Other/Threats Outside the School Day: District 58 realizes that a large emergency responder presence at school is alarming to families. When this occurs, even during situations that do not fall in the above categories, the District or school will contact parents.
Examples include police presence due to a false alarm or a minor emergency.
Please keep in mind, police and fire personnel frequently visit our schools to conduct curricular safety lessons. Your school likely will not send parents a message when police or fire staff are at school for a scheduled visit.
In addition, District 58 takes threats received outside the school day very seriously. In these situations, the District will work closely with police to investigate the threat and evaluate whether the school is safe for students and staff. The District or school will send families and staff an email and, depending on the situation, a call and/or text message, with as much information as possible without jeopardizing an investigation or violating confidentiality.