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Explosion of corona-infections: Curacao takes action

PHILIPSBURG - Despite the official figures published, the latest reports indicate that there are now 35 active corona-infections on St. Maarten - and the number keeps trending upwards. Epidemiologist Izzy Gerstenbluth reacted almost immediately...

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Publisher's note: We're back!!!

Our website is now being hosted on a bigger webserver. It took over a week to complete the migration process. This was due to the enormous size of our news images database. But now we are set for another three to four years. We need to tweak the website, fix some bugs in the software code, and add new plug-ins and features. So, we will be working on that the coming days, weeks and months. We will also be working on some new products and services.

One of our new spin-off products is our new local news magazine called *INSIDE St. Maarten". Take a look at the latest edition now available digitally online at

Just to get you back into the groove of things, here is a closer look at the effects of the latest pension reform plans. The question is, will there by any pension funds left when you retire?

For local news visit
For the latest (political) news the past week, check out our Facebook pages at and

Author Hensley Plantijn talks about his first published book The Constitution of Sint Maarten - When it is time to vote with radio host Ralph Cantave. This book is now on sale for $15 US Dollars at the Van Dorp locations in Madame Estate and Simpson Bay and at The Family Bookstore in Philipsburg. Watch the recorded interview for more information about this new St. Maarten-based author:

INSIDE St. Maarten is on sale at the major supermarkets for $2 per copy. INSIDE St. Maarten is not a newspaper, it is a news magazine filled with INdepth articles, INteresting INterviews, INtertaining stories and INspiring advice columns. Get your copy today. Don't see the magazine in your favorite shop? Whatsapp us immediately!

Shop owners become an Agent and sell our INSIDE St. Maarten news magazine in your stores. Call us today via 588-0800 to order a consignment of 15 magazines complete with a display rack. We offer attractive commissions to you as a reseller. Call us now or email to have your consignment package delivered and placed in your store.

INSIDE CAFE Coming Soon!!! Wednesday, July 29, 2020, @ 7pm sharp
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INSIDE St. Maarten Magazine
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To receive daily news bulletins on your smartphone or device, whatsapp NEWS.SX to us via +1-721-588-0800 and we will add you to our daily news broadcasts. Whatsapp INSIDE to us and we will add you to our INSIDERS news magazine list. We plan to bring you special INSIDE news articles exclusively for INSIDERS.

PS: Media, publishing and broadcasting companies are exempt from receiving payroll support. So no support from government for our reporters and editors. So we thank you in advance for your kind financial support to us. Buy a subscription online today!

NAGICO Insurances says preparing today reduces the consequences of disaster for tomorrow. It is Hurricane Season - June 1 to November 30. Don't wait until the last minute. Ensure your policy is valid and up to date Sponsored Message

This movement started in June 4th, 2013, by a vibrant young lady by the name of Zahira Hilliman Marmar who had a vision and passion for growing what you eat and eat what you grow. Today the group consist of more than 3k members that share their progress in the garden, shares information concerning gardening, ideas, creativity all garden related. Today we see the group expansing to many categories such as, animal husbandry, honey farmer, garden help, plants for swap, just to name a few.

We enjoyed swapping/ bartering/exchange of plants, seedlings, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Even at times we sit and chat in small groups sharing ideas and solutions. At times end products are also given in this process of exchange/barter, etc., for free.

However on August the 1st, 2020...
We have organized an event where we are encouraging entrepreneurship for both the existing businesses and entering businesses to make extra cash. 
In difficult times like these when the economy is in recession, young entrepreneurs are birthed. It has been proven to be the jump start of the economy over and over again. We are not reinventing the wheel. We are just waking up the existing ambitious and creative mind laid down as building block from our ancestors. 

We are encouraging the public to come and support the individuals by purchasing a fruit, a plant, some seeds or by products. And if you want to trade, we have the traders right there too. This encouragement will help the Home Grower cover there cost for planting and personal needs.

On the 1st of August, 2020, support the local people who will be selling their products. And if you have excess of plants, come also to trade with the Home Growers of SXM.

And if you want to sign up to trade, sale or just buy our T-Shirt in supporting the home growers, just click on the following links that may suit your interest.

Click below and thanks for supporting the Home Growers Of SXM. (Don’t forget your walk with your mask.)

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To register to SELL

To register to SWAP (FREE)

To order your T-shirts COVID-19 News
No decision made on lockdown, says Government

Three new cases confirmed by CPS ~ PHILIPSBURG - Minister of Public Health Social Development and Labor (VSA), the honourable Richard Panneflek, deflated rumours circulating on Friday of a pending lockdown of St. Maarten. "I would like to make it ...

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St. Barth follows strict protocols for entering the island

Gustavia, Saint BarthΓ©lemy - In these difficult times around the health concerns caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic, there are many confusing reports in the region and abroad about borders opening or remaining closed, and about the varying...

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Minister of Public Health Updates on COVID-19 Developments

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA) Richard Panneflek hereby updates the general public today, Thursday,β€―Julyβ€―23, 2020,β€―in order to keep the community of St. Maarten informed about the latest COVID-19 developments and...

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All passengers aboard repatriated flight tested negative

The Honorable Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Richard Panneflek announced that the 21 passengers aboard the repatriation flight from the Dominican Republic on Monday, July 20th, have tested negative for COVID-19. All...

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No hay retorno al cierre

Sin embargo, la adhesiΓ³n pΓΊblica estricta a las medidas de higiene es esencial ~ Primer Ministra Silveria Jacobs por la presente aprovecha la oportunidad para informar al pΓΊblico en general en nombre del Concilio de Ministros que el Gobierno de...

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Central Bank appoints Brodie as ENNIA's CEO

WILLEMSTAD - The Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten will install a new management team at insurance company ENNIA next week with Lesley-Ann Brodie as its Chief Executive Officer. Brodie spent more than ten years of her career at...

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Camelia-RΓΆmer officially resigns

WILLEMSTAD - Suzanne Camelia-RΓΆmer has tendered her resignation to Governor Lucille George-Wout this morning. Her last transfer as Minister of Health, Environment, and Nature will be made on Sunday evening at 6 am. Minister Zita Jesus-Leito of...

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SXM Daily News Feature Episode
SXM Daily News July 24, 2020

SXM Daily News July 24, 2020

Read more Government News
No Return To Lockdown, However, Public Strict Adherence...

POND ISLAND - Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs hereby takes the opportunity to update the general public on behalf of the Council of Ministers that the Government of St. Maarten continues to monitor the situation closely and is taking all necessary ...

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National Development Vision (NDV) now online

The National Development Vision 2020-2030, developed from the National Development Plan/Project, is now available online on the Government of Sint Maarten website. The Department of The Interior and Kingdom Relations, BAK, has made the document...

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New Management Team at Point Blanche Prison

POINT BLANCHE - In efforts to gain stability and a stern handle at the Prison and Detention Center at Point Blanche, the Minister of Justice, Anna E. Richardson, has introduced a new Management Team. This new management team consists of the new...

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Aartwicht Bell now the acting head of Pointe Blanche Prison

PHILIPSBURG--Former prison guard and current President of the St. Maarten Sports and Olympic Federation (SMSOF) Aartwicht Bell is now the acting director of the Pointe Blanche prison, taking over from acting director Rikson Martina. Bell has more ...

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Opening of schools depends on situation regarding COVID-19

GREAT BAY - At Wednesday's Council of Minister's press briefing, the minister responsible for Education, Drs. Rodolphe Samuel said the opening of schools on the island depends on the Coronavirus situation. According to Samuel, this information...

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Minister Doran states Alegria Hotel issue is before his time

Ministry is busy with a full evaluation ~ The Honorable Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment & Infrastructure, Mr. Egbert Doran, stated that the issue in regards to the issuance of the water parcel to the Alegria Hotel has...

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Tourism Stakeholders to Receive Certified Training

PHILIPSBURG - The Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic & Telecommunication (TEATT) along with the St. Maarten Tourism Bureau has organized, a Certified Customer Service and COVID-19 awareness training designed specifically for Taxi...

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Winair Implements some Schedule Changes for Statia & Saba

Philipsburg- Winair in a press release today announced a few schedule changes in regards to St. Eustatius and Saba. Effective July 30, 2020. Winair will add one weekly flight to St. Eustatius. In keeping with the most recent protocols...

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St. Maarten Weather Updates & Forecasts

A tropical wave located just off the western coast of Africa continues to produce an area of cloudiness, disorganized showers and thunderstorms. The disturbance is expected move westward across the tropical Atlantic during the next several days...

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Tropical Storm Gonzalo a Reminder to Review Boat Readiness

The seventh named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season formed this week in the Atlantic Ocean east of the Caribbean island chain. It is a clear reminder once again that all have to be prepared. According to forecasters, this is the...

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'Onvoldoende capaciteit'

Veertien belangenorganisaties bedrijfsleven: Autonomie vult maag niet Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Veertien organisaties van het Curaçaose bedrijfsleven 'kiezen bewust' vóór de kans die Nederland aanreikt met de Caribische...

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Oppositie boycot Staten

Plet (MAN): Zwarte bladzijde democratie Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - De geloofsbrieven van PAR-lid Shaheen Elhage zijn gisteren niet bevestigd in de Staten. Bij gebrek aan quorum kon de openbare vergadering niet doorgaan. Het...

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COMMENTAAR: De stem van het volk

In een democratie draait het om de wil - en de stem - van de bevolking. De bevolking die periodiek door middel van verkiezingen mag laten weten door wie zij in het belangrijkste politieke orgaan - de Staten - vertegenwoordigd wil worden. De...

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OPINIE: Uitdagingen en kansen; Caribische Entiteit

Geachte heer Rhuggenaath, Ons land gaat door roerige tijden. We hebben te maken met een aanhoudende economische crisis in Venezuela met alle gevolgen van dien voor ons toerisme, de raffinaderij, handel, vluchtelingenproblematiek, enz. Hetgeen men ...

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CPS reminds community of COVID-19 Hygiene Measures

The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) department of Collective Prevention Services (CPS), is reminding residents and visitors to adhere strictly to the COVID-19 Prevention Measures that have been promoted to...

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Coastal residents & businesses: Have plans in place for...

PHILIPSBURG - With the peak of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season approximately three weeks away, coastal residents living near beaches as well as businesses that are located along coastal areas, are advised to have plans in place for possible...

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School Bus Transportation Schedule up to August 4th

The Inspectorate of the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (TEATT) informs all parents of students with secondary exams that school bus transportation has been arranged for the transportation of students for the ...

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Certificate of Conduct (CoC) Application

The service of the Certificate of Conduct (CoC) also known as Police Record has been suspended since the COVID Lockdown. We apologize for the inconvenience this has resulted for the public that this service has not yet resumed. As we return to...

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Should St. Maarten go on lockdown again?
No, but strict COVID-19 Hygiene Measures should be adhered to.
Poll sponsored by  StMaartenFlowers.comwhere you order online and we deliver offline. Promotional Ads Dutch News
People less inclined to observe coronavirus rules even as...

People are less inclined to keep to the social distancing rules and will go out even if they have symptoms that could indicate infection with coronavirus, an RIVM poll of some 50,000 people shows. The poll, which is updated every six weeks, is...

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Bar at centre of coronavirus outbreak openly defied rules

The owners of a bar at the centre of a local outbreak of coronavirus announced a month ago they was turning a blind eye to social distancing measures because they were spoiling the atmosphere.

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KLM breached discrimination law by asking woman to move...

Dutch flag carrier KLM has been found to have discriminated against a woman by forcing her to change seats because a man refused to sit beside her for religious reasons.

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Bid to have corona rules outlawed fails

Anti-public health regulation group Viruswaanzin has lost a court case to force the government to scrap the coronavirus restrictions, including the 1.5 metre social distancing rule. The group, whose name means 'virus madness', argued that the...

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Housing issues for students in lockdown

Conflicts between international students and their landlords have increased sharply since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Dutch national students' union. The Housing Hotline, an advisory service for international students, ...

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Advertisers see 30% 'corona dip' in income

Advertisers have seen their income drop substantially in the first half of 2020 as consumer spending plunged and large events were cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak. The Ster organisation, which manages advertising space on public...

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AirSXM is here when you are ready to travel.
You will always be able to book your travel vacation trips by searching for flights, hotels, car rentals and vacation packages online on AirStMaarten's booking site.
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Telephone: +1-721-588-0800