3rd in the WWPC Series, Tuesday, April 16th

Embodying Wisdom of Midlife and Beyond

11:00am -12:30pm ET | 10:00am -11:30am CT

9:00am -10:30am MT | 8:00am -9:30am PT

Click Here to find the time in your area.

How shall we envision a life of purpose and presence in midlife and beyond? Living in a culture that tends to devalue and dismiss aging, how do we create an individual and collective model for what midlife and eldering humans have to offer to current and future generations?

This webinar will review theories of aging in psychology, spirituality, and culture. We will then envision how the current cohort of midlife and aging humans can embody the wisdom of their lives and change the cultural view of the aging process. Finally, there will be a practice session for the embodiment of one’s own wisdom and worth.

If you register for the series late or miss a webinar you will receive links to the recordings of those webinars.


Rt. Rev. Mary Francis Drake, MA, MSW, D-Min Candidate is a Senior adjunct Faculty of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Co-Director of a spiritual community, and psychospiritual counselor/ spiritual director.

Rt. Rev. Drake is the author of three books and the mother of three young adults. She lives in southern Vermont in an intentional community for elderwomen.


If you miss a webinar you will be emailed a link to the recording.

Series Fees:

  • Supporter $240
  • Basic $220
  • Reduced $150
To Learn more and/or Register for Series CLICK HERE

Single Webinar Fee:

  • Supporter: $40
  • Basic: $35
  • Reduced: $25
 To register for the Single Webinar ONLY


Please contact Rosemary Cox at with any questions or for one of the limited number of scholarships.

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