(n) /’lē-dər-ship/

Happy Body,

Happy Business

Embracing Love in Leadership—

A CEO's Journey Begins Within.

As a wellness coach and the visionary behind Happy Body Connections, I challenge the preconception that love has no place in leadership. On the contrary, integrating self-love into one's leadership approach can yield enhanced motivation and performance, thus, a profound positive impact on your company's financial success.

As noted in Steve Farber's book Love Is Just Damn Good Business, he succinctly outlines the proof behind why love is the core of outstanding leadership and the foundation of any thriving business. Steve Farber is the founder and CEO of The Extreme Leadership Institute and an executive coach, sought-after speaker, and consultant.


In today's contemporary world, we're experiencing a surge in hatred, a catalyst for destruction. This force is contributing to the prevalent rise in anxiety and depression, severely affecting our mental and physical health.


The power to steer our course away from this path lies within each of us. By permitting ourselves to love and care for ourselves first, we sow the seeds of transformation.


The message is clear: we are capable of overcoming these challenges. It's time to embrace a leadership culture prioritizing love as a driving force. It's time to lead with love for the betterment of ourselves, our organizations, and society.


Click here for a list of actionable ideas on self-love that you can start implementing today.

 Please reach out to learn more about how you can move towards a more loving version of yourself while feeding your professional growth.


You're Worth It


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