Creating Beth Emet Community Together

Tuesday, July 19 | 20 Tammuz 5782
How Great to Worship Together Bachutz (Outside) This Past Shabbat!
We want to extend an additional thank you to the weather for making it possible to be together at Lovelace Park! So grateful to pray together and have a Shabbat lunch with over 50 people.
Friday, July 29 | 6:30 pm | In-Person and Virtual on LiveControl
Soul Stitchers was created and continues to create shawls to be given to those who are sick or may need an extra hug from Beth Emet. Recently several BE Soul Stitchers gathered to share their progress in knitting more than 20 healing shawls! On Friday, July 29 the shawls will be displayed and presented to the congregation, and we will honor the memory of Nikki Zarefsky z”l, who created Soul Stitchers many years ago. Come celebrate and honor this special moment. The BE Soul Stitchers continue to create new ones - New members are always welcome!  Contact Bekki Kaplan, who can pass your name along!

Pictured here (left to right) are Valerie Kretchmer, Bluma Stoller, Iris Lieberman-Tausend, Judy Feinstein and Becky Fields. The photographer is Arlene Steele.
BE Connected
Weekly Calendar
Thursday, July 21

10:00 am | Virtual on Zoom
Our very own Netiva Caftori invites us to experience the healing practice of Qigong with her. Qigong is a millennia-old system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health and spirituality.
7:00 pm | In-Person in the outdoor tent at Makom Solel Lakeside Congregation
Please join us in Highland Park for our RAC-IL summer gathering! Come meet new RAC-IL organizer Aaron Sofian and reconnect with fellow RAC-IL leaders. Together, we’ll celebrate our recent victories, reflect on the current state of RAC-IL, and look ahead to our next steps.
Friday, July 22
6:30 pm |In-Person and Virtual on LiveControl
Saturday, July 23

9:30 am | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom
Sunday, July 24

9:00 am | Virtual on Zoom
Tuesday, July 26

9:45 am | In-Person
Join us for joyful, collaborative music-making with Nicole Jaworski and Jamberry Music! Class is geared to kids 6 months to 2.5 years old and siblings are welcome to join!
BE Involved
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for Shabbat Connections Cooks/Drivers
Would you like to share your delicious cooking with others? Every Friday, Shabbat Connections delivers a home-cooked meal to someone in our Beth Emet family who may need support in times of need or transition. Whether you would like to regularly participate or lend a hand once or twice a year, we need you to help perform this mitzvah. Learn more and see if this is the right opportunity for you!
SNAPGap: Donations of Basic Household Items Needed: Bar Soap, Body Lotion, and Shampoo
For the first time ever, Beth Emet is stepping up to coordinate this month's SNAPGap donations for Interfaith Action Evanston's Producemobile! If you are able to donate, please know that these items are greatly needed by families and nothing will go to waste. Learn more about this program and where you can order and drop off your donations.
The Soup Kitchen Needs YOU!
The Soup Kitchen has volunteer openings most Wednesdays in August and early September. The most pressing need is for made-at-home salads and sack lunches. Adults are also needed onsite 4:15 - 7:00 p.m. to prepare and serve the meal. Those working at home or onsite purchase ingredients used in the food preparation. Please let us know your interest, and we’ll find you an open date and provide additional instructions.
Congregational Announcements
We Want Your Feedback on EmetMail! And We've Got Prizes!
We recently consolidated BE Connected and EmetMail into one weekly e-newsletter, to be sent on Tuesdays! We've simplified the categories, updated the formatting, and made it easier (we hope) to read all that is happening at Beth Emet and how to get involved. Now that we have a few weeks under our belts, we would love your feedback! Our goal is for the e-newsletter to be as straightforward and informative as possible!
Please let us know what you think! For the 18th, 36th and 54th person who offers feedback, a parking spot during the High Holy Days is yours!  
Upcoming Programs
Saturday, July 30 | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | In-Person
Please join Beth Emet’s Young Families! We’ll enjoy Havdalah and singing with Cantor Cotler, a pizza dinner, a campfire for roasting yummy marshmallows, and fun on the playground. A perfect Saturday evening! Cost: $20 per family
Friday, August 5 | 6:30 pm
Service| In-Person at Beth Emet and Virtual on LiveControl
Picnic | In-Person at Larimer Park
We had so much fun at July's picnic, so why not do it again! Following an abbreviated service, we will have a picnic at Larimer Park. Bring your own dinner, we’ll provide the drinks, desserts and paper goods!
Saturday, August 6 | 8:00 pm | In-Person and Virtual on Zoom
On Tisha B’Av we commemorate the destruction of both the Temples that stood in Jerusalem and other calamities that befell the Jewish people on this date.
Community News
Tuesday, July 19 | 7:30 pm | In-Person at The Martin Theater at Ravinia
Mames Babegenush is a Danish band that was brought together in 2004 by a love and respect for traditional Klezmer, and who has taken that tradition and fused it brilliantly with Nordic and Eastern European folk musics and jazz.
Saturday, July 23 | 11:00 am | In-Person
Disability Pride Is Back and Stronger Than Ever
​The overall mission of the Disability Pride Parade is: To change the way people think about and define “disability”; break down and end the internalized shame among people with Disabilities; and promote the belief in society that Disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity in which people living with Disabilities can take pride.
Saturday, July 23
We're looking forward to celebrating our neighbors who have supported Connections for the last 37 years.
The Block Party consists of two events: Family Fest and After Dark.
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