Emeriti Connection
Issue No.19 - April 2022
Letter from Our Interim Executive Director
Dear Emeriti,

It is my distinct honor to be serving as the Interim Executive Director. Together with the support of the Provost’s Office and the already generous support of the Executive Board and Emeriti, I will energetically support your initiatives and goals.
During this transitionary period, the Emeriti Association has put together a new Editorial & Communications Team which includes Joanna Mitro, Lynn Davis, Pat Mezinskis, and me. This April edition of Emeriti Connection was wholly produced by the Team—a voluntary effort of your fellow emeriti rising to the challenge. We hope you enjoy the results.

As an Associate Professor in the Professional Writing Program at UC, my focus is on technical and professional communication, and visual design. I have experience with e-publications and traditional print publications, have worked as a freelance journalist for the London Times and hold degrees in English, History, and Public Relations. With that background, I hope to work with the Executive Committee, the Board, and the Provost’s office to realize plans to update our website, provide more visible profiles of Emeriti faculty on campus, assist faculty with transitioning to retirement, and work to improve our outreach to all Emeriti through multiple media channels. 

I echo Terry Milligan’s heartfelt message about the challenges being faced by Ukraine and the broader global community. In these times, Cynthia Lockhart’s fiber art “Created to Be Me,” now housed in the Smithsonian Museum as noted in this issue of Emeriti Connection, reminds us that much of the United Nations 1948 Declaration of Human Rights remains largely aspirational for far too many.  However, as we are reminded by Queen Elizabeth II: “On our own, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice, but the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine.”  

Indeed, in my brief time with the UC Emeriti Association, I have discovered that the emeriti body that this Association comprises has had a huge impact for good on the university and on the broader community. Your donations to the UC Foundation ​have amounted to more than $43 million (since 2012) and coupled with the latest new scholarship initiative that you will read about ​below, are acts of extraordinary goodness. Such selflessness should give us all hope in these troubling times.

I have also discovered the enormous capacity for fun, learning, and community-building that you have. A quick glance at the calendar for the next two months indicates that there is no shortage of events, including the new “Walking for Fitness” Club on Wednesdays in Winton Woods. 

Two wonderful opportunities for people to get together are the two newest social activities: Coffee, Tea & Talk has its first meeting on April 4 and will continue in the Faculty Enrichment Center every 1st & 3rd Monday at 10 am.  For those of you who may prefer a later venue, the new P.O.E.T.S. (Phooey On Everything Tomorrow’s Saturday) Club offers an opportunity to join Emeriti on Final Fridays in exploring the fine microbreweries that Cincinnati has to offer. With its well-chosen acronym, it seems only fitting that the P.O.E.T.S Club should heed Shakespeare’s call to “drink down all unkindness” in these turbulent times (The Merry Wives of Windsor: Act 1, Scene 1).

Finally, the Provost and the Emeriti Association Board will welcome new Emeriti at the annual Recognition Dinner on April 12, which will be held in person for the first time since 2019.

I look forward to helping with and accompanying you on as many of these NEXT journeys as possible.

Antoinette M. Larkin, PhD
Associate Professor, Professional Writing Program
Interim Executive Director, UC Emeriti Association & Center

Letter from Our Board President
I am envious of Ossie, my Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  I grew up with dogs, but did not have one while teaching because I didn’t have the time to be a good “dog dad.”  But upon my final retirement in 2018, I decided that my life was not complete without a dog, so, Oscar/Ossie became a significant part of my life when he was at the tender age of nine weeks.  Now, he is almost four years of age, and we have become inseparable.

He has no worries, nor is he concerned with much more than his food sources, his playtime, trips to the park, his chew toys, naptime, maintaining my attention, happenings on our back hillside, and protecting me from the “evil one” who delivers the mail.  Of course, he adores her when he sees her on the other side of our front door.

But I cannot be like Ossie. I, like everyone else, have been watching and listening to the reports from Ukraine with horror, disgust, revulsion, fear, anger - you name the emotional reaction and I have experienced it.  Strange, but in my comments found in the winter newsletter I stated that, “I cannot deny a sense of apprehension.”  I felt that something was going to happen. Now, I know what. 

In my sense of helplessness I know that each of us can provide aid in some way. For starters, we can send whatever financial support we can afford to any number of humanitarian organizations that are working to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainians displaced to other countries or trapped in their homeland.  Good must triumph over the evil that has beset those resilient, defiant people.   We must act, and we will act.

I know that Ossie has a heart of gold. One of his characteristics is his unfailing concern for my wellbeing.  Once, when I stumbled and fell while going up the stairs, he was instantly by my side to check on me.  He wanted to be certain that I was okay.  If he could, I expect that he would offer whatever he might have to aid and support the Ukrainians in these dark days.

So in that respect, I am like Ossie after all.  And so are you. 
Once to every man and nation,
Comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of truth with falsehood,
For the good or evil side;
Some great cause, God’s new Messiah,
Offering each the bloom or blight,
And the choice goes by forever,
‘twixt that darkness and that light.
–  James Russell Lowell         

Terence (Terry) Milligan, President
UC Emeriti Association
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Walking for Fitness: Wednesdays at 9 - April 6,13,20... (Winton Woods)
Coffee,Tea & Talk: 1st & 3rd Mondays at 10 - April 4,18, May 2,16...(FEC)
Board Meeting - April 11, May 9
Recognition Dinner for New Emeriti - April 12
Luncheon Speaker Series: Greg Hand - April 28
Final Friday P.O.E.T.S. Club & Microbrewery - April 29 at 5 pm
Health & Wellness Book Club Discussion - May 10 at 7 pm
Annual Emeriti Association Meeting & Elections - May 19
Van Gogh Immersive Exhibit - June 2022 TICKETS
In This Issue

  • Welcome New Emeriti
  • Luncheon Speaker Series News
  • Emeriti Scholarship Fund News
  • New Social Activities: Brew & Coffee
  • Health & Wellness: Reading & Walking
  • Serving the University Community
  • Smithsonian Honors: Cynthia Lockhart
  • From Here to Eternity: Daniel Langmeyer
  • Enjoying Life's Second Act: Sandra Degen
  • In Memoriam
  • Did You Know?
Scroll down for individual sections
Welcome New Emeriti
H. Howard Fan, PhD, College of Engineering & Applied Science, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Winton Kao, PhD, College of Medicine, Ophthalmology

Sally Moffitt, UC Libraries

Kimberly Myers, UC Blue Ash, Veterinary Technology

Joel Wolfe, PhD, College of Arts & Sciences, Public & International Affairs

Board of Trustees meeting, February 2022

Recognition Dinner
for New Emeriti
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
(By Invitation Only)

Provost Valerio Ferme invites New Emeriti Faculty to attend a celebration dinner in appreciation and recognition of their service to the university.

The Provost's office, the UC Foundation, and the Emeriti Association Board have hosted yearly dinners for new emeriti since Spring 2014. After missing these social events in 2020 and 2021, we are pleased to honor faculty who have received Emeriti distinction, as ratified by the UC Board of Trustees from June 2019 through December 2021, a group of 152 individuals!

(Note the new emeriti listed above will join those honored next spring 2023.)

We look forward to the continued tradition of hosting these dinners each spring. We encourage all new emeriti to continue active involvement with the University and to join their colleagues in the activities and opportunities offered by the Emeriti Association and Center.
Luncheon Speaker Series

"In Case You Missed It"

Re-Cap of March Speaker Presentation

Matthew Mezinskis, a 2006 graduate of the Lindner Honors Plus Program in the UC College of Business, was the March 24th speaker for the Emeriti Luncheon Speaker Series.  His topic, Demystifying Bitcoin and Blockchain,” covered the basics of what Bitcoin is, how it is used, and its impact on the future.  This topic of interest attracted nearly 70 people who signed in on Zoom.

Matt spent the first 30 minutes covering basic information regarding Bitcoin and then opened the floor for questions.  The ensuing discussion included how Bitcoin can be used in the real world, how safe it is, and the impact on the climate due to the need for electricity to “mine Bitcoin.”  Matt answered each query in depth, staying an additional 30 minutes to answer more questions.

Matt has a podcast on cryptocurrency called Crypto Voices (available on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud) and is the creator of Porkopolis Economics (Porkopolis.io).  And yes, that is a nod to his hometown!  Matt currently lives in Vilnius, Lithuania, with his wife and baby daughter.  He also highlighted what it is like to live so close to Ukraine.  And he stressed how Bitcoin could be used as a safeguard of money in countries with autocratic leaders.

View Matt's presentation and Q&A (with Closed Captioning):
(Please note: This video starts slightly after Matt began!)

For more information on Bitcoin, Matt recommends “Check Your Financial Privilege” by Alex Gladstein.

Matt would be happy to hear from you: matthew@cryptovoices.com

Upcoming Speaker
April 28, 2022

Some Curious Incidents In The History Of UC’s Faculty

Presenter: Greg Hand

Over the years, the faculty of the University of Cincinnati has boasted some outstanding scholars as well as a few individuals who are fascinating for entirely different reasons. A duel by research paper, dismissal for marital heresy, a Red Scare and a couple of ghost stories are among the episodes reminding us that the UC professoriate was never boring.

April 28,  12 noon - 1:00 p.m.
Virtual attendance via zoom

Meeting ID: 961 2838 5735
Passcode: 134712
About our speaker:
Before his retirement, Greg Hand provided 36 years of communication and public relations counsel to the University of Cincinnati, from which he graduated in 1974 with a degree in English literature.

He is co-author, with UC Archivist Kevin Grace, of three books about the University, and he edited a book of essays for UC’s 2019 Bicentennial Celebration. Prior to employment at the university, Hand was editor of the Western Hills Press newspaper covering the western suburbs of Cincinnati.

In retirement, Hand created the Cincinnati Curiosities blog to “keep alive the weird soul of the Queen City.” With partners Molly Wellman and Kent Meloy, Hand presents discussions on local lore and storytelling performances through a program called Stand-Up History. He is a freelance writer and contributes regularly to Cincinnati Magazine and to WCPO-TV’s “Cincy Lifestyle” show.

New! Emeriti Scholarship Fund
The twenty-one members of the Board of the Emeriti Association have pledged $50,000 to establish the necessary minimum amount required to establish the endowment for the Emeriti Association Scholarship.
Before we are able to present an annual scholarship of $5,000, we need an additional $75,000 for a total of $125,000.  
We, the Board, ask you to partner with us over the next five years to create this scholarship for an underrepresented, undergraduate, first-generation student at UC.

We have a window of five years to grow the principal for the scholarship to $125,000.  Once we have this amount, we can give an annual scholarship of $5,000. 

Thanks to the generosity of the Board members and others, the market value of the Emeriti Scholarship Fund is $12,152.27 as of February 28, 2022.


Name of the Scholarship Fund
"University of Cincinnati Emeriti Association
Endowed Scholarship Fund"

Foundation Number for the Scholarship Fund
 This is the ID of the fund in the Foundation CRM.

Link for Contributing to the Scholarship Fund
Select from the “Search Funds by Name” field.
Enter either “Emeriti Scholarship
or the complete, full name of the fund, shown above.


New! Social Activities Committee
The newly formed Social Activities Committee is pleased to announce the inauguration of two regular events for the purpose of socializing and enjoying one another’s company. Both involve beverages, of course!
Final Friday 5 pm
and P.O.E.T.S. Club Gathering

The P.O.E.T.S. Club (Phooey On Everything Tomorrow’s Saturday!) will get together on the final Friday of each month at 5 pm.

The inaugural gathering, held on Friday, March 25th, at the Woodburn Brewery in the Walnut Hills district of Cincinnati, was highly successful with emeriti whose origins included Egypt, Italy by way of Peru, Germany, and Austria.
In addition to craft beers, wine, mixed drinks and soft drinks, available menu items included appetizers, sandwiches, salads, side dishes and desserts.
Rino Munda & Don French
Alan Siebert, Terry Milligan, & Robert Conyne
Alumna Marina Abanto with Awatef Hamed
The next Final Friday Microbrewery Gathering:
5 pm, April 29th 

Location and details will be forthcoming. 
We hope to see you there!
Coffee, Tea & Talk

1st and 3rd Mondays
10 am, FEC

Come Discuss with Us !

Join us for lively conversation at the Faculty Enrichment Center Lounge located in Langsam Library on the UC campus.

Topics of our discussions will include stories found in various Sunday newspapers and/or broadcast media, so you are encouraged to bring your thoughts about current events. 

Coffee and tea provided by the FEC (or you may bring your own).

Small contributions to help defray the cost will be welcome but not required. 

April schedule: 10 am Monday, April 4th and April 18th
May schedule: 10 am Monday, May 2nd and May 16th

You are cordially and enthusiastically invited to attend as we talk about various and sundry topics of interest.
Other social activities are in the planning stages. We hope you will join us as we swing into spring and summer! 
Sally Moomaw, Howard Jackson, George Babcock
Terry Milligan, chair
Social Activities Committee
Health and Wellness Committee
The Health & Wellness Book Club explores non-fiction and fiction books on topics supporting physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual well-being. Book club discussions provide a chance to share ideas about the book, the characters, the author, your own perspective and the perspective of others.

Our inaugural selection was Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. Using the backdrop of Okinawa, Japan, the authors introduced us to one of the worlds’ "blue zones" where health, wellness, purpose in life, and spirituality contribute to longevity, happiness and fulfillment. Our discussion of the book led us to our own thoughts about retirement, the need to be busy to feel complete, and whether you can change "purpose or drive or goals” through your life as your situation and interest changes. We enjoyed sharing what keeps us going on a day to day basis!

We invite emeriti to join us in our next discussion.
Our Next Selection:
Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life
by geriatrician Louise Aronson

Elderhood is for anyone who is,
in the author's own words,
“an aging, i.e., still-breathing human being.”

Please join us virtually for a spirited discussion regarding this book. Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
New! WALKING for FITNESS Program
Join this Program, sponsored by the Health & Wellness Committee, to enhance a healthy lifestyle for improving or maintaining health and wellness.
Wednesdays at 9 am
Participants will meet at one of these Great Parks from April thru October:
Winton Woods - April through June
Miami Whitewater Forest - July and August
Sharon Woods - September and October

First walk: Wednesday, April 06 @ 0900 at Winton Woods.

All trails feature several exercise stations along the length to build variety into your workout. Walks will be cancelled for inclement weather.

Although it is free to be a Walking for Fitness Program member, visitors to the Hamilton County Parks are required to have a motor vehicle permit. The cost of an annual (2022) Motor Vehicle Permit for Hamilton County residents/visitors is $10.00 and $16.00 for all other park visitors.

For more information, contact Jennifer Pearce

UC Speech & Hearing Clinic new Health Sciences Bldg., Suite 325

513-558-8503 or 513-558-8988

Thanks to UC Audiology in Speech Communication Sciences & Disorders Department

Brought to you by the UC Emeriti Association's
Health & Wellness Committee
Serving the University Community
The Emeriti Association Service Committee has identified two centers at the university that need volunteers:
Emeriti are invited to participate in the Read Aloud program in person or virtually. Emeriti would be assigned to a classroom to read to preschool children. 
Emeriti are also invited to lead topic discussions in areas of expertise, developed at the level of learners. Children are interested in many subjects: science (animals, insects, plants, rocks), the arts (drawing, music), etc.
Contact: Mary Beth Wright at wrightme@ucmail.uc.edu if interested in Read Aloud

The Center’s PlayScape provides an environment for preschoolers to learn about nature. Emeriti interested in the outdoors may want to volunteer to help with the garden and interact with the young learners there.
Contact: Rachel Konerman wiserl@email.uc.edu to volunteer at the PlayScape

The Arlitt Center will be 100 years old in 2025. Emeriti who were involved with the center and would like to participate in the planning of the Centennial Celebration are invited to help! 
Contact: Leslie Kochanowski kochanle@ucmail.uc.edu to help plan the Arlitt Centennial Celebration

The CCE connects university students and others to service opportunities to the university and the Greater Cincinnati community. Emeriti interested in interacting with UC students are encouraged to volunteer :

UC students provide tutoring services to Cincinnati Public Schools through the Bearcat Buddies Program. Emeriti faculty can volunteer to tutor, support students in their professional development, engage in discussions about program sustainability, and serve as van drivers.

CCE is looking for faculty emeriti who are interested in joining the UC Votes Coalition, responsible for advising our UC Votes program, UC’s nonpartisan democratic engagement program.

Please click HERE to see message from Keith Lanser, Assistant Director CCE, regarding these opportunities.
Smithsonian Honors Lockhart
Contributed by Antoinette Larkin
Cynthia Lockhart's Fiber Art Aesthetically Affirms the U.N.'s Declaration of Freedom and Equality

World affairs today remind us that the United Nations 1948 Declaration of Human Rights is still aspirational, especially Article 28 which affirms that “everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which [their] rights and freedoms” can be realized in peace and harmony. The UN’s global goals affirm artistic storytelling that asserts our human right “to be” uniquely and fantastically ourselves, and is a large part of what inspires the oeuvre of Cynthia Lockhart, and what drew the curators of the Renwick Gallery, a branch of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, dedicated to contemporary craft and decorative arts, to bestow a rare honor to our gifted Emerita—the inclusion of her quilt “Created to be Me” in the Renwick’s permanent collection.
This piece of vibrant, colorful, and delightfully creative fiber art inspired by Article 28 was donated earlier this year by the noted Cincinnati art enthusiast and collector, Sara Vance, in honor of Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi, the founder of the Women of Color Quilters Network (WCQN) who has been a mentor to Cynthia. Indeed, it was one of Dr. Mazloomi’s calls for artists for a WCQN exhibition that became the genesis for “Created to be Me.

In discussing her 2017 fiber art, “Created to be Me,” Cynthia notes that the “visual imagery in the art represents a free spirit and celebrates the unending possibilities of the power of creativity.” She passionately affirms that “we are all human and have equal rights” and indeed “we were born to dwell on this planet together” and be given the freedom “to contribute our talents and gifts to mankind in our unique ways.” This newest piece to grace the Renwick Gallery’s collection reflects a “kaleidoscope of diverse influences” including “nature, fashion, music, dance, travel, African and Cultural Arts”—a hallmark of Lockhart’s art. 

“Created to be Me” is a 42" x 50" textile collage that uses a variety of materials to produce its aesthetic impact. As Cynthia says, her “art quilts are created by fibercation techniques of mixed-media collage and stitching. I dream and conceptualize shapes and forms as part of my inspiration and my design process.” Indeed, the artist’s textile creations constantly “push the boundaries of the traditional quilt form.” That pushing of boundaries, combined with Lockhart’s unique use of “pulsating colors” that “simulate the vivaciousness of her African ancestry, and her irregular, organic shapes and circles” is perfectly embodied in and no doubt played a part in the Smithsonian’s acquisition of her fiber art.

As we look at Cynthia’s “Created to be Me,” we can see the shared metaphors for peace (white doves and the olive branch), the morphing of one face seamlessly into another, and the pulsating heart at the center of this exquisite piece of art, reminding us that hearts radiate love, compassion and life, and can metaphorically reach beyond the borders that we often call “home” and “country.”

Lockhart’s work is in the permanent collections of her alma mater UC (where she serves on the Emeriti Association Board), the Cincinnati Art Museum, Michigan State University, the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and now the Smithsonian. Her artistic journey has been as readily marked by artistic honors and public acclaim. In 2021, the Ohio Arts Council bestowed their Individual Excellence Award on this limitlessly talented artist. Of note too, is Cynthia’s inclusion in the Encyclopedia of African American Artists

As “Created to be Me” now resides in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian, this achievement fills her with complete “joy” and no doubt will fill those who have and will see this art treasure with joy too! There is more “joy” to come for the audiences who view Cynthia’s work as she continues to create.
For more of Cynthia’s inspiring collection of fiber art:

From Here to Eternity
Contributed by Joanna Mitro 
Daniel and Lynn Langmeyer at the Forest at Duke
Emeritus psychology professor Daniel Langmeyer retired in 2016, and three years ago, he and wife Lynn moved into a continuing care retirement community (CCRC). CCRCs offer a continuum of independent living, assisted living, and nursing care, with many amenities in one location.  Daniel and Lynn did a lot of planning and research before making this move, and we were curious to learn about what motivated the move and what factors influenced their ultimate decision.

We recently set up a time to talk with Daniel over Zoom.  Here is what we learned:

There are lots of variations on CCRCs when it comes to size, costs (initial and monthly charges), how health care is integrated into the plan, administration & governance, etc. When looking into/comparing CCRCs, find out (and compare) how their contracts are structured and how they handle (and charge for) the long-term care you may eventually need.  Some CCRCs only accept new residents who are fully independent. 

One of Daniel and Lynn’s highest priorities when searching for a CCRC was to find a unit (“cottage,” “villa,” “home,” etc.) with plenty of living space and a floorplan that gives each of them enough elbow room. 

They enrolled on the waiting lists of three CCRCs: Willamette View near Portland, Oregon; Carol Woods Retirement Community in Chapel Hill, NC; and the Forest at Duke in Durham, NC. Daniel recommends getting on one or more waiting lists as soon as you find a CCRC you like so that you have a chance of moving into your preferred community when you are ready.  The waiting list fee (usually around $1000) is all or mostly refundable if you don’t move in, and it holds your place if you are not ready to move when a unit you want first becomes available.  It also gives you some visiting privileges. Daniel and Lynn were on waiting lists for 3 years. 

Many people choose a CCRC to be near family or to stay near where they were living.  Daniel did the former – his twin brother David, who has lived in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area for years, moved into the nearby Carol Woods Retirement Community 8 years ago.  Other factors influencing the choice of CCRC might include geography/weather, proximity to high quality medical care, or the presence of affinity groups (religious, political, occupational) among the residents. Both Carol Woods (where Daniel’s brother lives) and The Forest at Duke (where Daniel and Lynn live) have some close ties to their respective Universities (University of North Carolina and Duke) but no formal affiliation. 
What does Daniel like about living in The Forest at Duke?
For one thing, the weather is better than Cincinnati’s. There are lots of cultural activities (performances, exhibits) in Durham and the surrounding area (Chapel Hill, Raleigh) that the Langmeyers enjoy, and many opportunities for socializing with residents (activities, dinner gatherings, outings).  There are ample opportunities to initiate new clubs and activities. He describes his fellow residents as a “diverse” group, with many alumni or emeriti from Duke University and largely professional.  There are new people entering the community every month providing opportunities for new friendships. The staff is friendly, and the atmosphere, which he describes as “Southern,” but becoming less so with every new resident, is pleasant.  The CCRC has a wonderful gym and good-sized warm pool and group exercises (but he does miss 20-year-olds at the fitness center!).

What you are opting for is to be taken care of; giving up the need to cook, shop, call the plumber, change a lightbulb, decide where you will go when you need rehab after a trip to the hospital, and so on. This was particularly welcome the past few years. But a CCRC is not a prison. Many residents have houses at the shore, mountains, or leave Durham for months on end, travel, visit family elsewhere. 
Does Daniel miss friends in Cincinnati? 
Daniel and Lynn visit friends in Cincinnati and nearby areas occasionally. Daniel was quite involved with University affairs beyond his department (among other things, he was on the AAUP Negotiating Team for 8 straight contracts, very active in college undergraduate matters, and was a member of the Emeriti Association Board for two years), and he still is interested in hearing about UC. Daniel does miss that involvement. But he was ready to move on. Lynn was less pleased with leaving Cincinnati and her friends there and her oldest friend (since elementary school on the lower east side of NY) in Indianapolis as well as her long-term relationship with the Cincinnati Ballet. But both recognize the advantage of moving into a community where they can live with a high degree of comfort and security for the rest of their lives.

Daniel suggested the title of this article.  He can be contacted via his UC email address. 
Enjoying Life's Second Act
Contributed by Sandra Degen
I’m writing this while sitting in my back yard surrounded by oak trees and with a view of the Pacific Ocean.  My husband, Jay and I moved to Aptos, California (about 10 miles south of Santa Cruz) on Monterey Bay when we retired. 

Jay and I were both appointed as Assistant Professors at the University of Cincinnati in 1985.  Our research labs were at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Although I ran a basic science research program for many years, at some point I became interested in going into administration.  From 2004-2011, I was the Vice President for Research at UC.  I was also the Interim Chair of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology (2011-2014), as well as Associate Chair for Academic Affairs in the Department of Pediatrics (1997-2015).

Early on, Jay and I had decided that we wanted to retire at the top of our game and around the age of 60.  We also knew that we would not stay in Cincinnati since we had no family nearby.  Jay dreamed of living by the ocean, and I wanted mountains for hiking. The Santa Cruz area had all that we wanted - the beach, redwood forests, a university town, near a big city (San Francisco) and beautiful weather.  We moved here in July 2015 immediately after retiring.  

I had no grand plan on what my retirement life (or second act) would look like except that it would be different and devoted to enjoying myself.  I wanted to learn new things and take better care of myself.  I also knew that it would evolve over time.  

Every day is full.  I spend much of my time doing things that I never had time doing during my professional life.  I am healthier than I have been in a long time due to spending more time outside, being active and eating better since I have more time to cook.  I walk on the beach several times a week and love the sounds, the birds and the peace.  Since we moved away from our friends, I spend more time keeping in touch with them. I work in my garden, enjoy knitting and quilting (both of which I have learned during retirement).  I joined a book club and spend more time reading.  Because of my background in molecular genetics I have had a long term fascination with genealogy and now spend time time looking into my family’s past. 

Jay and I promised each other when leaving Cincinnati that we would go on at least one “adventure” a week. We enjoy exploring the coastal areas and forests near where we live. We have found wonderful hikes and enjoy picnics among the redwoods or overlooking the Pacific. Nothing is hurried.  We also enjoy road trips and have found amazing places to visit. For longer trips, we chose a state to visit and see as many national parks and monuments that we can.

I haven’t entirely given up on my scientific past and have become a citizen scientist!  I am a member of BeachCombers (through NOAA) - a group that each month monitors the health of the ocean and Monterey Bay by surveying for dead mammals and birds. I also spend time writing.  My first book was about my personal and professional life (for my daughter and husband) and now I am writing a family history for my nieces and nephews.
Much of what I have read about retirement says that it is important to have a sense of purpose.  I have struggled with that.  In my professional life I had always been driven by having a purpose to my life - getting my PhD, running my own lab, making significant scientific discoveries, helping others be successful and to contribute to improving the research enterprise.  In my personal life, my purpose was to raise my daughter to be independent, confident and successful in her life.  But, now that I am retired, that purpose is not so grand.  When we retired we had the motto that the rest of our life was now dedicated to having fun.  We are certainly doing that.   

But, the sense of purpose is not so clear.  I wonder if I should be contributing more to my profession or to society or to volunteer for some organization.  But, I don’t want to have any obligations.  I want my freedom.
When I recently read about a successful woman CEO and that she feels that retirement should be about fulfillment; I couldn’t agree more.  That is what my life is about these days.  When I go to sleep at night, I am happy.  I definitely feel fulfilled most of the time.   I am doing what I want, I live in a beautiful part of the world and my daughter is happy.  What more could I ask for?

If you are interested in staying in touch my email is:  sandradegen1@gmail.com
Do you happen to be in the middle of your own Second (or third) Act?
Email us to let us know and you may find your story in a future newsletter. 
In Memoriam
James W. Crocker-Lakness, Ph.D., passed away peacefully on January 19, 2022. Jim spent most of his professional career as a professor of Communication at the University of Cincinnati. He relished debates on religious and spiritual communication and taught classes on civil disobedience, feminist rhetorical theory, communication, and public speaking. He retired from the University of Cincinnati as a professor emeritus after over 35 years of teaching.
Charles Ralph Buncher, Ph.D., passed away February 23, 2022. He was a University of Cincinnati College of Medicine faculty member for more than 40 years and directed the Epidemiology and Biostatistics division of their Department of Environmental Health. He served as a biostatistician at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Hiroshima, Japan, coming to Cincinnati for a position with Merrill Dow. An honors graduate of MIT, he earned both master and doctorate degrees from Harvard University.
Did You Know?
Following in the Footsteps of Architect Frank Gehry? 

Stop 1, UC's East Campus … and then board a plane to Spain or the Czech Republic.

The famed architect Frank Gehry who designed UC’s Vontz Center for Molecular Studies (above) also designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, and the Dancing House in Prague.

The Vontz Center was originally to be covered in a reflective metallic material much like the famed titanium-covered Guggenheim. But the already $46 million price tag in 1999 prompted the choice of brick panels and the oversized multistory windows making it look like an “explosion frozen in mid-kaboom” according to one critic. Gehry's Dancing House in Prague is further evidence of his whimsical tastes. 

The signature imprint of this remarkable architect who approaches his buildings as sculptures echoes throughout the Vontz Center.  It, like the Guggenheim in Bilbao and the Dancing House in Prague, are well worth the architectural tourist’s visit.

[Link to the November 2007 issue of UC Magazine and click on the Vontz Center slide show to see why the Boston Globe called UC a 'must stop on any mid-American architecture tour.']

[Photos of Guggenheim Museum and Dancing House courtesy of Jorge Fernández Salas and Alexandra Tran, Unsplash.com]
Guggenheim Museum
Bilbao, Spain
Dancing House
Prague, Czech Republic


Elections in May 2022

Contact Vice President Ralph Katerberg at katerbj@ucmail.uc.edu about joining this spring's slate of candidates for the Emeriti Association Board.

Election takes place at the annual Emeriti Association meeting in May.
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Emeriti Connection is produced by the Office of the Executive Director of the Emeriti Center with the assistance of the Editorial & Communications Team.
 Contact us at emeriti@uc.edu.
Issue No. 19 - April 2022