April 5, 2021 | Number 14
Public Hearings on the State Budget Start this Week
The Joint Committee on Finance, the Legislature's powerful budget writing committee, is holding the first of four public hearings on the 2021-23 state budget (AB 68/SB 111) this Friday, April 9, at Irvin L. Young Auditorium, 930 West Main Street, UW-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.
The hearing will begin at 10 am and conclude at 5 pm. People testifying will likely be limited to three minutes of testimony. Persons may also email comments on the state budget to the following email address: Budget.Comments@legis.wisconsin.gov
Action Step: The League urges municipal officials to send comments to the Joint Finance Committee and your state legislators focusing on:
- Local Transportation Aids
- Payment for Municipal Services Program
Use the state budget comment template prepared by League staff here.
Public Hearing on Bill Allowing Trustees to be Employed by the Village
The League worked with Rep. Mursau (R-Crivitz) and Sen. Feltzkowski on the introduction of SB 187, a bill allowing a member of a village board to be employed by the village and receive an hourly wage, not exceeding $15,000 each year, as a village employee. The bill mirrors a current law provision allowing town board members to be hired by the town and earn wages up to $15,000 annually.
League, WCA, and WTA Distribute Letter to Legislators on ARP and State Aid Programs
On March 25, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the Wisconsin Counties Association, and the Wisconsin Towns Association sent a letter to all state legislators urging them to not use the federal American Rescue Plan Act payments to local governments to justify cutting or freezing funding for shared revenue and other state aid programs as part of the 2021-2023 state budget.
Read the Joint Letter to DOR here
New COBRA Subsidy Requirements Under the American Rescue Plan Act
One of the unexpected provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a requirement that employers provide fully funded COBRA premiums for six months between April 1 and September 30, 2021. This subsidy requirement applies to all employer-sponsored plans covered by state and/or federal health insurance continuation laws.
#TakeYourLeggieToWork for a behind-the-scenes tour of the election process
The upcoming Spring election is your opportunity to show your state legislators how it all works. Invite them to observe the process and help them understand the steps that are taken to secure the election. Since the process of elections has come under a national microscope, this is your chance to help inform and influence the debate on the changes Legislators will be considering. Recommendation! Please check in and work with your Clerk before extending the invitation. Details here.
Adopt the Shared Revenue Resolution!
Thank you to the cities and villages that have adopted or have added the Shared Revenue Resolution to their agenda for consideration. If your municipality isn’t on the list, it is NOT TOO LATE to take action in support of long-term funding for police, fire, parks, etc. We provide a sample resolution > League Shared Revenue Take Action Plan
Send us your Shared Revenue Stories
AB 224, Terms of Office for Local Government Officers. Under current law, the term of office for county board supervisor or town board supervisor is two years and the term of office for most city or village elected officers is two years. This bill provides that the terms of office for these officers extends until the successors are elected and qualified. The League is neutral on this bill. Representative Rozar (R-Marshfield) and Senator Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls).
SB 257, Impersonating a Public Officer, Employee, or Utility Employee. Under this bill, the Class I felony is expanded to include a person who impersonates or represents oneself to be a public officer, employee, or utility employee with the intent to mislead others into believing that he or she is actually a public officer or employee or the employee of a utility. The League supports this bill. Senator Jacque (R-DePere) and Representative Callahan (R-Tomahawk).
SB 268, Compensation of Election Officials during a Recount. This bill provides that election workers performing duties during a recount may not be paid a different daily wage than that paid for similar work performed at the election. The League has not taken a position on this bill to date. Senator Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) and Representative Horlacher (R-Mukwonago).
On April 3, 2021 the Republican Majority in the Assembly and the Senate introduced a package of bills aimed at directing Governor Evers in the expenditure of the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The package of bills is outlined below. Only the Assembly Bills have been introduced at this time. The League is reviewing these proposals.
AB 232, Assistance to Households and Property Owners. This bill requires the Department of Revenue, in conjunction with the counties and municipalities, to provide payments to every property taxpayer in this state. The bill requires the governor to allocate $1,067,824,380 from moneys received from the federal government pursuant to the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Representative Cabral-Guevara (R-Appleton) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 233, Grants for Certain Small Businesses. This bill requires the Department of Revenue to provide grants to businesses in this state that had total sales in 2019 of less than $7 million and suffered economic damage as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill also requires the governor to allocate $200 million from moneys received from the federal government pursuant to the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to make the grants. Representative Moses (R-Menomonie) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 234, Tourism Industry Grants. This bill requires the Department of Tourism to award $50 million in grants to nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is the promotion and development of tourism in Wisconsin to assist those organizations to remain operational in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic. This bill also requires the Department of Tourism to award $25 million in grants to organizations that own or operate amusement or theme parks in Wisconsin for purposes of short-term tourism marketing in connection with the organization's recovery from the COVID-19 global pandemic. The total $75 million is from the ARPA funding received by the state. Representative Dallman (R-Green Lake) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 235, Rural Economic Development Programs and Farm Support Grants. This bill requires the governor to allocate $50 million of the funds accepted under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) for the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to expend moneys for economic development programs and award grants for economic development. The bill also requires the governor to allocate an additional $50 million of the ARPA funds to the Department of Revenue to provide grants to farmers. Representative Armstrong (R-Rice Lake) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 236, Payments to Certain long-Term Care Facilities and Staff. This bill requires the governor to direct $150 million in ARPA funds for the DHS to distribute to nursing homes and assisted living facilities that apply for a onetime payment. The payment may be used for purposes including capital projects and for integration into the statewide health information exchange system. To receive a payment, the nursing home or assisted living facility must ensure that no less than 50 percent of the payment provides bonuses to employees subject to limitations that ARPA has on payments to individuals. Representative Rozar (R-Marshfield) and Senator Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls).
AB 237, Deposits into the Unemployment Reserve Fund. This bill requires the governor to allocate federal moneys provided to this state, including moneys provided under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, for one or more deposits into the state unemployment reserve fund, to the extent that the deposits are needed to keep Schedule D (lowest rates) of the unemployment insurance contribution (tax) rates in effect through the end of calendar year 2023. Representative Petryk (R-Town of Washington) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 238, Highway and Bridge Projects. This bill requires the Department of Transportation to administer a local highways and bridges supplement program. Under the program, DOT awards grants to municipalities and counties to fund qualifying improvement projects on highways or bridges under the jurisdiction of the municipality or county. The bill provides ARPA funding of $144 million to counties and $164.5 million for municipalities. Representative Callahan (R-Tomahawk) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 239, Broadband Expansion Grants. The bill requires the governor to allocate $500 million of the ARPA funds to make broadband expansion grants. Under current law, the Public Service Commission provides grants to eligible applicants for constructing broadband infrastructure in underserved areas. Representative Summerfield (R-Bloomer) and Senator Marklein (R-Spring Green).
AB 240, Statewide Public Safety Interoperable Communication System, Emergency Services IP Network Contracts, a GIS database, and Psychiatric Treatment Beds. The bill requires the Governor to provide the following in ARPA funds:
- $33 million for the development of an updated statewide public safety interoperable communication system,
- $18.5 million for emergency services IP network contracts,
- $1.7 million to develop a statewide geographic information systems database, and
- $15 million to expand the capacity by 22 psychiatric beds at a hospital in Eau Claire County and a hospital in Chippewa County.
Representative James (R-Altoona) and Senator Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls).
AB 241, Retiring Public Debt and Transportation Revenue Bonds. This bill requires the governor to allocate $250 million of the funds accepted under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to retire public debt in the 2021-22 fiscal year. The bill also requires the governor to allocate $250 million of the ARPA funds for the retirement of transportation revenue bonds. Representative Murphy (R-Greenville) and Senator Stroebel (R-Saukville).
AB 242, Sales Tax Holiday for Sales at Certain Establishments. Under this bill, beginning on June 1, 2021, and ending on August 31, 2021, the sale of tangible personal property and taxable services sold at any licensed brewpub in this state or at any business that has as its primary business activity in this state an activity classified under the North American Industry Classification System as a motion picture theater, including a drive-in theater; a tavern, restaurant, or other food service establishment; or an amusement park or arcade is exempt from the state sales and use tax. The exemption also applies to the county sales and use tax, the sales tax imposed by a premier resort area, and the food and beverage tax imposed by a local exposition district. Representative Snyder (R-Schofield).
AB 243, ARPA Funds for Environmental Programs. This bill requires the governor to allocate funds accepted under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) for certain environmental purposes including:
- $40 million through the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program for removal of Lead Service Lines,
- $12 million to the Urban Nonpoint Source Program to manage urban storm water and runoff,
- $6.5 million to the Rural Nonpoint Source Program to combat rural diffuse runoff,
- $2 million to the Well Compensation Grant Program to cover a portion of the costs to treat the water, reconstruct the well, construct a new well, connect to a public water supply, or fill and seal the well, and
- $500,000 to create a new grant program to counties for well testing and public education.
Representative Kitchens (R-Sturgeon Bay) and Senator Cowles (R-Green Bay).
Public Hearing This week
The Assembly Jobs and the Economy Committee will hold a hearing on AB 233, 234, and 242, three of the Republican ARPA bills listed above, on Tuesday, April 6th at 1:00 pm in Room 417 North - State Capitol.
The Assembly Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on AB 238, included in the Republican ARPA bills listed above, on Tuesday, April 6th at 10:00 am in the Assembly Chambers - 2nd Floor West State Capitol.
The Assembly State Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on AB 232, 240, 241, and 243, four of the Republican ARPA bills listed above, on Tuesday, April 6th at 1:30 pm in The North Hearing Room - 2nd Floor North State Capitol.
State Budget Activity
Also this week the budget writing Joint Finance Committee will hold Agency Briefings for the Department of Public Instruction and the Department of Workforce Development on Tuesday, April 6th and the Department of Natural Resources and the Public Service Commission on Wednesday, April 7th. Both JFC Agency Briefings will begin at 10:00 am in Room 412 East - State Capitol and can be viewed on Wisconsin Eye.
The Joint Finance Committee will also travel to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater for the first public hearing on the 2021-2023 biennial budget. The public hearing will take place at the Irvin L. Young Auditorium 930 West Main Street Whitewater, WI 53190 Public Parking Available in LOT #1 105 North Prince Street.
(Paywalls may apply)
Business group lawsuit seeks to halt PFAS sampling program by Wisconsin DNR
Amtrak releases 'aspirational' map for next 15 years with hub in Madison, new stops in Green Bay, Eau Claire
You Can Sign Up to Get Vaccinated Next Week (Assuming You’re Not a Child): All Wisconsinites over the age of 16 will be qualified starting Monday. (April 5)
Masks still required in Oshkosh despite Supreme Court decision
Local governments to get $9.5M in relief money, but with strings attached
Republicans focus on election grants to five cities that favor Democrats, but more than 200 Wisconsin communities got funds
Supreme Court Rules Against Police Officers in Fourth Amendment Case
League Membership Virtual Roundtable
American Rescue Plan Act Informational Calls/Roundtables
Wednesday, April 7th at 12PM - Guest: Senator Tammy Baldwin
Tuesday, April 13, at 12PM
Zoom information is also posted here on the League's Covid-19 page.
Cyber Security Workshop
April 20, 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom
This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.
Local Government 101
May 7, May 21 and June 4 via Zoom
Please thank our sponsors!
Clerks, Treasurers & Finance Officers Institute
June 9-11, 2021 via Zoom
Please thank our sponsors!
This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.
Chief Executives Summer Workshop
August 19 & 20, 2021 – Hotel Retlaw, Fond du Lac
Please thank our sponsor! MPIC
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