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Kingdom approves call for financial support - with VIDEO

PHILIPSBURG - The Kingdom Council of Ministers will honor the requests for financial support from the BES-islands, Aruba, Curacao and St. Maarten, Minister Raymond Knops (Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations) said during a life-streamed press...

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Fooling the people

By Hilbert Haar ~ Let's have a closer look at our government's solidarity initiative of and in particular at the decision to cut the salaries of ministers and members of parliament. Based on a letter from the board financial supervision we know...

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SHTA calls for solidarity as time runs out or many

PHILIPSBURG - As per the Kingdom Council outcomes of Thursday April 9th, it is very clear that country St. Maarten needs to take its first steps out of the crisis before help from the Netherlands will be forthcoming. Meaning, that solidarity in...

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CFT board members revolt

PHILIPSBURG - For the first time since its establishment almost ten years ago there is a public row among the board members of the Board financial supervision (Cft). The Cft-members representing St. Maarten (Russell Voges), Curacao (Gregory...

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Tourist Offices campaign inspiring and bringing positivity

Digital Postcards Social Media highlights the beauty of the island with thoughtful messages to keep destination top of mind ~ PHILIPSBURG - The St. Maarten Tourism Bureau together with the St. Martin Tourism Office jointly launched a Digital...

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List of essential businesses on St. Maarten: an eye opener

In the chaos of the corona pandemic, some things suddenly become very clear. While private businesses are the backbone of the economy, we now see that the heart of society beats with the grace of essential companies and government organizations....

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Dr. Emsley D. Tromp's take on the CFTs' recommendations...

PHILIPSBURG - In response to the advice the CFT has given to the Kingdom Council of Ministers (KCOM; or Rijksministerraad, RMR) on the request of Curacao for financial aid. We believe this analysis of Dr. Tromp to be quite informative and an...

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A People In Solidarity - Part 1

Solidarity is defined as: unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group. In a recent article by Kathryn Jean Lopez for the National Review, she said 'to stand in...

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The Golden Guilder

By Terrance Rey ~ On St. Maarten, banks and the government are advising the general population to use guilders as much as possible, as a way to save dollars. I agree wholeheartedly with this advice. Here is why. When the dollars stop flowing into ...

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PM & Chair of the EOC Silveria Jacobs COVID-19 Updates

PHILIPSBURG - People of St Maarten, both here on St. Maarten and abroad, I hereby address you as Prime Minister and Chair of the EOC for today's update on April 9, 2020. As part of the process to keep the community of St. Maarten informed about...

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Sint Maarten: Intense testing to be done in 'hot spots'

Authorities have identified some coronavirus COVID-19 "hot spots" in the country as a result of contact tracing conducted particularly with the last sets of positive cases that are were not under Collective Prevention Services (CPS) monitoring...

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SINT MAARTEN (POND ISLAND) - The Ministers of Finance of St. Maarten Ardwell Irion and his team, with the information and recommendations gathered by the Emergency Support Function's (EFS) and their relevant teams and task forces, prepared the...

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Justice Minister Richardson enforces crack down on...

SINT MAARTEN (POND ISLAND) - Minister of Justice Anna Richardson has taken notice of numerous complaints by residents regarding the reckless behavior of motorcycle and scooter riders on the public roads. Riders continue to be a nuisance in...

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Extension on the filing of Tax returns and Payment...

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - The Inspectorate of Taxes hereby informs the general public that due to the current lockdown as a result of the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak and based on Art. 9 paragraph 1, Algemene Landverordening...

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Foresee Foundation Brings Beloved Soualichi Folk Tales...

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - During this period of isolation and uncertainty, the Foresee Foundation is spearheading a project designed to bring our Sint Maarten community a sense of connection through our shared heritage and culture. It is...

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UNICEF NL to continue strengthening children's rights on SXM

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - UNICEF Netherlands will continue its efforts to improve the situation of children on Sint Maarten, which started in 2017, in response to the aftermath of hurricane Irma. The continuation of their work is made possible ...

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MHF opens a Mental Health Support line - Call 311

MHF opens a Mental Health Support line - Call 311 CAY HILL - The Mental Health Foundation understands that many persons are confronted with elevated stress levels during this global Covid-19 pandemic. The consequences of this pandemic can take a...

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TelEm Group reactivating expired Prepaid customers

SINT MAARTEN (POND ISLAND) - TelEm Group is helping its Prepaid customers whose accounts have expired by restoring their prepaid balance and reactivating their mobile accounts.

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Post Irma revisited: employers are breaking the law

PHILIPSBURG - The coronavirus lockdown has led to a wave of layoffs or salary deductions. "This is a similar situation to Hurricane Irma, when many employers did not pay their employees. Employees who brought their case to court were proven...

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Eurozone finance ministers agree on deal, Dutch happy

European finance ministers have reached a deal on a €540bn package of financial help for countries, companies and workers hit by the coronavirus crisis, in what Dutch finance minister Wopke Hoekstra says is a 'powerful sign' of EU solidarity.

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Hospital admissions decline, as 148 more people die of virus

Dutch hospital admissions for coronavirus have gone down, returning to their March 23 level, according to new figures from the public health institute RIVM. In total, 237 more patients have been admitted to hospital, compared with 308 in...

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Coronavirus in the Netherlands: what you need to know

We've collected our main articles about coronavirus in the Netherlands into one place, to make it easier for you to find the information you need. And do please feel free to share your questions, comments and ideas with us so we can continue to...

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Navy ship Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman sets course for the Caribbean

On Monday, April 13, the Navy vessel Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman will depart for the Caribbean from its home base in Den Helder. The Ministry of Defense is deploying the ship to provide support during the corona crisis. The plan is, that she will stay...

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Preventative measures on Saba extended until April 19

The preventative measures implemented three weeks ago to help avert the introduction of COVID-19 on Saba will be extended. Schools, daycare, after school care and after school activities, bars, hotels, and non-essential businesses and services...

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Compliance and Enforcement Regarding the Corona Virus Crisis

Even though few or no infections have been detected on the BES islands, it is still necessary to adhere to rules and guidelines, because an infection is still possible, and it can spread at lightning speed. To this end, the islands have ratified...

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Non-essential businesses closed on Statia by decree

Non-essential businesses in St. Eustatius have been declared closed under the emergency ordinance that was introduced by the Public Entity to combat the coronavirus crisis pandemic. The ordinance remains in place until Wednesday, April 15, 2020....

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Were you aware this weekend is Easter Weekend?
No, I lost track of the days
Yes, but I don't have any fish for Good Friday
Poll sponsored by  StMaartenFlowers.comwhere you order online and we deliver offline. Sponsors
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Irma in herhaling: werkgevers handelen in strijd met de wet

PHILIPSBURG - De lockdown vanwege het coronavirus heeft tot een golf van ontslagen of inhoudingen op het salaris geleid. "Er is een soortgelijke situatie als na orkaan Irma, toen tal van werkgevers hun personeel benadeelden. Werknemers die hun...

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Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten krijgen goedkope lening...

DEN HAAG - Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten krijgen een goedkope noodlening om de komende zes weken te overbruggen. Dat heeft minister Raymond Knops (Koninkrijksrelaties) bekendgemaakt na de Rijksministerraad. Met de noodlening uit Den Haag kunnen...

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Snoep uitdelende agenten houden zich niet aan coronaregels

ORANJESTAD - Een project met goede bedoelingen van de politie om meer saamhorigheid in de wijken te promoten, heeft ook flink wat negatieve reacties gekregen. Want de agenten houden zich niet aan de sociale afstand en het samenscholingsverbod....

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Hulpverleners: 'Overheid doe iets aan huiselijk geweld

WILLEMSTAD - Nu het Covid-19-virus wereldwijd mensen dwingt om binnen te blijven, neemt huiselijk geweld toe. Ook op Curaçao slaan hulporganisaties alarm en eisen actie van de overheid. Wat te doen? "Veel vrouwen hebben tijdens deze lockdown te...

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