Creating Beth Emet Community Together

Tuesday, January 31 | 9 Shevat 5783

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For more information about a specific program or blurb, click on the headline or check out the Beth Emet website.

Support This Year's Mitzvah Appeal Campaign

Why Judy Caplan Supports Beth Emet and Why You Should Too!

It's the final phase of the Mitzvah Appeal, and now's the time to make your pledge if you have not yet done so or consider increasing your pledge which will be matched dollar for dollar.

Make Your Pledge Today!
Double Your Generosity, Increase Your Pledge Today!

Check Out Sunday's Mitzvah Appeal Event:

DC 2023 Spotlight with U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky and Journalism Professor Peter Slevin

Thank you to all who attended Sunday's very informative program. Peppered with questions from attendees and moderated by Northwestern Journalism Professor, Peter Slevin, attendees heard an insider view of the changing of the guard in the U.S. Congress as well as insights to this year's legislative agenda and so much more. Check out the recording!

A very special thank you to U.S. Representative and Beth Emet's own Jan Schakowsky and Peter Slevin for such a spirited conversation. A special thank you also to the amazing kitchen volunteers who prepared and served the delicious brunch!

Final Phase of the Mitzvah Appeal! New Matching Challenge! Double Your Generosity!

Pledge Today! Any increase over last year's pledge or any new pledge will be matched dollar for dollar. Already Made Your Pledge? Consider an increase to your current pledge which will double your gift.

Together We Will Meet Our Goal. Our goal for the Mitzvah Appeal is $280,000 and we are 80% of the way there. We need everyone to participate so we can be successful together! Take advantage of the incentive matching pool by several generous past lay leaders. We are counting on you... your support matters, no matter the amount.


Tax Wise Charitable Giving

Tuesday, February 7 | 7:00 pm | Virtual on Zoom

Tzedakah is an essential tenet of Jewish life. Regardless of how old you are or your stage in life, there are tax efficient ways to give to organizations that matter to you and easy ways to include philanthropy in your estate planning such as making a meaningful legacy gift to Beth Emet. Tax planning experts, Adam Prawer-Stock, Ted Froum and Steve Reiches will lead this informative session. Discussion and Q&A moderated by Karen Isaacson.

Sponsored by Dor L’Dor, From Generation to Generation, Beth Emet’s Planned Giving Program. For more information on Dor L'Dor, check out Beth Emet's website.

Check Out Rabbi London's D'var Torah on Chapter 4 "Mitzvot and the Spirituality of Doing" from Here All Along by Sarah Hurwitz

Watch the Recording Here.

The One Book, One Congregation programs are generously sponsored by the Judith F. Krug Fund, David and Florence Fingeret Fund, Solomon and Lillian Krug Fund, and the JELLO (Jewish Education: Lifelong Learning Opportunities) Funds in the Beth Emet Foundation.

Reproductive Rights: Purchasing and Packing Gift Bags for Abortion Patients

For our first event, Beth Emet's Reproductive Rights Task Force is supporting Planned Parenthood of Illinois packing care bags to people who have had abortions. Our goal is to provide 100 bags. You are invited to donate funds, purchase supplies through our Amazon wishlist, and/or help pack the bags. We'll also write notes to abortion patients and clinic staff. Inspired by Anya and Teo Siegel-Acevedo's Gemilut Chasadim Project, we are continuing the work as a congregation.

BE Connected
Weekly Calendar
Full Calendar with Links
Program Registration 

Thursday, February 2

Qigong with Netiva Caftori

10:00 am | Virtual on Zoom

Our very own Netiva Caftori invites us to experience the healing practice of Qigong with her. Qigong is a millennia-old system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health and spirituality.

Friday, February 3

A Close Look at Torah with Rabbi Andrea London

9:30 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

There are many ways to interpret Torah and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. We will continue our learning, reading, and interpreting the text of the Book of Deuteronomy line by line. New learners are always welcome.

Visual Midrash? Decoding Medieval Jewish Art with Dr. David Shyovitz

11:00 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

Pre-modern Jews are often described as “people of the book,” but Jews produced visual art over the centuries as well – images in illuminated Bibles, Machzorim, and Haggadot that are complex, often learned, and sometimes deeply subversive. How might our understanding of Torah study shift if we accompany study of Jewish texts with study of Jewish images?

Tu B'Shevat Shabbat Dinner for Families with Young Children

5:30 pm | In-Person

Celebrate the birthday of the trees with our favorite song-leader Aimee! Enjoy a delicious dinner, story and brief Shabbat service.

Co-Sponsored by PJ Library

Kabbalat Shabbat Services with February Birthday Blessings

6:30 pm | In-Person and Virtual on LiveControl

As this is the first Friday of the month, we will be offering a birthday blessing to all our February birthdays! Here’s a list of all those who are celebrating!

Saturday, February 4

Learners Minyan

9:30 am | In-Person

Want greater comfort in a Shabbat morning service? Wondering what the prayers mean or when we bow? Marci Dickman will lead this Learners' Minyan on Shabbat morning. We will pray, sing, laugh and reflect.

Kahal Shabbat Morning Services

9:30 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

4th & 5th Grade Shabbaton

Saturday, February 4 | In-Person

Kahal Potluck Luncheon

Saturday, February 4 | 11:30 am | In-Person

Sunday, February 5

Erev Tu B'Shevat

Sunday Morning Minyan

9:00 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

What Makes a Family? Tools for Talking About Family Diversity

9:30 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

In this 2-part interactive series, led by Ilana Dvorin Friedman and Rabbi London, we will consider how cultural notions and assumptions about “family” can hinder their sense of belonging. Through ongoing discussion and storytelling, grown-ups can support young children to embrace the beauty of all families. This adult series is perfect for parents and grandparents of children birth through 3rd grade.

Free child-care available—Please reserve your spot in advance

An Inside Look at the Abraham Accords

11:00 am | Virtual on Zoom

The historic Abraham Accords dramatically improved Israel’s position in the Middle East, normalizing Israel’s ties with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. In 2½ years, the Accords have led to a renewed relationship with Morocco, security agreements with Bahrain and Morocco, Saudi Arabia treating Israel “as a potential ally,” expanded trade and other business opportunities, and more. Sponsored by the Israel Committee

Taste of Wise Aging Through the Lens of Tikkun Middot with Sue Nadel and Jane Weintraub

2:00 pm | Virtual on Zoom

Have you been thinking of retiring, is your nest emptying, are you facing age-related challenges and moving from one phase of life to another, are you sandwiched between generations? These and other issues will be addressed in this new Beth Emet offering. Middot are character or soul traits and the study of Tikkun Middot uses curiosity and openness to investigate our internal and external reactions to situations. This one hour session will give you a taste of this program. 

Tuesday, February 7

Tax Wise Charitable Giving

7:00 pm | Virtual on Zoom

See more details above.

Sponsored by Dor L’Dor, From Generation to Generation, Beth Emet’s Planned Giving Program. For more information on Dor L'Dor, check out Beth Emet's website.

Soul Stitchers- Virtual Knitting Circle

7:30 pm | Virtual on Zoom

Know how to knit and/or crochet? As a tribute to Nikki Zarefsky z”l, join us for an hour (on zoom) of knitting and connecting as we create shawls to warm people during services and/or healing shawls that will bring warmth to those in need in a hospital, home or other settings. Newcomers are welcome and encouraged to join! Please send us an email with any questions.

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In The BE Family

Share Your Good News! We Want to Hear from You!

We love good news! We love babies, weddings, awards, honoring/recognitions... it's all music to our ears. Share your good news so we can share it with the community. Let us know or contact Bekki Kaplan.

Celebrating a New Grandson

Susan & Mark Sloss shares the beautiful photo of their new grandson, Aidan, captured in a picture frame as a gift from Beth Emet. 

Beth Emet picture frames are a perfect addition to your home! Celebrating the arrival of a new child or grandchild... or great-grandchild? Let us know so we can deliver one to you! Interested in making the delivery? See below to sign up!

Happy 100th Birthday to Marcia Baum!

Jordan, Rachel, and Ernie, Barbara and Jack Levie celebrate this special occasion with Marcia last Wednesday. Mazal Tov!

BE Involved

Volunteer Opportunities

See all our current volunteer opportunities

Shiva Minyan Leaders Needed

Performing the mitzvah of comforting the bereaved is one of the highest honors a person can do for another in our community. And one way in which to serve is by being a part of a volunteer corp of Shiva Minyan leaders. If you read Hebrew and are interested in leading a short minyan, contact Bekki Kaplan. Whether you can do it once every so often or more frequently, consider being a part of this invaluable service to the community. Training will be provided, and the support of other wonderful Shiva Minyan leaders is invaluable.  

BE a Driver

Looking for a quick way to do a mitzvah? We are looking for drivers for special deliveries/gifts from the congregation. Only takes a few minutes to brighten someone's day! Contact Bekki Kaplan for more information and/or to add your name to the list.

Looking for Shabbat Connections Cooks

Would you like to share your delicious cooking with others? Every Friday, one volunteer cooks for Shabbat Connections, and another delivers a home-cooked meal to someone in our Beth Emet family who may need support in times of need. Whether you would like to make a lovely dinner once or twice a year, or more often, it’s a mitzvah! Contact Kathy Kaberon.

Upcoming Congregational Opportunities

Part 2: Visual Midrash? Decoding Medieval Jewish Art with Dr. David Shyovitz

Friday, February 10 | 11:00 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

Pre-modern Jews are often described as “people of the book,” but Jews produced visual art over the centuries as well – images in illuminated Bibles, Machzorim, and Haggadot that are complex, often learned, and sometimes deeply subversive. How might our understanding of Torah study shift if we accompany study of Jewish texts with study of Jewish images?

Part 2: What Makes a Family? Tools for Talking About Family Diversity

Sunday, February 12 | 9:30 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

In this 2-part interactive series, led by Ilana Dvorin Friedman and Rabbi London, we will consider how cultural notions and assumptions about “family” can hinder their sense of belonging. Through ongoing discussion and storytelling, grown-ups can support young children to embrace the beauty of all families. This adult series is perfect for parents and grandparents of children birth through 3rd grade.

Free child-care available—Please reserve your spot in advance

Social Justice Committee Meeting

Monday, February 13 | 7:00 pm | Virtual on Zoom

The Social Justice Committee centers around the values of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, and gemilut chasadim (acts of loving kindness), through a hands-on, interactive, and committee-based approach. There are so many ways to get involved and help to support those suffering as a result of policies of injustice and marginalization.

Jamberry Music with Nicole Jaworski Is Back!

Co-Sponsored by JBaby

Starting Tuesday, February 14 | 9:30 am | In-Person

Join us for joyful, collaborative music-making with Nicole Jaworsky and Jamberry Music! In this class, you and your little one will bond with each other and make new friends while we sing, dance, play, pretend and experiment with instruments. Class is geared to kids 6 months to 2.5 years old and siblings are welcome to join!

Conversations to Nourish Our Souls with Marci Dickman

Thursday, February 16 | 7:15 pm | Virtual on Zoom

Not sure how to connect to the Mystery or the Divine in the world? Perhaps you are seeking an honest conversation about making meaning in life and what really matters. We will use the prayerbook, poetry, prose, and ourselves as our texts, aiming to deepen our connections and discern meaningful paths in our daily lives.

Tzedakah as a Spiritual Discipline with Dr. Sam Fleischacker

Fridays, February 17 and 24| 11:00 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom

Who can ask us for financial help? How do we maintain respect for people who need money from us? Is it religiously admirable, or something else, to allow ourselves to become poor? We’ll consider these and other questions in connection with texts from the Mishnah and Maimonides.

Inclusion Shabbat with Pre-Recorded Guest D'var Torah by Rabbi Sandra Cohen

Friday, February 17 | 6:30 pm | In-Person and Virtual on Livecontrol

In honor of Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month, we are grateful to share a pre-recorded D'var Torah in honor of Inclusion Shabbat by Rabbi Sandra Cohen, “Creating a Caring Community: opening our doors to those with mental illness and their families”.

Inclusion Committee Meeting

Monday, February 20 | 5:00 pm | Virtual on Zoom

Join the Beth Emet Inclusion Committee as we examine our current practices and explore ways to create a culture of belonging and inclusivity for Beth Emet members of all abilities. We know that all individuals can contribute to our community.

Congregational Announcements

The Green Maven - Think Before You Toss: Decluttering and Sustainability

Quite possibly, one of your top New Year’s resolutions is to declutter and organize your home. Beth Emet's Dayenu Circle presents another post by Sharon Smaller, to support your New Year's Resolution while keeping sustainability in mind.

Missed a Program? 

When possible, we record our programs for those who were unable to participate. When recordings are available for adult programming, you can find them on the calendar event and on the website.

Current COVID Protocols: Masks are recommended, but not required. We ask that whenever you are in the building, we each continue to respect one another’s personal space and comfort levels. 

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