on "Text & Email Notifications" in the top center of the homepage. Simply click on the link, enter your name and email address, and you're all set. Signing up will ensure you receive the new Elevation 6752' newsletter each month, and also any special communications from the City of Big Bear Lake for emergency situations, special events, and more!

In addition to the new Elevation 6752' newsletter, you can also get the latest information from the City of Big Bear Lake via the following digital platforms:

  • "Like" us on Facebook - City of Big Bear Lake

  • Follow us on Twitter - @CityofBBL

  • Follow us on Instagram - @citybigbearlake

Please help us spread the word, and share this inaugural newsletter with your friends, family, other residents, property owners, frequent visitors, or anyone else who is interested in Big Bear Lake!
City Officials Closely Monitoring COVID-19 Issues
City officials have been closely monitoring the issues associated with COVID-19 (the coronavirus) for the past few weeks, and these efforts continue in earnest as the impacts of COVID-19 become more widespread in California and the United States. The City continues to diligently monitor these issues, review existing plans, consider various "what-if" scenarios, and refine our plans as new information emerges. City officials are in regular communications with San Bernardino County public health officials and local health care providers, and rely exclusively on their expertise and guidance relative to the public health risks and recommendations.

Fortunately, there are still no confirmed cases in Big Bear Lake or San Bernardino County (as of March 12), however, we expect that there will eventually be persons affected in our community, and we are preparing accordingly. The City, along with our public partners in the Big Bear Valley, will be ready to respond appropriately to an escalation of the virus in our community when / as it occurs, and the City's response will be tailored to the specific threat and circumstances in the Big Bear Valley. For example, if a relatively small number of individuals are confirmed to be infected, those individuals will either be sent to capable medical facilities for proper medical care or will be sent home for self-quarantine. If a more significant outbreak occurs in Big Bear Lake, the specific number of cases and the specific circumstances of those cases will dictate the City's and our partners' response. City officials will consider all appropriate strategies and will implement the most effective response to promote the safety of our residents and visitors.



  • Fortunately, as of March 12, there are still no confirmed cases in San Bernardino County.

  • On March 10, San Bernardino County formally declared a local health emergency, for the purpose of heightening awareness and better focusing the County's preparedness efforts.

  • On March 12, San Bernardino County formally ordered the immediate cancellation or postponement of gatherings of more than 250 people, including concerts, sporting events, conferences, and other special events. It does NOT apply to attendance at regular school classes, work, or essential services, or to essential public transportation, air travel, or shopping at a store or mall.

  • COVID-19 tests are being conducted in San Bernardino County, and your medical provider will coordinate the appropriate test as warranted.


  • Fortunately, as of March 12, there are still no confirmed cases in Big Bear Lake. The City will inform the public if / when any cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in Big Bear Lake, and will take additional actions to promote public safety as dictated by the specific circumstances at that time.

  • The San Bernardino County order prohibiting gatherings of more than 250 people does not apply to ski areas, and Snow Summit and Big Bear Mountain remain open for business.

  • All performances scheduled for the Big Bear Lake Performing Arts Center are immediately canceled or postponed - until further notice - in accordance with the San Bernardino County order.
New Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Planned for Stanfield Cutoff
The City continues its efforts to develop a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian trail system, and is currently finalizing plans to construct a dedicated, segregated trail on Stanfield Cutoff across the eastern end of the lake. The project has been through multiple design iterations, and the City is now focusing its efforts on the construction of the new trail in the area currently occupied by the west shoulder of Stanfield Cutoff.

City Council reviewed the proposed new design at its March 9 meeting, and expressed support for the project. The project is expected to include the installation of new, attractive guardrails on the west side of Stanfield Cutoff to effectively segregate automobile traffic from bicycle and pedestrian users, creating a safe link from the south shore to the existing Alpine Pedal Path on the north shore. The proposed new design also includes the resurfacing of vehicle lanes on Stanfield Cutoff and the installation of a replacement water line. City staff are currently working through permit approvals, and expect to construct the project this summer and fall, with a grand opening in late 2020. The estimated cost of the project is approximately $1.294 million, and will be 50% funded by State grants ($647,000).

The City is excited to move this project forward, and looks forward to additional bicycle and pedestrian trail projects as we work to create a comprehensive network in and around Big Bear Lake!
FY 20-21 Budget and Capital Planning Efforts Underway
City Council and City staff are already hard at work on the development of the City's FY 20-21 budget and capital improvement plan, and we expect to finalize the FY 20-21 budget in June. Current expenditures are being carefully scrutinized, the organizational structure is being reviewed to identify strategies to provide services more effectively and efficiently in the future, and desired capital projects are being thoughtfully prioritized.

Specific initiatives currently being considered for inclusion in the FY 20-21 budget include greater focus on tourism management (to effectively balance residents concerns and visitor impacts), construction of Moonridge streetscape improvements, construction of additional bicycle and pedestrian trails, and more. City Council and City staff will be working hard to balance available resources with the community's priorities, and also maintain a strong financial position in the future.

The City Council's next budget discussion will occur on March 20, and additional discussions will occur in April and May, culminating with the FY 20-21 budget adoption in June.
Help Us Make Sure Big Bear Lake is Fully Counted!
Complete the Quick 2020 Census Questionnaire Online
The 2020 Census is now underway, and the City of Big Bear Lake needs your help to make sure all of us in Big Bear Lake are counted! An accurate census count makes a huge difference in the amount of Federal and State funding distributed to California, San Bernardino County, and Big Bear Lake, and also determines how much representation we have in Sacramento and Washington, DC!

This year, it's SIMPLE to make sure you are counted - all you need to do is visit https://2020census.gov/ and complete the short questionnaire. We're only looking for about 10 minutes of your time, and you can even complete it on your smartphone - it's that easy! If you are a permanent resident of Big Bear Lake OR if you are a second homeowner in Big Bear Lake who spends more than 6 months and 1 day per year at your home in Big Bear Lake, PLEASE take the time to complete the questionnaire.

The 2020 Census questionnaire is live now, so please do your part and help us maximize the funding allocated to our community and maximize our representation - so that we can do the best possible job serving you!
Thank You Jeff Mathieu!
City Council, City staff, and numerous community members paid a well-deserved tribute to retiring City Manager Jeff Mathieu at the City Council meeting on January 27. Jeff retired in mid-February after nearly 14 years of dedicated service to the City, and was instrumental in improving the quality of life for our residents and property owners, enhancing the visitor experience and the local tourism economy, and promoting a strong sense of community.

The City of Big Bear Lake again extends it sincere appreciation for Jeff's unyielding commitment to Big Bear Lake, congratulates him on his retirement, and wishes him continued health and happiness in the next chapter of his life. Thank you Jeff!
New City Manager On Board
I'm Frank Rush, the new City Manager, and I'm so excited to be working in Big Bear Lake! I began my service on February 3, and it's been a whirlwind of introductions, briefings, and tours (lots to learn!) ever since. I am grateful for the warm welcome and helpful assistance from City Council, City staff, Jeff Mathieu, other public agencies serving Big Bear Lake, and local business and community members over the past 6 weeks, and I look forward to meeting and working with everyone in Big Bear Lake in the future.

I have worked in local government management for approximately 27 years, and spent most of my career in coastal North Carolina communities. I came to Big Bear Lake after serving as City Manager of South Lake Tahoe, CA since December 2018, and I spent most of my career (more than 17 years) as the Town Manager of Emerald Isle, NC, a desirable oceanfront resort community on the southern end of the Outer Banks. There are many similar dynamics in Emerald Isle and Big Bear Lake, and I enjoy the unique challenges and opportunities associated with working in a community located in a beautiful natural environment, with a local economy dependent upon tourism, and among a caring community of people who are fortunate to call this special place "home". I will be working hard in the coming weeks, months, and years to improve the experience of all of our customer groups - our permanent residents, second homeowners, investors, local businesses, and visitors - and help make Big Bear Lake an even better place than it already is!

My office is located in City Hall on Big Bear Boulevard, and I can be reached at 909-866-5832 or at frush@citybigbearlake.com . Please feel free to reach out to me and our dedicated City staff if we can be helpful to you in any way.
Did You Know?
According to the US Census Bureau's 2017 data, there are a total of 9,556 housing units in the City of Big Bear Lake.

Of these, a total of 2,137 of these units (more than 22%) are occupied by permanent residents, 2,183 are permitted transient private home rentals (nearly 23%), and the remaining 5,236 are used as second homes (nearly 55%).
City of Big Bear Lake
39707 Big Bear Blvd. PO Box 10000, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
Phone: (909) 866-5831 | Fax: (909) 866-5491