French side to continue border controls; Dutch side stops
GREAT BAY - After deliberation in the Council of Ministers' meeting on Friday, May 15, 2020, it was decided that based on the efforts of the government to properly contain the virus, leading to a decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases on the...
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A Spin-Off
INSIDE St. Maarten Magazine
INSIDE St. Maarten news magazine - The Zero Edition
INSIDE is a new news magazine for St. Maarten INSIDERS with news from INSIDE St. Maarten, including INdepth articles, INteresting INterviews, INtertaining stories and INspiring columns. See one of our articles below here: INterview with Jah Bash.
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Read INSIDE St. Maarten's exclusive interview with Rasta Farmer, Touzah Jah Bash, about how to survive off the land even during a lockdown. We posed Jah Bash a series of questions to which he gave us his open and honest answers.
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Eventhough you can get the news for free online, The Media still needs your support in order to fulfill its role as Society's Watchdog. Support Our Work. We have the following subscription types: a Free Newsletter & a Yearly Subscription for $75 USD.
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| Feature Articles
Brutal package of conditions leaves government little choice
PHILIPSBURG - The Kingdom Council of Ministers had presented a brutal package of conditions for the release of continued liquidity support. Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs has labeled these conditions as an 'indecent proposal' but State Secretary...
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Opinion piece: "An unthinkable scenario"
By Hilbert Haar ~ The conditions attached to the provision of continued liquidity support have put the government in a rather awkward position. Demanding a 25 percent salary cut for ministers and parliamentarians seems to be the least of all...
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Dutch national bank to become watchdog of CBCS
PHILIPSBURG - The government of Curacao and the Central Bank (CBCS) will have to provide the Dutch National Bank (DNB) with a broad insight into the situation in the financial sector and into potential losses, the Antilliaans Dagblad reports...
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Time to split up the monetary union of Curacao & St Maarten?
Is it a good time now to take up the 2013 SER advice to split up the monetary union between Curacao and St. Maarten? ~ By Hilbert Haar The conditions the Kingdom wants to impose on Curacao for more liquidity support put the Central Bank of...
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Raymond Gradus reappointed as Cft chairman
Den Haag - As per July 1st, 2020 prof. dr. Raymond Gradus will be reappointed for a three-year term as chairman of the Board of financial supervision Curaçao and Sint Maarten, the Board of financial supervision Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba...
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Knops maintains: Solidarity is a two-way street
THE HAGUE - "The vulnerability of the economies of the Caribbean islands is significant, not only because of the dependency on tourism but - in the case of St. Maarten - also because of the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and because in...
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Government awaiting further feedback from CCSU ~ On Wednesday, May 13th, the Council of Ministers met with the unions for a second time, to discuss the proposed cost-cutting measures for Government. Some of these suggestions directly influence...
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Lower prison sentence for Theo Heyliger due to violations
PHILIPSBURG - The judge acknowledges that former Member of Parliament Theo Heyliger has been brutally treated by holding him first in a filthy Philipsburg police cell and then in Bonaire, violating his right to visits from his family. His...
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Judgements in LARIMAR case
WILLEMSTAD/PHILIPSBURG - In the so-called Larimar case, the St. Maarten Court of First Instance sentenced politician T.H. to a 60-month prison sentence for accepting nearly $4 million in bribes and money laundering. H. took these bribes from...
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UP Board: Hearsay trial produces hearsay verdict
PHILIPSBURG - The board of the United People (UP) party on Friday said that the hearsay trial of party founder Theo Heyliger resulted in a hearsay verdict, and hopes Heyliger's legal team appeal the verdict forthwith. "We are disappointed, but...
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Stand by your man
By Hilbert Haar ~ The verdict is in and former parliamentarian Theo Heyliger is facing a 5-year prison sentence for accepting bribes and for money laundering. It is a given that Heyliger will appeal the verdict; after the court of appeals confirms...
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| Business News
Minister De Weever forms Economic Recovery Group
Economic Affairs Minister Ludmilla de Weever Calls on All Stakeholders to Come Together ~ PHILIPSBURG - Minister of TEATT Ludmila de Weever reached out to various stakeholders in the past several weeks to create an Economic Recovery Group with...
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Ombudsman Bureau reopens on May 18, 2020
Philipsburg - Effective Monday, May 18, 2020, the Ombudsman Bureau will reopen to the public with new office hours and social distancing guidelines. The new office hours until further notice will be: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 AM to...
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NAGICO Branch Office reopened for business
PHILIPSBURG - NAGICO Insurances is open to the public as of Wednesday; May 13, following the announcement by the Prime Minister and Head of EOC, Silveria Jacobs, of government's plan to reopen businesses on the island in a phased manner.
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The finalization of the SSRP took place on Thursday after it was published. The SZV will now be able to carry out the next phase smoothly. The approval of the 2020 budget on April 28th, also played a role in this process.
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NIPA holding off on opening
NIPA to further assess conditions of reopening ~ CAY HILL - The Supervisory Board of Directors, and the Management of The National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA), wish to inform stakeholders that the campus will remain closed until ...
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| Politics
DSTA counteracts public attack of MP Brison and a comedian
PHILIPSBURG - The executive board of the Dutch St. Maarten Taxi Association (DSTA) has issued a press statement counteracting the public allegations made by President of Parliament, MP Rolando Brison, and "comedian" Andrew Dick in his Late Night...
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Building permit for Planet Hollywood ruled unlawful
PHILIPSBURG - In August 2019, less than two years after Hurricane Irma, the VROMI Ministry eagerly approved a permit to allow Sunwing's plan to build Planet Hollywood St. Maarten Beach Resort on the location of the destroyed Sonesta Great Bay...
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Heyliger-Marten not impressed by airport's responses
Re-iterates areas of priority ~ PHILIPSBURG-Faction Leader of the United People (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten on Tuesday said she was unimpressed with answers given to Parliament by airport CEO Brian Mingo regarding...
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Central Bank shoots down all of MP Brison's suggestions
PHILIPSBURG - The Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten (CBCS) has put Chairman of Parliament, MP Rolando Brison, firmly in his place with a response to a letter he sent on April 21 in which he demanded "urgent action" from the bank. Interim...
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Mingo under fire about airport reconstruction and CFO
Motion passed to have supervisory board evaluate CEO within four weeks ~ PHILIPSBURG - The current state of affairs related to the reconstruction of the airport is "an embarrassment," airport-director Brian Mingo "is lying to the parliament," and ...
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| Health News
MHF launches online edition of Mental Health Awareness week
PHILIPSBURG - From Monday, May 18th, to the 25th, it's International Mental Health Awareness Week. And as we know from previous difficult times: mental health issues are likely to rise after a period of increased stress. It is for this reason...
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| COVID-19 Updates
Prime Minister and Chair of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Silveria Jacobs hereby updates the general public for today, Thursday, May 14, 2020, as part of the process to keep the community of St. Maarten informed about the latest...
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SZV held virtual general staff meeting on COVID-19
PHILIPSBURG - On Friday, May 15th, Social & Health Insurances SZV Director Mr. Glen A. Carty addressed near 113 SZV employees in an interactive video conference call. Over the past two months, SZV employees have been working remotely to maintain...
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| Dutch News
Corona impact appears to stabilise: 10 deaths and 15 new ...
Ten more people have died from the coronavirus and 15 more have been admitted to hospital, the RIVM Dutch health institute announced in its Sunday update. This takes the total number of deaths of people who tested positive for Covid-19 to 5680 -...
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Coronavirus: A timeline of the pandemic in the Netherlands
The first case of coronavirus was reported in the Netherlands on February 27 and the first death announced on March 6. Here is a full timeline of how the disease reached and spread through the Netherlands and the government's response.
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The Netherlands extends its ban on foreign travelers to June
The Netherlands has extended its ban on people travelling to the country from outside Europe and the UK until June 15. The ban, which was imposed on March 18, applies to all but urgent travel, although there are some exceptions.
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Is it the end of the Treaty of Concordia?
What is the Treaty of Concordia?
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| News in Dutch
Uitspraken in de zaak Larimar
WILLEMSTAD/PHILIPSBURG - Het Gerecht in Eerste Aanleg van Sint Maarten in de zogeheten Larimar-zaak heeft de politicus TH veroordeeld tot een gevangenisstaf van 60 maanden voor het aannemen van bijna 4 miljoen dollar aan steekpenningen en het...
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Nederland toch akkoord met derde lening voor Aruba
ORANJESTAD - Nederland is alsnog akkoord met een renteloze lening van 113,3 miljoen gulden (ongeveer 58 miljoen euro) aan Aruba na de verwarring na afloop van de Rijksministerraad afgelopen vrijdag. "Een paar uur na de persconferentie van Aruba,...
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Nog geen besluit over miljoenen uit Nederland voor eilanden
DEN HAAG - Curaçao, Aruba en Sint-Maarten hebben nog niet ingestemd met de Nederlandse voorwaarden voor structurele financiële hulp in de coronacrisis. Er komt daarom nog geen extra geld uit Nederland. Het leek erop dat er vrijdag een besluit zou ...
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Nationale Ombudsman leert van fouten: Papiaments leren
DEN HAAG - De Nationale Ombudsman gaat vanaf volgende week ook in het Papiaments klachten behandelen, meldt ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen. Een groep medewerkers zijn na kritiek Papiaments aan het leren. Vorig jaar kwam in een publicatie van...
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