Private sector pleads with government for short-term rescue
PHILIPSBURG - Private sector organizations and labor union WIFOL applaud the government's initiative to project support for the next twelve months but they plead at the same time for a short-term rescue package for the next six months in an...
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| - Finance News
Stimulus Plan only contains proposals
PHILIPSBURG - Plans for emergency measures to mitigate the effects of the corona-virus so far do not include the key recommendations proposed by private sector organizations. The government published its so-called Stimulus Plan on March 26. It...
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St. Maarten is going to need massive financial support
Central Bank interim-President Jardim sounds the alarm: St. Maarten needs humongous financial support ~ PHILIPSBURG - St. Maarten's government needs between 86 and 104 million guilders ($48 to $58.1 million) per month to stay afloat for ...
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A nightmare scenario
By Hilbert Haar ~ For anybody who thought St. Maarten would be able to weather the corona-virus crisis on its own, José Jardim, the interim president of the Central Bank presented some sobering numbers during a press conference in Willemstad. In a...
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Recommendations for Our Challenging Times Ahead
Dear Editor, In these challenging times, we must come together to help our country of St. Maarten and her people get through yet another crisis. The impact of COVID-19 on St. Maarten likely will be far more devastating than the destructive impact ...
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| - Local News
MP drs Rodolphe Samuel: Voting Under Pressure
PHILIPSBURG - St Maarten already complies with recommendation 35 of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and there is undue pressure on parliamentarians to urgently approve amendments to the Penal Procedure Code, says MP Rodolphe Samuel.
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NAGICO encourages clients to use their online services
GREAT BAY - Given the rapid spread of the Coronavirus Covid-19 in our region, the health and safety of the population is of paramount importance. With this in mind, NAGICO Insurances is encouraging our clients to make use of our online services...
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Virtual Continuation Plenary Public Session at 2pm today
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The House of Parliament will sit in a Virtual plenary public meeting on March 27, 2020. This Public meeting is a continuation of the meeting which was adjourned on March 20, 2020. The continuation meeting will be...
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| - Columns & Opinions
Zero Hour: Our Region in the Face of the Pandemic
By Alicia Bárcena Ibarra* ~ Everything seems to be one gigantic mistake. We console ourselves by saying that everything has happened as it should not have happened. But it is we who are mistaken, not history. We must learn to look reality in the...
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Debate about total lockdown or #flattenthecurve
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) advises the countries within the Kingdom not to proceed to a complete lockdown. Despite the increase in the number of deaths from COVID-19 in the Netherlands, it is important,...
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After Social Distancing, let's talk Economic Rapprochement
Not all catastrophes produce a Renaissance. It is striking how big the problems for the private sector already are. The middle class, the backbone of the economy, is in danger of collapsing under the pressure of political measures related to...
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Be like Oblomov
By Hilbert Haar ~ Amazing the things you discover when you are locked up in your house. It's not that I'm bored but I found out that the balcony in front of my bedroom is 22 tiles long and ten tiles wide. Each tile measures twenty by twenty...
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| Community News
Recycling bins placed in St. Peters
ST. PETERS - Wastefactory Sint Maarten, in collaboration with the annual SXM DOET project, installed two recycling bins in the community of St. Peters. The St. Peters Emergency Organization Group (SPEOG),via a press release, would like to extend...
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PJIA donates 5000 masks to the Government for Medical Staff
5SharesPhilipsburg - Prime Minister and Chair of the EOC Silveria Jacobs visited PJIA on March 25th, to accept the donation of 5000 medical masks on behalf of the Government of St. Maarten. The donated masks are to be used by the Medical...
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| Dutch News
Over 1000 more positive corona tests, death toll reaches 434
The number of people testing positive for coronavirus in the Netherlands rose by 1,019 overnight to 7,431, the public health institute RIVM said in its Thursday update. The number of deaths rose by 78 to 434, the RIVM said. In total, 2,151 people ...
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Coronavirus in the Netherlands: what you need to know
We've collected our main articles about coronavirus in the Netherlands into one place, to make it easier for you to find the information you need. And do please feel free to share your questions, comments and ideas with us so we can continue to...
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| - Sponsors
| Dutch Caribbean News
'Shock' in Parliament: Aruba also arrests journalists...
THE HAGUE - SP and GroenLinks are 'shocked' that the Aruban government also arrests journalists during the curfew. The parties have asked Parliamentary questions. In the fight against the coronavirus, the Aruban government has prohibited its...
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Dutch Association of Journalists sends scathing letter...
ORANJESTAD/HILVERSUM - The Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) is extremely concerned about the curfew imposed on Aruba, which is also applicable to journalists. Wensly Francisco, member of the board for the NVJ, says that the NVJ wants to...
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To stop crime from escalating, should the Marines be deployed?
Yes, that should have been done when the shutdown went into effect.
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| News In Dutch (NEW!!!)
Stagiairs verlaten Sint-Maarten vroegtijdig vanwege COVID19
PHILIPSBURG - Sint-Maarten ziet door de coronacrisis een flinke afname in het aantal buitenlandse stagiaires op het eiland. Velen hebben door de dreiging van het virus besloten om vroegtijdig hun stage op het eiland af te breken en terug naar...
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Curaçaoënaars lak aan quarantaine na terugkeer buitenland
WILLEMSTAD - "Er zijn mensen die zich niet aan de regels houden. Dus we overwegen iedere dag opnieuw of er verder gaande maatregelen nodig zijn zoals verplichte quarantaine of een avondklok." Dat zegt de de Curaçaose minister van Gezondheid, Suzy ...
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Coronacrisis: Curaçaose ondernemers teleurgesteld in hulp
WILLEMSTAD - Het merendeel van de ondernemers op Curaçao vindt de maatregelen van de regering om de sociaaleconomische effecten van de coronacrisis te verzachten ontoereikend. "Ons ontheffen van omzetbelasting en toeristenbelasting lost niks op...
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Commentaar: RMR & Cft
In 2010 is de Rijkswet financieel toezicht (Rft) Curaçao en Sint Maarten in werking getreden. In 2015 forceerde Nederland een consensus met Aruba voor een soortgelijke vorm van toezicht, dan wel geregeld in een 'normale' Arubaanse...
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'Spoedig liquiditeit vereist'
Al binnen enkele weken behoefte aan steun Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Het is van belang te constateren dat de Caribische landen van het Koninkrijk - met een liquiditeitspositie die maximaal een maand van de reguliere uitgaven dekt -...
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Noodkreet Van der Valk
Toerisme Curaçao stort in zonder goed noodpakket; hulp NL nodig Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Het door de overheid aangekondigde pakket maatregelen is voor nu zinloos: bedrijven betalen geen omzetbelasting de komende tijd. ,,Als je...
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