Public Hearings on the State Budget Start this Week

The Joint Committee on Finance, the Legislature's powerful budget writing committee, is holding the first of four public hearings on the 2021-23 state budget (AB 68/SB 111) this Friday, April 9, at Irvin L. Young Auditorium, 930 West Main Street, UW-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

The hearing will begin at 10 am and conclude at 5 pm. People testifying will likely be limited to three minutes of testimony. Persons may also email comments on the state budget to the following email address:

Action Step: The League urges municipal officials to send comments to the Joint Finance Committee and your state legislators focusing on:

  • Shared Revenue
  • Local Transportation Aids
  • Payment for Municipal Services Program

  • Levy Limits

Use the state budget comment template prepared by League staff here.

Public Hearing on Bill Allowing Trustees to be Employed by the Village

The League worked with Rep. Mursau (R-Crivitz) and Sen. Feltzkowski on the introduction of SB 187, a bill allowing a member of a village board to be employed by the village and receive an hourly wage, not exceeding $15,000 each year, as a village employee. The bill mirrors a current law provision allowing town board members to be hired by the town and earn wages up to $15,000 annually.

The Senate Transportation and Local Government Committee is holding a hearing on SB 187 this Wednesday, April 7th, at 1:30 in Room 300 Southeast - State Capitol. League staff will testify in support of the bill. If you have stories or examples that could inform our testimony please email Curt or Toni. Thanks.

League, WCA, and WTA Distribute Letter to Legislators on ARP and State Aid Programs

On March 25, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the Wisconsin Counties Association, and the Wisconsin Towns Association sent a letter to all state legislators urging them to not use the federal American Rescue Plan Act payments to local governments to justify cutting or freezing funding for shared revenue and other state aid programs as part of the 2021-2023 state budget.
  • Read the Joint Letter to DOR here

New COBRA Subsidy Requirements Under the American Rescue Plan Act

One of the unexpected provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a requirement that employers provide fully funded COBRA premiums for six months between April 1 and September 30, 2021. This subsidy requirement applies to all employer-sponsored plans covered by state and/or federal health insurance continuation laws. 


#TakeYourLeggieToWork for a behind-the-scenes tour of the election process
The upcoming Spring election is your opportunity to show your state legislators how it all works. Invite them to observe the process and help them understand the steps that are taken to secure the election. Since the process of elections has come under a national microscope, this is your chance to help inform and influence the debate on the changes Legislators will be considering. Recommendation! Please check in and work with your Clerk before extending the invitation. Details here. 

Adopt the Shared Revenue Resolution!
Thank you to the cities and villages that have adopted or have added the Shared Revenue Resolution to their agenda for consideration. If your municipality isn’t on the list, it is NOT TOO LATE to take action in support of long-term funding for police, fire, parks, etc. We provide a sample resolution > League Shared Revenue Take Action Plan

Send us your Shared Revenue Stories