Emmanuel E-pistle

God’s Glory in our Backyard, by Pastor Noël Bailey+

One of the joys of being at Emmanuel, for me, is the garden. Or, gardens.


In a not very large space there are numerous garden areas with benches, lovely views, and birds, butterflies, chipmunks, frogs, and other critters to keep you company. You can sit in silence and breathe in the peace that surrounds you, or walk the labyrinth as a prayerful path with the Holy One. In summer the fountain is on and feeds the pond with its many frogs and dragonflies.

The other day I left the office and headed to the gardens. I could hear children’s happy voices, and was delighted to find two mothers and two young daughters taking advantage of this wonderful space. The mothers sat and chatted while the two young ones explored and giggled at the frogs and walked around the labyrinth. It made me very happy to have the gardens being enjoyed this way.

 I usually begin and end my time at Emmanuel with walks through the gardens. And of course I have my camera with me, and I record what I see each time. I’ve added a few of my favorites here for you. If you haven’t found your way to the gardens yet, do take a few minutes next time you are here, and give thanks for all of God’s Creation, especially this wonderful space right here for us to enjoy.

Mark your Calendars!

9/17 - Eucharist at 5:00pm

9/18 - Eucharist at 8 and 9:30am

9/18 - AA at 7:00

9/20 - Girl Scouts from 5:30-7:30

9/21 - Girl Scouts from 5:00-7:45

9/21 - Compline at 6:45. Click here to join. 

9/21 - Choir Practice from 7:30-8:30

9/22 - Diocesan Clergy Day

9/22 - AA at 7:00

9/22 - Finance Meeting at 7:30

9/23 - NA at 7:00

9/24 - Eucharist at 5:00pm

9/25 - Eucharist at 8 and 9:30am

9/25 - Sundae Servant Sunday!! - 10:00

10/1 and 10/2 - Blessing of the animals at all services.


Choir returns. We had our first rehearsal on Wednesday night, and we welcomed three new choir members along with many of our prior members. It was good to be together and sing together. The Choir helps to lead us in the hymns and present an anthem to enhance the worship of all of us. We would love to welcome anyone who likes to sing to join the group. No audition required, just a willingnes to sing and a good sense of humor!

PS - We will return to ending each service with "Go Now In Peace." If there is room, we will put the words in the bulletin so that all can sing along.

Outreach Funds. This weekend is the Third Sunday of the month, so all cash offerings will go to our St George's Meal Ministry.

Masking at worship. A reminder that masks are always required at our 5:00 service. Masks at the other services depend upon the Covid risk for Providence County. If we are at Medium risk, masks are recommended. If we are at High risk, masks are required at all services. You can click here to check the numbers for each week.

Prayers Requested

Please pray for the following who have asked for our prayers for themselves, for a friend, or for a family member:

Chloe, Bill, Maralyn, Justin, Sally, Kimberley, Georgeanne, Dan, Deb, Norm, Thomas, Sophia, Lee, Samantha, Patricia, John, Tom, Alex, Greg, Deborah, Timothy, Dottie, Roger, Pam, Weston, Maureen, David, Alan, Gabe, Barbara, Kathy, Keith, Karen, Emmy, Colin, Nancy, Shannon, Deb, Sue, Cindy, Thomas, Majorie, Sandra, Jule, Sue, Vicki, Cynthia, Jean, and Peter.

In case you missed it

Sermon 9/11/22




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