Richardson detained for eight more days
PHILIPSBURG - The Judge of Instruction ruled on Friday that the arrests of USp-leader Frans Richardson and Windward Roads director Janhendrik Boekhaar are legitimate. The public prosecutor extended the detention of the two suspects by eight days. ...
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| Culture
Large turnout for post-Irma art exhibition
PHILIPSBURG - When Hurricane Irma destroyed Tess Verheij's Artcraftcafé's location in Old Street on September 6 of last year, the artist was heartbroken. But she bounced back, revived her art classes and found a new location for her gallery on...
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| Feature Article
How late is too late?
By Chris Morvan, A British aristocrat, Lord Bates, recently arrived very late for a sitting of the House of Lords and was so ashamed of himself, he offered to resign. On the strength of this, the BBC (the one that's short for British Broadcasting ...
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| Feature News
USP candidates: the focus remains on St. Maarten
PHILIPSBURG - The United St. Maarten (US) party hosted its largest public meeting to date on Saturday, February 17 in Philipsburg and its candidates had one unified message: They were well prepared by their leader Frans Richardson to overcome any ...
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William: Historical Belt & Road Forum can be significant ...
GREAT BAY - Former Prime Minister William Marlin says the 2018 Belt and Road Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean, which is scheduled for Sint Maarten in July, can be a significant boost for the country, which is still reeling from the...
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In Memoriam Jack Monsanto
Remembering Jack Monsanto
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - Friends and colleagues shared their thoughts and memories of the late Jacques "Jack" Monsanto by jotting in the condolence register opened at the Department of Immigration and Naturalization on A. Th. I llidge road...
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| Government News
William hopes Govt releases container homes to residents
GREAT BAY - Former Prime Minister William Marlin in a press release on Sunday expressed hope that residents who are in need will soon receive the 12 container homes he had ordered, when he had been in office, for persons who lost their residences ...
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Minister Wuite meets with APS regarding teacher benefits
SINT MAARTEN (POND ISLAND) - On Friday February 9 th Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Jorien Wuite met with representatives of the General Pension Fund (APS). The meeting was scheduled in follow-up to concerns expressed to the...
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PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The Ministry of VSA received 14 new vehicles as part of the Emergency aid of the Netherlands offered to St. Maarten post hurricane Irma and Maria. Seven of those vehicles were handed over to Ministry on Friday February ...
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| Elections News
PHILIPSBURG - "One of the most used buzz words in this campaign is the word "Stability". Even those parties that have been in power since 10-10-10 and whose members wreaked instability in parliament and in government are now advocating the...
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6,301 voting cards collected in districts
The Daily Herald Newspaper St. Maarten - The leading newspaper for St. Maarten and the Northeast Caribbean. News from St. Maarten and surrounding islands. We offer Digital subscriptions classified ads, obituaries, Island news, regional news,...
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Video commercial: "Go out and Vote!"
"Go out and Vote" Public Service Campaign from the Government's Department of Communications (DCOMM)
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| Politics
USP Valya challenges government to establish vendor...
PHILIPSBURG - In line with her vision to promote small business development, at the public meeting of February 17th, 2018, of the United St. Maarten Party (USP), Valya Lake-Pantophlet challenged government to promote entrepreneurship and assist...
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Mauricia-Peterson plans on bringing a new and innovative ...
Great Bay, St. Maarten - Francelise Mauricia-Peterson is the #7 candidate on the slate of the St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) taking part in the 2018 Parliamentary elections. Francelise Mauricia-Peterson told 721News that she plans on bringing ...
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| Special News
Topper's Rhum wins USA Todays' 10Best Rum Distillery
ST. MAARTEN'S VERY OWN TOPPER'S RHUM DISTILLERY WINS USA TODAY'S 10BEST RUM DISTILLERY AWARD World's Best Tasting Rhum Handmade in St. Maarten PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN - FEBRUARY 9, 2018 - If there's one thing the Caribbean is known for as much...
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| Letters to the Editor
The day after
by Koos Sneek ~ Slowly also by me it sinks in that Statia does not have an elected island council and an executive council anymore. This ultimate measure, which was taken last in The Netherlands in 1951 whereby the municipality Finsterwolde was...
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Three strikes and you are out
My lymphoma that developed in June 2014, has relapsed for the third time, and this time with a fury. A 10x20 cm large tumor grew into the lower right, abdominal area, with multiple, large metastasis in the pelvic bone, bladder, prostate, nerves...
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| Dutch Caribbean News
Blackman Defies New Central Government Statia
23 Oranjestad- Director of Public Affairs and Government Support, Xavier Blackman, does not recognize the newly installed Central Government in St. Eustatius, consisting of Mike Franco and Mervyn Steegers. This much becomes clear from a letter...
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Is 'stability' in government the new buzz word in this election?
Yes, but St. Maarten politicians do not know the meaning of the word
Ministry of Health advises community to take preventive...
GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) - The Collective Prevention Services (CPS) department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, is calling on the community to take preventive measures to prevent contracting...
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Community Mobile Dental Consultations available on...
GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) - Community dental care will be available from the mobile dental bus on Tuesday, February 20 from 2.00pm to 4.30pm at the Vineyard Office Park in Philipsburg where Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department ...
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PHILIPSBURG - Social & Health Insurances SZV has introduced several online services in 2017, including the Employer Portal where companies can submit their ZV/OV declarations digitally. Employers are obligated by law to submit and pay their ZV/OV ...
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| Advertisement
Cleaning services are also offered for commercial properties and office buildings.
| Online News Stories
SINT MAARTEN/CARIBBEAN - Tourism arrivals set new benchmark despite impact of devastating storm in 2017 the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) announced. The catastrophic hurricanes that devastated some Caribbean destination last September...
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Let's Cruise - Eastern, Western, Southern Caribbean... is offering cruise vacations on the best and biggest cruise ships in the world with brand name cruises and destinations in the Eastern, Western and Southern Caribbean, Alaska, Europe and the Mediterranean, ...
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2018 Hurricane Season Preparations Start
SINT MAARTEN/CARIBBEAN - Two Caribbean countries and territories have commenced preparations for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season. The Government of the British Virgin Islands BVI (Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, and Jost Van Dyke) has...
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1st PWR Hour Focuses on Technology
SINT MAARTEN (GREAT BAY) - The Power Hour was launched in 2013 as a networking event to provide tips to entrepreneurs and professionals to achieve unp...
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IGY Isle De Sol Marina Wreck Free. All Mega-Yacht Slips Open
SINT MAARTEN (SIMPSON BAY) - IGY (Island Global Yachting) Marinas Sint Maarten announced that all wrecked vessels at the Isle De Sol Marina have been removed and all mega-yacht slips are available. Founded in 2005, IGY focuses on acquiring,...
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Stayover visitor expenditure hits US$37 billion.
SINT MAARTEN/CARIBBEAN - In short, despite the severe challenges of 2017, more visitors arrived in the Caribbean, and they spent more, Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Secretary General (SG) Hugh Riley said recently. "But is that enough? Is...
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Stacy Cox Elected President of Hotel Association Executives
SAN JUAN:--- Caribbean tourism industry professional Stacy Cox has been elected president of the Caribbean Society of Hotel Association Executives (CSHAE) for the next two years. Cox, who unexpectedly took the top job early last year following an ...
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Weather Forecast: Monday to Wednesday
DATE ISSUED: Sunday, February 11, 2018 @ 18:00 LST (22:00 UTC) VALID UNTIL: Monday evening (18:00 LST) February 12, 2018 ...A SMALL CRAFT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR ST. MAARTEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... WEATHER: Tonight: Fair to partly cloudy...
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| Advertisements
| Job Vacancies
Monday, February 19th, 2018
Vacancy: Assistant Manager
Fly-in-something in the Caribbean
by Cdr. Bud Slabbaert ~ How about Fly-In Banking; like a drive-in fast food operation? No, it's no joke. In the Caribbean? Probably not, but that is not the point. One has to look at the principles of the concept and explore if one could do a...
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| Dutch News
Greenpeace protestors occupy North Sea rig, three...
Police in the Groningen port of Lauwersoog have arrested three members of the environmental organisation Greenpeace for getting too close to a drilling rig off the coast of the Wadden island of Schiermonnikoog. The three were taking part in a...
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Schiphol airport renews calls for increased flight...
The Schiphol airport group on Friday repeated its now familiar call for new discussions over the 500,000 flight movements cap in place through 2020. The Dutch airport, third-largest in Europe, effectively reached that limit last year.
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TV Carib News - 16 Feb 2018
With the high season upon us and more and more airlines are resuming flights to and from St. Maarten, we are also open to take your flight bookings to and from St. Maarten as well.
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