April 2016 
Volume 7  
Issue 14       
In This Issue
About Us


Since 2000 BCSI has performed hundreds of successful investigations.


Our integrated team of investigators and support services ensure that the investigations are conducted in a timely fashion with leading edge techniques. 


BCSI is considered the platinum standard of the industry based on the quality and the wide spectrum of its services as well as the expertise of the investigators.

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It can't be stressed enough that protecting yourself from being scammed can be as simple as taking a few precautionary steps to change your privacy settings on social media and securing your devices and passwords.

In fact, one of the main
ways that con artists work so called "emergency scams" is by opportunistically preying on the friends and loved ones of those who post publicly that they are on vacation.  
These scammers find out who is vacationing in their country, and look through the vacationer's social media account to find out as much info as they can about them, including who their close friends or family members are.

They hack the social
media account to lock out the vacationer, and pose as them in messages through social media, or they find the contact information of loved ones and reach them by phone, text or email.   
Claiming to have some sort of emergency, they may say that they had their purse or wallet stolen, that they were arrested, or that they have been injured.  They prey on the emotions of the vacationer's loved ones, who are always willing to respond quickly.

If one of your friends or family members has an emergency overseas, to protect yourself from being scammed, try to slow down. Approach any requests for having money sent with extreme caution.

Take the time to double check with other people that your loved one is in contact with, and try to reach the person vacationing directly.  Find a secure way to send money to the person, and always keep a receipt so that the transfer can be traced.

If you or a loved one has become a victim of an emergency scam, BCSI investigators can help.  We offer overseas and technology based investigations to help you find the criminal(s) and build your case.
Contact our office today, for a free consultation.  Give us a call at 604-922-6572.