Rent Committee: Evictions without permission is illegal
PHILIPSBURG - The waning economy is responsible for more people being unable to pay the rent and being evicted from their home. Only a few of them are aware that they have rights as a tenant, says Leyton James, secretary of the Rent Committee....
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| - Feature News
Jetair to start scheduled service on the SXM-CUR route
PHILIPSBURG - Jetair has received its permit from the Sint Maarten authorities to start two weekly flights to and from Curaçao, the airline said on Thursday in a press statement. "The 1st commercial flight will take place on February 2nd. The...
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The downside of the monetary union
By Hilbert Haar ~ The St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA) rightly sounded the alarm about Curacao's intention to increase the foreign exchange license fee, warning that this could lead to a devaluation of the Antillean guilder and...
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SHTA questions the survival of the monetary union
PHILIPSBURG - An 'existential threat' towards the St. Maarten economy is what the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) calls the possible increase of foreign exchange license fees in both Curaçao and St. Maarten. The measure is said ...
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MP Re-elect Drs. Rodolphe Samuel wishes to thank all who came out and voted for him.
| - Election News
Governor Holiday appoints Formateur Silveria Jacobs
Harbour View - The Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday, following the outcome of the January 9, 2020 elections held consultations from January 10 through 14, 2020 to gather information to decide on the process for the...
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The impressive rise of the Party for Progress
PHILIPSBURG - In 2017 a group of "dynamic and forward-thinking St. Maarteners" - as the party describes this on its Facebook-page - came together and founded the Party for Progress. On January 9 it entered the parliamentary elections under the...
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| - Main News
Laid-back wedding at Great Bay Beach
GREAT BAY - Rebecca Brooks and Thomas Graziano from New York chose St. Maarten to celebrate their anniversary. They got married on November 11th. When they saw online that 11-11 is St. Maarten's Day, they decided they wanted to celebrate their...
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| Opinions & Letters
The Conspiracy to Rehabilitate Christophe Emmanuel
By Hilbert Haar ~ An anonymous letter writer has posted several installments on the 721news website under the headline The conspiracy to ruin MP Christophe Emmanuel. The stories come across as exhaustively researched and the writer seems to have...
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Bank Fees should be justified and approved by Parliament
The Sint Maarten Insurance Brokers Association is calling on the 15 newly elected members of parliament to go to work soonest and focus on some key issues relating to the financial sector. Besides our own experiences, we have been hearing daily...
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| Social News
Hundreds of illegal Venezuelans leave St. Maarten
PHILIPSBURG - Four months before the introduction of the planned visa requirement for Venezuelans in the Dutch Caribbean, more than half of the group of illegal Venezuelans on St. Maarten has left to return home on their own initiative. An...
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Corruption follows the Venezuelan diaspora
PHILIPSBURG - According to Venezuelans in St. Maarten, corruption at home prevents Venezuelan emigrants from gaining legal status abroad. Many have requested necessary documents from Venezuela without success. "The sad thing is that it is our own ...
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| Local News
DUTCH QUARTER, Sint Maarten - On Thursday, The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport went to meet the teachers of the Martin Luther King Jr. school after they organized a sit-in. This protest was due to their concerns of possible mold...
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Sheriff truck driver cause scooter rider to lose control ...
Video shows how the truck driver never stop to give the traffic behind of him the right away as he was turning in to a PRIVATE PROPERTY. CUL de SAC, Sint Maarten (KPS) - The traffic department of Sint Maarten is presently investigating a traffic...
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D-Boat drifts away in Simpson Bay due to bad weather
Video: SIMPSON BAY, Sint Maarten (CG) - Last Sunday it was reported to JRCC by the police dispatch center that a vessel was approaching dangerously close to an apartment in Beacon Hill. The boat later was confirmed to be DBoat that went a-drift...
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Plenary Public meeting of Parliament about UTS Share Sale
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The House of Parliament will sit in a Plenary Public session on Monday, January 20, 2020. The Public session is scheduled for 10.00 - 11.00 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in...
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Which coalition combination had your preference?
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| News In Dutch (NEW!!!)
Huurcommissie: Aantal huisuitzettingen blijft stijgen,...
PHILIPSBURG -- De tanende economie is er debet aan dat meer mensen de huur van hun woning niet kunnen betalen en hun huis uit worden gezet. Slechts een deel van hen is zich ervan bewust dat zij als huurder rechten hebben, zegt Leyton James,...
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De samenzwering tegen (of voor) Christophe Emmanuel
Door Hilbert Haar ~ Een anonieme brievenschrijver heeft diverse afleveringen gepubliceerd op de website van 721news onder de kopregel De Samenzwering ter Ruïnering van Christophe Emmanuel. De brieven maken de indruk dat de schrijver enorm veel tijd..
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Relaxte trouwceremonie op Great Bay Beach
GREAT BAY - Rebecca Brooks en Thomas Graziano uit New York kozen Sint Maarten om hun trouwbelofte te vernieuwen. Ze zijn op 11 november getrouwd en inmiddels elf jaar samen. Toen ze online zagen dat 11-11 St. Maarten's Day is, besloten ze dat ze...
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Honderden illegale Venezolanen verlaten St. Maarten
PHILIPSBURG - Vier maanden vóór de invoering van de geplande visumplicht voor Venezolanen in de voormalige Nederlandse Antillen is meer dan de helft van de illegale Venezolanen op St. Maarten op eigen initiatief teruggekeerd naar Venezuela. Op...
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Corruptie achtervolgt de Venezolaanse diaspora
PHILIPSBURG - Corruptie in eigen land belet Venezolaanse emigranten om in het buitenland een legale status te verkrijgen. Dat zeggen Venezolanen op St. Maarten die tevergeefs in Venezuela documenten aanvragen. "Het treurige is, dat het onze eigen ...
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CBCS: Girobank kan overleven niet zonder hulp van Nederland
PHILIPSBURG/WILLEMSTAD - Ruim 27.000 gedupeerde rekeninghouders bij de insolvabele Girobank NV in Curaçao kunnen alleen uitzien naar uitkering van eventuele resttegoeden als Nederland te hulp schiet. Dat blijkt uit een relaas van Etienne Ys,...
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