April 2017
Tech Emerging Markets: IP Owners Cutting New Deals

There is a rise in variable royalty pricing for the right to use proprietary technologies in high-tech consumer products. Both patent-pool licensors and individual companies have started using a two-tier royalty system that charges a different rate on products shipping into emerging markets like China and India. Read more about these new pricing models.
The Technology Forest: Don't Get Lost in the Woods  
Believe it or not, there is somewhat of a pattern to the historical disruption caused by technology advances. Think of individual technology advances as the "trees," and the resulting business and societal impacts as the "forest." Every 20 years or so, there seems to be another disruption due to the generational technology of the age. Find out which advancements have people shouting, "Timber!"  
Capped America
Times are a'changing as the U.S. mobile market moves toward more generous data packages. Last year, T-Mobile kicked things off with an unlimited plan, with Sprint quickly following. AT&T waded in with an unlimited plan, albeit one reserved only for DirecTV and UVerse customers. And earlier this year, Verizon jumped into the fray with its own unlimited offer.  Why is "Capped America" changing? 
HEVC Market Trends and Analysis  
HEVC is being widely adopted in all classes of consumer video products, and DTC has been analyzing this market since the standard was formed. We have a team of experts analyzing the product and content landscape, licensing activities, and the impact of other video-compression developments in a video ecosystem highly dependent on the greater efficiency afforded by HEVC.

We offer customized consultations on:
  • Analysis on all products adopting HEVC
  • Analysis on content distribution and sales
  • Market intelligence and analysis on licensing programs and royalties
Call 214.915.0930 ext. 1 o r email us to learn how DTC's expertise on HEVC can help you maximize  your business.
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