Dear friend, 

As trusted friends - many whom are fellow musicians - I am personally asking each of you for two things:

1) A letter of support (most important at the moment)

2) As you are able and willing, offer a pledge of financial support.

You’re likely aware that I’ve invested a substantial amount of time and fiscal resources helping Elim Lutheran Church consider the future of its music ministry, specifically as it relates to its pipe organ which I am honored to play every week.

Last year a committee was formed to study the matter. In December 2022 the committee formally recommended replacing the current instrument with a larger pipe organ currently located in a now-closed church in Seattle, Washington. This organ would be relocated, refurbished and updated prior to installation in Elim’s sanctuary.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for both the church and anyone who appreciates fine music. I am convinced that the time is right for Elim to embark on a journey to elevate music in the Saint Croix valley, and that Elim is the right venue to take on this sacred responsibility both for the faith and for the greater community. 

I would not be asking my friends and colleagues for this support if I myself did not personally believe and invest in this opportunity. My husband and I have contributed a substantial amount of time, talent and personal resources to help get Elim to this point. I am convinced that - together - we can collectively help Elim succeed in this endeavor.

I am asking you to take a short amount of time to review the project at Then, please consider these two opportunities to participate:

1) Express support for the project. The easiest way to do this is by writing a short email to me at [email protected]. A physical letter works as well, although time is of the essence. Your letters of support will help show Elim that there is serious community interest in this project.

2) Offer a pledge of financial support. Regardless of if we like it, money talks. This is not a cheap venture, nor is it impossibly expensive. In fact the report suggests this is objectively the most cost-effective overall solution and would also significantly improve the instrument’s capability to provide reliable, quality, soul-enriching music for generations to come.

Music reaches people in ways that words can never express, and pipe organs have the unique ability to utter the softest prayer but also proclaim the loudest praise. My earnest desire is for Elim to harness the power of music and use it for the good of the faith and the greater community. This pipe organ will do exactly that.

Please consider joining me in this effort. I am eternally grateful for your support. Thank you.
Brian Voss
Organist / Accompanist
Elim Lutheran Church 
(651) 757-7286 cell/text

p.s. the drawing at the top of this email is a first rendering of what the new organ might look like in Elim's balcony. This is a dramatic improvement over the current visual display and a transformative change from the way the organ appears now in Seattle, with pipes hidden behind a decorative screen.