Below is a message from the Coalition for a DSP Living Wage:
Tell Governor Murphy to #PayFair4DirectCare!
Dear Coalition for a DSP Living Wage:

Thanks to your advocacy efforts, the NJ Legislature passed its budget last night with $20 million in increased funding for Direct Support Professionals . Although the Coalition advocated solely for funds to go through the Department of Human Services, the Legislature ultimately decided to include the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development in the appropriation. However, unlike last year, the Coalition was able to change the budget language and if the money remains in the final FY19 Budget, the DHS funds this time around will go into the rates. With that in mind, We need YOUR help to ensure Governor Murphy keeps this $20 million for DSPs in the Final FY2019 Budget.  Please take two minutes to send him an email today. Instructions and messaging are provided below. The importance of your outreach cannot be overstated!

Thank you!

How to Send an E-mail to Governor Murphy:
1). Click on link
2). Select  Development Disabilities  on E-mail Topic Drop Down Menu
3). Insert Personal Contact Info on Online Form
4). In Email Subject Line Write: Please Include $20 Million in Final FY19 Budget to Raise DSP Wages
5). Cut and Paste Message Below in Text Box (please personalize as needed)

Sample Email:

Dear Governor Murphy:
Please keep the $20 million in increased funding for Direct Support Professional (DSPs) wages that was added in by the Legislature in the Final FY19 Budget. 
DSPs provide the hands-on supports that enable people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live as integrated members of New Jersey’s communities. The problem is that the starting wage for a DSP is only $10.50 an hour which makes it very challenging to hire and retain staff. After many years without an increase, the community-based, disability service delivery system is now in crisis with 20% vacancy and 44% turnover rates among DSPs.
If DSP wages aren’t increased in the FY19 Budget, then individuals with I/DD and their families will not have the staff they need. Without staff, there will be no services.
Please keep the $20 million in increased funding for DSP wages in the final FY2019 budget. Thank you.
Coalition Members Spread #PayFair4DirectCare Message During Advocacy Day
On June 21, the Coalition for a DSP Living Wage was at the State House for an Advocacy Day to ensure the $20 million appropriation for DSPs remains in the final FY2019 Budget! The day included families, self-advocates and community provider organizations and was another opportunity to put this issue at the forefront for legislators. Dressed in our lime green Coalition t-shirts, representatives flooded the State House and spoke to Senators and Assembly members about the critical importance of this issue. Want to see more photos? Check out the Coalition's Facebook and Twitter pages!
Join the Conversation on Twitter!
The Coalition for a DSP Living Wage is constantly sending out updates with all the latest news and info via our Twitter page . If you don't already, please be sure to follow our page. Doing so will help spread our #PayFair4DirectCare message.
The Coalition for a DSP Living Wage Steering Committee Members

The Arc of New Jersey
The Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities
The New Jersey Association of Community Providers
Autism New Jersey
New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Family Support Coalition of New Jersey
New Jersey Statewide Self-Advocacy Network
The Statewide Regional Family Support Planning Councils