We conduct Job Evaluations for over 500 different organisations on a regular basis, so we thought you may be interested in finding out more about this critical input into HR processes!

Job evaluation compares different jobs to ensure that all of these are graded fairly and equitably when considering each job in relation to others in the organisation – and equally with other staff in similar jobs or jobs of equal value.
Why is Job Evaluation Important?
Job evaluation assists an organisation in the following ways:
  • Promotes transparency around pay decisions
  • Allows for a fair system of remuneration
  • Enables the gauging of external competitiveness
  • Supports the notion of equal pay (Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value)
  • Supports recruitment, career development and succession planning.

It is very important that only the job is evaluated, and not the person doing the job.
Advantages of Job Evaluation
Some of the attributes of effective job evaluation include:

  • Principles are not complex and are usually easily understood
  • All roles within a business are evaluated using the same methodology
  • It evaluates specialist roles as effectively as non-specialist roles
  • It is internationally recognised, and can be effectively used across multiple territories
  • The Job Evaluation results are not necessarily decided by one person, but could be based on the findings of a Job Evaluation committee
  • It assists in illustrating the fairness or otherwise of the current distribution of salaries
  • It assists in illustrating the competitiveness of organisational pay scales against market rates
  • The role and not the person is evaluated (mitigates subjectivity)
Job Evaluation is particularly important in larger organisations where changing dynamics caused by fast moving technological developments as well as additional responsibilities in terms of new procedures, processes and increased authority will necessitate grading reviews.

Emergence Human Capital offers solutions, including:
  • Conducting Job Evaluations for your organisation;
  • Training on the Paterson Job Evaluation Methodology providing a detailed overview of the essential concepts, theories and principles;
  • QuikEval© A web-based job evaluation system with the ability to upload job profiles and organisation structures and can store evaluation results and audit trails.
Bundle purchase RewardExpert and QuikEval together and save!
RewardExpert is an accurate and easy-to-use Total Reward system, offering live data and a host of supporting modules that will assist in setting appropriate pay levels, performing pay analysis, mitigating legislative risk and addressing pay anomalies, across a number of industries and countries.

RewardExpert delivers on all your reward management requirements, with ease of use and excellent reliability. We pride ourselves on rigorous data integrity, resulting in highly accurate benchmark data that is supported by highly skilled staff.

RewardExpert helps you to make defensible decisions regarding all components of pay, for all levels of staff. Our Total Rewards model shows the components of pay reported on in the system, and offers the following:
Filter over 750 roles by country, industry; job family, grade, experience, and more;
Executive remuneration, specific to organisation type, company size, industry, location etc.;
General staff remuneration;
Non-Executive Director pay;
Pay by Grade;
National & industry specific data;
Benefits data;
Export data to PDF or Excel;
Data is updated bi-weekly.
Features include:
Highly accurate job matching, using our rigorous O-R-G-N © methodology – (O)rganisational Metrics, (R)eporting lines, (G)rade, (N)arrative);
Access levels can be set so that different users can see only the data they need to see;
View archive of previously drawn benchmarks;
Choose the percentiles relevant to your organisation;
Conduct compa-ratio analysis, on the fly, for every benchmark drawn;
Able to report in multiple grading systems, input your own custom grading system;
Forecasting of data up to 1 year; and more.
Job Grading made simple. QuikEval has been developed to ensure that your objectives of Job Evaluation are met in a way that is accurate, defensible, cost-effective & consistent. QuikEval uses the Paterson method of JE as a basis. The primary purpose of the Paterson system is to relate levels of complexity in a way which both management and workers find reasonable, equitable and fair.

Benefits include:
Accurate & defensible JE results are produced;
Consistency in application of JE rules - specialist roles are evaluated as effectively as non-specialist roles (all roles are evaluated using the same methodology);
Cost effectiveness through reduced evaluation time and technical training;
Reduced dependency on consultants;
The role and not the person is evaluated (mitigates subjectivity);
Internationally recognised, and can be effectively used across multiple regions & industries; and more.

Features include:
Ability to upload your company specific pay scale;
Compare individual pay against your current pay scale;
Can be utilised by a Job Evaluation committee;
Supporting documents (profiles & organisation structures) are stored in the system;
Simplified implementation - web-based system;
System training is included as standard (½ a day);
No limitation to the number of users who are able to access the system;
No limitation to the number of Job Evaluations conducted;
Export reports to MS Word, Excel & Adobe PDF;
Add OFO codes through the OFO code generator built into the system;
View a complete archive of roles previously evaluated in the system; and more.
Interested in a Demo?
Email quikhr@emergencegrowth.com and we will contact you!
  Hours: Monday to Thursday 08h30 - 16h30 and Friday 08h30 - 15h00