from our
TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 14 - Give to the Max Day
Nov. 14 - Conferences (afternoon/eve.)
Nov. 15 - NO SCHOOL - Conferences
Nov. 20 - Early-Release Day
Nov. 21 - Board Meeting
Nov. 28 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving
Nov. 29 - NO SCHOOL
Message from the Director |
It's been a great week at TCGIS!
Ted's greeting is shorter this week because it's been a busy day! Be sure to check out the second video of 8th grader, Cooper Peschman, reciting a German
Zungenbrecher (tongue-twister) three times in a row during German class today!
Videogruß vom Direktor 14. Nov. 2019
"Am zehnten zehnten um zehn Uhr zehn zogen zehn zahme Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo."
On the tenth of October (10/10) at 10.10am, ten tame goats pulled ten centners (unit of weight) of sugar to the zoo.
Today's the Day: Will You Give to the Max?!
Thanks to you,
we have raised $38,365 - almost $17,000 of it
just today!
When we surpassed our $25,000 milestone, we
unlocked a $6,000 board pledge, AND released videos of staff
reciting Zungenbrecher (tongue-twisters) in their non-native language! (Students have seen it; we'll send it to families this evening.)
We're only $12,000 away from our next milestone. Will you help us get there?!
When you write a check, 100% of your donation goes to TCGIS to support the intern program!
Why not
onate in person
at conferences
this evening or tomorrow? Look for the Fundraising table in the foyer.
Herzlichen Dank!
School Board Announcements
Join Your Board in Giving to the Max Today!
Learn some fun facts about your School Board in the graphic below. As the Board T-shirts say, wir sind "immer dabei mit Blick nach vorne" (we are always there and looking ahead).
In addition to the volunteer time we give the school, I'm proud that
all 11 board members contributed toward a total board donation of $6,000!
We hope you'll join us in
donating to TCGIS
during Give to the Max this week!
Julie Alkatout, Board Chair
Top row: Ted Anderson, Richard Heid, Nic Ludwig, Silke Moeller, Sam Imbo, Emily Albers, Julie Alkatout
Bottom row: Lisa Linnell, Stephanie Forsland, Rich Iwen, Dianne Bell, Chris Tabisz
No School and Early-Release Days in November
Friday, Nov. 15: No School for Parent Conferences
Wed., Nov. 20: Early-Release (dismissal at 12:45 p.m.)
Thu. Nov. 28 &
Fri. Nov. 29: No School for Thanksgiving
Front Office Reminder
Please remember to email
with any questions or concerns. The front office team is more than happy to assist you with your school- and student-related questions. We also forward inquiries to the correct staff member if we are unable to answer your question.
Thank you!
Construction Updates
RJM has delivered a jobsite trailer and has taken some more measurements for elevations on the building. We are almost ready for the foundation work to start, but before that can happen, an underground line has to be moved by Xcel Energy because it's too close to the location of the new foundation wall.
We expect work on the foundation to begin as soon as Xcel's work is complete.
Conferences this Evening and Friday
Thursday: 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Playground Access
Kinderclub will be using the playground during parent teacher conferences. O
nly those children signed in to Kinderclub will be allowed on the playground from 3:15 - 6:00 pm on Thursday and 8:00 am - 6:00 pm on Friday
If your children accompany you to conferences, they must stay with you at all times; they may wait in front of the classroom during conference time. Please do not leave them unsupervised in the school building or on the playground at any time. Thank you in advance!
Thursday: "Walking Dinner" to Benefit SEAC
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) hosts its annual Bake Sale, this year including walking tacos! The proceeds enable SEAC to host speakers to help educate the broader community about various aspects of neuro-diversity, emotional/behavioral issues that impact learning. Funds are also used for community building activities for the larger sped community (S'mores at the fall BBQ) and brunch for the entire Special Ed team. When/Where: In the foyer from 3:45-6:30, while supplies last!
What: $5 for a walking taco, drink, and one treat; various treats and drinks $1-$2
Friday: Bake Sale
Who: 8th graders Malik Alkatout, Lucy Anderson, Finn Sutton
When: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Where: Foyer
come buy treats during conferences!
Lunch & Kinderclub Order Window Closes Sun., Nov. 17
Log in to
Boonli to place
your child's Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk
order for December. M
ake sure to
check out your cart in order
to successfully place an order.
All orders must be submitted
by midnight on Sunday, Nov. 17.
Questions re: Boonli (e.g. forgotten username/password, payment questions): email
Flu Shot Clinic on Friday, Nov. 22
TCGIS is hosting an on-site influenza vaccination clinic next week to help our community stay healthy this winter!
Who: available to all students, staff, and families; hosted by Hennepin Health
When: Friday, Nov. 22, 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM.
- If vaccinating your TCGIS student, please try to arrive before 8:15 AM
- Children 6 months and up are able to be vaccinated, and there is also a nasal spray (FluMist) option for participants between ages 2 and 49.
- Complete a registration form for each person receiving a vaccination. The form (download and print here) includes information on the costs of the shot and the nasal spray.
- Bring your insurance information, cash, or a check made payable to Hennepin Healthcare.
- Wear clothing that provides easy access to the upper arm - this can save a lot of time.
What: Information about the flu and vaccinations can be found
We hope this clinic makes getting flu shots easier as schedules fill up and the weather gets colder! If you have questions, please contact the front office at We hope to see many of you on the 22nd!
Reminder: Cold-Weather Gear is Necessary
All students go
outside every day
for Sport, recess, and walking to / from lunch.
- ensure your child has warm winter clothing at school, and
- please label everything with your child's name and class (ie. 1A, 5C).
Lost & Found
The Lost & Found is overflowing with so many items that are not labeled. Items labeled with a student name and class are much easier to reunite with their owner.
Please check the Lost & Found tables in the foyer
and the green boxes near your child's locker during Conferences for items your child(ren) may be missing. All unclaimed items will be donated the week after Conferences.
Vielen Dank!
Seeking Host Families for Interns next Semester
Eleven new Interns arrive in January to join our two full-year interns. We seek 2-3 more families to host an intern from mid-January to mid-June. If interested, please email Katharina ( for more information. We will begin matching host families and interns around Thanskgiving.
Vielen Dank!
Buy a Yearbook Now and Save $
Don't miss out on the chance to purchase a TCGIS yearbook for the lowest price this year! For a limited time, buy your yearbook for $17.50! Visit
and search for Twin Cities German Immersion School.
School Pictures Update
As of today, our student proofs and photos are still being processed at the Lifetouch lab and have not shipped out. We will continue to update you as we are in touch with Lifetouch regularly each week.
Photo Retake Day will be announced as soon as the the original proofs & photos ship out.
Thank you for your patience & understanding!
6th Grade Waldsee Reminder
Waldsee permission forms AND the $75 deposit are due Friday, Dec. 6th! Please turn them into Frau Albers either in person or via her mailbox in the office.
Need extra paper copies?
They can be found in Herr Tabisz' room where all 6th graders have Sozi. Please do NOT turn in your permission forms to him, though.
Scholarships are available to use and donate towards. Use the boxes on the bottom of the permission slip to indicate these choices.
November 13 Mausmünzen Drawing
The selected students have shown exemplary behavior at TCGIS during the school day and are representing their class and grade level.
Meistermäuse have demonstrated to staff one or more of the following praised traits: Sicherheit (safety), Verantwortung (responsibility), Respekt (respect), and Freundlichkeit (kindness).
KA - Jackson; 1B - Ruthie; 2B - Rex; 3A - Johann; 4B - Taylin; 6C - Carsten; 7B - Arlo
May they continue to make our school a better place!
Martinstag was a success!
Last Friday approximately 250 students and families participated in the annual Martinstag festival and Laternenumzug (lantern parade). Specialist teachers Frau Hall, Frau Lenburg and Herr Dahl all contributed time and energy to preparing students for singing, making lanterns, and presenting a modern reenactment of the St. Martin's story. The Capstone Bake Sale that followed was well attended and raised over $400 for 8th graders traveling to Germany in May.
Thank you to all who attended, volunteered or contributed to this annual tradition!
PTO Updates |
Staff Appreciation Meal Sign-ups
Thank you!
Many thanks to Kim Kulhanek and the families who came to our November PTO Meeting. It was a great evening of food, conversation and learning! Our next PTO Meeting will be February 6, 2020.
Plant and Strudel Pickup
Please pickup your plants and strudel on Mon., December 2nd at TCGIS.
Want to Get Involved?! PTO is looking for volunteers.
1. We could use your help on Monday December 2nd for plant/strudel pickup.
2. Do you like to plan parties? Join our Maskenball committee! Brainstorming is just getting off the ground. E
if you're interested!
Important PTO Dates and Events for 2019-20
Have a look at the
2019-20 PTO Dates to see what great things we have in store this year!
Local German Cultural Events
Eddi Hüneke & Tobi Hebbelmann Concert Tomorrow
Eddi Hüneke
is a German a-cappella singer, who was in the German a-cappella group,
Wise Guys.
Their songs have been used by many a German teacher, including Waldsee and the
Goethe Institut.
Hüneke will be accompanied by Tobi Hebbelmann, who is a pianist from Cologne.
TCGIS 5th and 7th graders attended one of their concerts at Spring Lake Park High School on Thursday
Weihnachtsgottesdienst in St. Paul on December 15
St. Paul's United Church of Christ will host an Ecumenical Christmas Service in German on Sunday, Dec. 15, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Enjoy hymns, liturgy, readings, special music and a short sermon
auf Deutsch.
Click here for more details.
The service includes a number of readings interspersed with music. TCGIS students who are interested in reading one of these passages are invited to contact Fritz West, (651) 433-4058 or