
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Affordable Housing Commission Soliciting Proposals For Catherine Park

The City of Ellensburg Affordable Housing Commission is soliciting proposals for a cottage development on the City-owned property formerly known as Catherine Park. The City took steps to surplus the property to be used as affordable housing on August 15, 2022. The property (parcel #694034, zoned R-L Residential Low Density) is approximately three-quarters of an acre in size and is located on Vantage Highway, immediately west of the KXLE radio station. 

The selection process will take place in three steps: 

  1. Developers with a project that creates permanent affordable cottage housing, on the property are encouraged to submit a letter of interest with a description of the proposal. Affordable housing must meet the standard defined by State law in RCW 43.63A.510. The Affordable Housing Commission will first review all proposals for the property on January 4, 2023. 
  2. Those projects that meet the intent of the Commission’s vision for the property will be invited to complete an affordable housing application, found on the City website at: www.ellensburgwa.gov/1128/Creating-Affordable-Housing
  3. The Affordable Housing Commission will review all completed applications and make a recommendation to the City Council to award a project at a public meeting. Once the proposal is approved by the City Council, a formal agreement will be developed with the City establishing terms to transfer the land. 

The first round of considerations will occur on January 4. The process will remain open until a proposal is selected for the property.  


Please direct your letter of interest and any questions to Community Development Director Jamey Ayling at aylingj@ellensburgwa.gov or (509) 925-8653.  

Winter Reminders: Snow Removal From Sidewalks

• Maintain snow removal of your sidewalks and driveways on your property, and please do not discard snow out into the street.

• Per City Code 5.40.140, it shall be the duty of the owner, occupant, or person having charge of any building, residence, premises or real property located within the city adjacent to or fronting upon any public sidewalk to remove or cause to be removed, by 9:00 a.m. on every day after snowfall, snow and ice from said sidewalks to their full improved width. 

• Businesses are responsible for removing snow and ice from sidewalks so public rights-of-way remain accessible and safe for residents.

shovel pushing snow off sidewalk

Snow Plow Information

The City of Ellensburg provides winter care for our roads. The City is divided into six plowing sections, and there are three priority levels that guide the snow removal crew's work. First priority goes to primary arterials and streets which buses use to reach public schools. Secondary arterials and the downtown core area receive second priority. All remaining streets are third priority. Under normal snowfall conditions, all roads within the City are plowed according to this plan.

Winter snow and ice response in Ellensburg starts when:

• Snow accumulation reaches four inches, and it is still snowing with additional snow or extended cold in the forecast; or

• When roads are icy or snow accumulation has reached one inch, and it is still snowing, crews begin sanding and salting of arterial streets and hills.

View our snow plow routes and de-icing routes in our maps gallery on our website: https://gis.cityofellensburg.org/gallery/.

How you can help winter road crews:

• Give plenty of room to snow plow drivers

• Park vehicles in driveways or parking areas off the main streets

• If you don’t have a regular off-street parking area, consider moving your car when the road is scheduled for plowing.

Mobile Food Truck Vendor Applications Available

Mobile food trucks must navigate a complex set of requirements and interact with a number of public agencies to operate safely and within the law. Working collaboratively with Kittitas County Public Health, Kittitas Valley Fire and Rescue (Fire Marshal), City business licensing, permitting, and legal staff developed a free mobile food truck vendor application to help prospective food truck business owners navigate the system effectively. The application packet also includes information from all agencies and can be found on the City’s website at: Doing Business | Ellensburg, WA. Please contact the City Clerk's office if you have questions (509) 925-8614.

City Working To Find Indoor Recreation Solutions

The Ellensburg Racquet & Recreation Center (ERRC) was destroyed in a suspected arson incident on Friday, December 2. The building is a total loss, and the City of Ellensburg is working to determine next steps and space options for upcoming winter recreation programming.

The City is partnering with the Ellensburg School District to offer a variety of free open gyms for youth and adults, beginning Wednesday, January 4, 2023. There are designated days and times for basketball and pickleball.

ERRC users will be able to access the Yakima YMCA (downtown) and the Yakima Athletic Club for racquetball and the Yakima Tennis Club and Wenatchee Racquet & Athletic Club for tennis. All of these facilities also have pickleball which our community can access with the proper membership option. Look for more information soon!

Plans are underway to convene a committee, beginning this month (January), to explore new recreation opportunities with a field house and community center.

For additional information, contact Ellensburg Parks and Recreation Director Brad Case at (509) 925-8639.

Learn more

Coffee With City Council

Stop by the Adult Activity Center, 506 S. Pine St., for a cup and conversation with two members of the City Council from 9:30-11:30 a.m. on Friday, January 20.

Coffee With City Council flyer

Planning Commission Encourages Responsible Development

The Planning Commission is an advisory commission that makes recommendations to City Council and City departments on the City’s broad planning goals, policies and long-range plans, such as: the Comprehensive Plan, design guidelines, Shoreline Master Program, zoning code revisions, and sign code updates.

The Planning Commission is made up of seven members, five of which must be City residents. The Commission meets the second Thursday of each month at 5:45 p.m. at City Hall, and the fourth Thursday of the month as needed.

Learn more

We Need You! Join A City Board Or Commission

Help make a difference in your community and apply to join a City advisory board or commission! Multiple positions have terms expiring in December 2022, and some have additional vacancies.

Upcoming Openings:

Learn more

Did You Know?

Did you know the Ellensburg Public Library offers A to Z Food America, an online recipe catalogue with recipes from every state? 

Save The Date

City Facilities Closed 1/2

City facilities will be closed on Monday, January 2 in observance of the holiday. Central Transit will not be running January 1 but will resume service January 2. Learn more at CentralTransit.org.

City Facilities Closed 1/16

City facilities will be closed on Monday, January 16 in observance of MLK Day.

Coffee With City Council 1/20

Stop by the Adult Activity Center for a cup and conversation from 9:30-11:30 a.m.

The Emperor's New Clothes: Missoula Children's Theatre Auditions 1/23

Approximately 50-60 local students will be cast to appear in the show with the Missoula Children's Theater (MCT). Auditions will take place at 4 p.m. January 23 at the Hal Holmes Center for grades K-12.

The Emperor's New Clothes MCT Performance 1/27

The performance starts at 7 p.m. January 27 at Hal Holmes Center. Admission is $7 per person.

The Emperor's New Clothes MCT Performance 1/28

The performance starts at 3 p.m. January 28 at Hal Holmes Center. Admission is $7 per person.

City Council Meeting.png


Agendas & Minutes

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