Dear Reader
Almost 86% of our respondents in our poll of yesterday indicated that they were experiencing problems receiving their mail via the PSS post office. Not much in absolute terms, but the high percentage do indicate there is a serious problem.
In our investigations, we are taken back by the absolute lack of gravity in addressing the fundamental problems behind the post office's operations. Yet it remains a very important fundamental right of the citizens of a country to be able to send and receive mail.
So what if sending mail is going the way of the dinosaurs?
That does not mean it is no less important. Humans have been breathing air since the age of the dinosaurs. That does make breathing air obsolete?
The fact that the Prime Minister said that if PSS cannot deliver the voting cards, government will get people to deliver the voting cards itself goes to show that there is a fundamental need for the services of the post office. Whether the government pays people to deliver the voting cards or give the money to PSS, money still will be spent. So government might as well give that money to PSS and fulfil its fiduciary obligations towards the concession holder of the postal services of this country.
By the way.... there are people who can deliver the voting cards. They are called
postmen. Well,
postal workers, if we want to be politically correct.
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Reminder: The 1st Annual Customer Service Week is from November 27th to December 1st at the Holland House Beach Hotel and there is still room for more participants, though space is limited. Last-minute walk-ins paying cash at the door will also be accepted. Their Job Readiness Course will be a hit, we believe, with many jobless post-Irma. Check online at for more information about the available courses and their Irma special rates. Sessions are from 9am to 5pm each day.