FEMA launches NIMS Resource Management Survey to collect feedback on NIMS guidance and tools
Since the publication of the third version of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) in 2017, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has received stakeholder feedback indicating that some organizations may be facing challenges with implementing the resource management component of NIMS, particularly the typing, inventorying, and tracking of response assets.
On Oct. 3, FEMA’s National Integration Center released the 2023 NIMS Resource Management Survey. The survey offers jurisdictions an opportunity to recommend enhancements for NIMS programming. This includes the National Qualification System (NQS), resource typing, mutual aid, emergency operations center (EOC) skillsets and tools, and more.
The survey is hosted on FEMA’s Preparedness Toolkit website, which is also where FEMA’s NIMS doctrine, guidance, and tools are housed. In the first page of the survey, FEMA lists its tools and guidance documents that specifically support the resource management component of NIMS. To access and review this suite of guidance and tools, see the links provided in the survey, or visit the Resource Management section of the Preparedness Toolkit website.
The survey will remain open until FEMA collects 1000 responses. To participate, please visit https://preptoolkit.fema.gov/web/nims-toolkit/nims-survey.
Questions can be directed to the NIMS Inbox at FEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.gov. If you previously completed the survey in response to an earlier request for feedback, please contact the NIMS Inbox to ensure your submission has been captured.
FEMA Releases Planning Considerations for Cyber Incidents: Guidance for Emergency Managers
FEMA is releasing “Planning Considerations for Cyber Incidents: Guidance for Emergency Managers.” Developed in coordination with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), this document provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency managers with foundational knowledge of cyber incidents to increase cyber preparedness efforts in their jurisdictions.
Key aspects of cyber incident preparedness included in the document are:
- Understanding the types of cyber incidents likely to occur;
- Engaging service owners and operators;
- Identifying cyber dependent critical services and related dependencies;
- Prioritizing and planning for service and system disruptions;
- Identifying roles and responsibilities;
- Providing integrated communication and public messaging; and
- Developing a cyber incident response plan.
FEMA, in cooperation with CISA, will host several 60-minute webinars to provide an overview of the guide and supporting materials.
To download guide and supporting materials, and learn more about the webinar sessions, please visit the FEMA website at https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/plan.
Special Issue - Turkey and Syria Earthquakes of February 2023
The Journal of Emergency Management (JEM) Editorial Review Board invites the submission of original research, papers, and case studies supporting a special issue titled: “Analysis of Pre- and Post-Disaster Management and Recovery for the Turkey and Syria Earthquakes of February 2023.” This special issue is led by Dr. Derin Ural, Disaster Researcher, Professor in Practice, and Associate Dean of Student Affairs, College of Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida and our Editor-in-Chief, Dr. William L. Waugh, Jr.
Special Issue - Leaving Nobody Behind: Emergency Management in an Inclusive Way
The Journal of Emergency Management (JEM) Editorial Review Board invites the submission of original research, papers, and case studies supporting a special issue titled: Leaving Nobody Behind: Emergency Management in an Inclusive Way. The special issue will be led by guest editor Sonny S. Patel, MPH, MPhil, who has extensive experience as an emergency management and disaster risk reduction practitioner.
Special Issue - Climate Change and Sustainability in Emergency Management
The Journal of Emergency Management (JEM) Editorial Review Board invites the submission of original research, papers, and case studies supporting a special issue titled: Emergency Management, Climate Change and Sustainability – Integrating New Research to Mitigate Disasters and Protect the Planet. The special issue will focus on the intersection of Emergency Management and Climate Change as well as the trend toward integrating new, leading edge, sustainability research and practice into pre-disaster planning and mitigation and post-disaster reconstruction. The special issue will be led by guest editor, Professor Attila J. Hertelendy, PhD, MHA, MS, who has extensive experience as an emergency management and disaster medicine practitioner and an academic researcher with the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health.