Greetings Fellow Soul Traveler,
The oracle card pulled for this month is from the Native Spirit Oracle Card deck. The card is Vision Quest.
This card talks about being a Sacred Seeker. It says, “Take time away from people and situations. Step back. Retreat. Trust that your life is being directed.” Is this a message you needed to hear today?
In native cultures throughout the world, for thousands of years young men and women have embarked on Vision Quests. They have done this to gain a deeper understanding of who they are and to discover their true life path. In modern times, we have lost that valuable tradition. However, periodically taking a moment (or an hour, a day or a few days) in stillness can ignite incredible wisdom within you.
After these last two chaotic years, it is a perfect time to embark on your own vision quest. (I used to lead Quests and wrote a book about creating your own quests, but a quest doesn’t have to be formal; simply sitting in quietude in nature can be so healing.) Here are some words from my book, from someone who came to one of my quests. To me, these words epitomize the power and grace of a quest.
In Quest of a Vision
On the second night of my Quest, I stretched out and lay back filled with the most indescribable peace. Staring up at the night sky aglow with a trillion stars, I started to feel utterly minute with the cosmos stretched out above. Who is this I? What purpose does it have in the whole scheme of things? What was I about to find out about myself? What long-sought answers to questions will I receive? Intoxicated by the immediacy of nature and feeling as insignificant as a grain of sand, I drifted effortlessly into a deep sleep. All I knew for sure was that this Quest, whatever else it may be, felt absolutely right for me in that moment.
—Tessa Dace
Sending blessings and love your way,
This newsletter is lovingly brought to you by the graduates of Denise Linn’s certification trainings. If you’re interested in becoming a graduate of one of Denise's trainings click below to visit our Facebook or events page.
Your Oracle Card Reading For June
CARD MEANING: Sacred seeker. Take time away from people and situation. Step back. Withdraw. Inner truth is emerging in stillness, but first you need to retreat. Know that you’re guided. Look for your answers in different ways. The answers are around you; watch for signs in the coming day. Trust that your life is being directed.
Your Native Spirit wants you to know that in earth-based cultures, larger questions about life are often answered on vision quests or solo retreats in nature. Questions such as, "Who am I?" "What am I meant to do with my life?" and "What is my mission and my purpose in life?" were often answered on quests of various kinds.
Even if you don't have a burning question, when this card chooses you, it's telling you to take time away from your ordinary life. Take time to explore the depths of your soul. Your soul knows the truth; take time in quietude to discover what it is. The answers to your questions are all around you, but you must be still to hear these messages.
Mystical Musings
From the Linn Academy Graduates
I am not naturally one of those humans who enjoys naps, resting or even taking a moment pause. People who know me, know me as the energizer bunny and I use to pride myself on ensuring I was able to complete 4 days of life and work within one. I often found when I did slow down, I’d feel a sense of laziness and guilt; contrasted by a sadness that by staying busy and distracted I somehow knew I was also missing many of the amazing moments rushing through my life.
As I begun to dig a little deeper I uncovered that my desire to keep busy was a highly effective way for me to avoid ‘being.’ The void scared me as it meant feeling pain, grief and discontent. So instead, I would distract myself with work, study, other people’s lives, email, television, and content creation. ...READ MORE.
I remember those days well. I would get out of bed at 4:30 a.m., drive my son to a bus stop about forty minutes from home in the darkness before dawn, then drive to work. I taught all day and would sometimes need to pick up my son from school and then drive ninety minutes or more back home in traffic.
After dinner, family activities, and taking care of other responsibilities for our family of six, it wasn’t often that I had a moment to think about answers to big questions I had – much less even think about what the questions might be. I felt driven by what I thought needed to be done without seeing whether the steps I was taking were leading me to a place where I wanted to be. Many times, I would not even slow down until the school year was over. By then, I was exhausted and needed to recover from the busyness of the past year.
While I did create opportunities to get away, to go on retreats and spend time in nature, I soon became aware that I needed to incorporate elements of retreat time into my daily life in order to experience more joy and peace.... READ MORE
The Linn Academy is the community of certification programs created by Denise Linn. The graduates of these programs offer services to others, that offering coaching, consulting, ceremony and clearings. You can find a practitioner to assist you in your home, heart and soul work at any of the sites below. You can also find out more about how to become a practitioner.