Boker tov! Today is the 6th of Elul. Please enjoy this personal reflection from Sharon Levine:
I sometimes wonder what our parents would have thought about the current state of our country and the world concerning the corona-virus. I recently reread the transcript of a 2006 interview which our daughter Stephanie and my sister-in-law Ellie conducted with my in-laws, the late Anne and Sid Levine. Since Anne and Sid lived through several world crises (2 World Wars and the Great Depression), a thought shared in this interview could be relevant today.
A question posed to Anne was “Were there differences when you were growing up than when you were raising kids?” Anne answered, “You don’t think of the times as being different because you gradually grow into it. With the way it is now, we just have to roll along with it. That’s how it is now.” Anne knew that changes were inevitable and that we need to accept them, the good along with the bad. While the onset of this pandemic was not gradual, current changes in our lifestyle are the “new normal”, and as Anne said, “We need to roll along with them.” I’m very glad that we’re rolling along together.