Emergency Response to COVID Must Include Behavioral Health 

Dear Colleagues,

We wanted to share the following blog from three behavioral health member agencies in the Bay Area on the urgent needs facing mental health and addiction treatment providers statewide and the call for emergency federal stimulus funding to keep providers going. 

This blog is written by the following CBHA members: Brett Andrews, CEO of PRC , Vitka Eisen, President and CEO of HealthRIGHT 360 and Al Gilbert, President and CEO of Felton Institute .

Please share this blog or email with your contacts, or via social media by clicking on the links: Facebook and Twitter.     

Please email me at pcurtis@cccbha.org if you have any questions or would like additional information on the experience of behavioral health providers in the COVID era.  

Stay safe and healthy!
Paul Curtis
Executive Director
California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies 
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