Emmanuel's Lutheran Church                 e-newsletter
 Sunday, August 14, 2016
Worship: 9:30 a.m.

God is good, but God is not always easy to understand. These past weeks have been filled with a combination of inexpressible joys and deep sadness for a variety of people who are a part of our community at Emmanuel's.

Thank you for sharing one of life's greatest joys with us, as we baptized our granddaughter, Eleanor at last week's outdoor service. 

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry that we do here and throughout the world. Thank you for sending handfuls of coins into the joyful noise bucket, and for bringing your children to church with you in these summer months.

The blessing of backpacks will take place on August 28 (the date that was printed last week was incorrect), We always look forward to this beautiful way to bless students, parents, teachers and school personnel.

With a combination of joy and sadness, we thank God for the music ministry of Bobby Siegfried as he prepares to take on a new challenge. Please take time to read his letter below.

This week, Jesus challenges all of us with some statements that are difficult to understand. It's our job to help with that task, and we will do our best on Sunday morning.

In Christ,

Pastors Barry and Elizabeth Mitchell
Blessing of Backpacks
Sunday, August 28

As students get ready to return to school, we want to offer the opportunity to bless them and their backpacks, asking God to guide them into a new, joyful and meaningful year of education.

Students are welcome to bring their backpacks to either service on Sunday, August 28. We will bless them during the children's time near the announcements at both services.

Older students and those of us who continue to learn as we work in the world are welcome to bring laptops and cases or any other symbol of your work and learning. 

Teachers, aides and others who work in any schools of any kind are also welcome to receive a blessing on this day as we get ready for the new school year!  
Shingles Vaccine at the Bath Area Food Bank
Tuesday, August 16    9:30 to 11:00 am

Reaching out in Christ's Name
Bath Area Food Bank  August 2016

During the month of August  Emmanuel's Lutheran Church will help the Bath Area Food Bank by collecting paper products such as paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, napkins, etc.

Your monetary donations during the summer will help to provide lunch for local children in need.

This is how we fill a brown paper bag each month during the summer for children's lunches: a large box of cereal, 2 boxes of mac & cheese, 2 cans spaghettio's, 4-pack of fruit cups, jell-o or pudding cups,peanut butter, jelly, cookies, popcorn, ramen noodles and granola bars.

Grocery gift cards (preferably Ahart's) are needed for emergencies. Please drop all gift cards in an envelope marked "Food Bank" on the  church secretary's desk or please give it to one of the Pastors.

The Bath Area Food Bank is also in need of monetary donations which stretch farther than any amount of food that we can give. 
A Letter to Emmanuel's from Bobby Siegfried

Dear Emmanuel's family,

It is with very mixed emotions that I write to you to announce that I will be leaving Emmanuel's to accept a position at  First Presbyterian Church of Allentown (FPC) as their alternative worship leader. 

This decision has been one of the  hardest, if not the hardest, I have ever made. Words cannot begin to express the sincere love, pride and dedication  I have for Emmanuel's Church, its ministries, and, most of all, for you. You have been like asecond family to me, and  serving you, especially as a member of the alternative worship team for nearly 20 years incluing over 10 years as a  worship leader, has been one of the greatest joys and rewarding experiences of my life. 

Throughout my years at Emmanuel's, I have been so richly blessed. Emmanuel's helped build a solid foundation of faith, service, and worship that enabled me to continue to grow, to serve Christian groups in college, and to find the  confidence to chase even more ambitious goals and opportunities. The instrumental role our pastors have had in  helping me become the worship leader, and the Christian, I am today cannot be overstated. I owe both Pastor Elizabeth and Pastor Barry a debt of gratitude I will never be able to repay. Pastor Barry took a big risk by inviting me to join the  worship team at age 12, but since then our relationship ­ as a spiritual leader, colleague, mentor, and friend ­ has grown and flourished. Emmanuel's alternative worship ministry is what it is today because of our pastors' incredible vision and forward thinking. I remember talking about our hopes for an alternative worship space over so many years, and to see so much of that come to fruition in the last few years has been amazing. God has done marvelous work at Emmanuel's and is more clearly at work than ever. 

Over the years, all I have wanted is to stay at Emmanuel's and continue to serve you, worship with you, grow deeper in  faith with you, and especially help the alternative worship ministry become the best it can be. Over the past weeks, I  have spent an incredible amount of time praying, thinking, and ultimately earnestly trying to discern where God wants me to be. In all honesty, I was shocked when I began to feel called in this new direction. I'd like to think I have  understood those sermons about "being called" as I know I have felt called before. However, after this discernment  process, I have a new understanding for what it really means ­ and it is as uncomfortable as it is exciting. 

I want to extend my sincere thanks to the music search committee, church council, and the pastors; all of whom really made it known how much my work is valued at Emmanuel's and how much they want me to stay.

My last official Sunday will be September 4, 2016. I will do everything I can to help make the transition as smooth as it
can be. However, this is not goodbye. Emmanuel's is my home church, and I will be retaining my membership and will
continue to prayerfully and financially support its ministry. I will continue to serve with SWiM and it will continue to be a ministry of Emmanuel's.

In closing, I just want to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing me the honor and privilege of leading musical worship at the alternative worship services. It is my sincere hope that our service has blessed you and enriched  your faith journey. Always remember that God loves us, and He is good. God has great things in store for the future of  Emmanuel's and always provides. 

Please stay in touch, stop by and visit (I will too). Remember to love first, and everything else will fall into place. God Bless Emmanuel's. I love you all.

In Christ's Service,
Bobby Siegfried
Worship this week

Sunday, August 14  9:30 Traditional Worship upstairs
Sunday, August 14  9:30 Contemporary Worship downstairs
There will be no spoken worship on Wednesday, August 17
Please Pray For...
Laura Roberts, Marlon Hall, Joanne Hower, Conrad Chroust, Deb Fisher, Rachel Marsh Lebron, Lisa Merker, Ed Lavenberg,   S heldon Mann,  Deborah Van Brunt, Jeanette Barrall, Suzanne Schoun, Rick Paulus, Doris Engle, Megan Duarte,  Alice Schramel, Mark Himmelwright, Phoebe Wagenheim,  Ralph Eckhart, The family of Eva Chroust.

If you have others that you would like to add to this list, please contact the church office. If you want to update information about someone on the list or have their name removed, please contact the church office.  
  3175 Valley View Drive
Bath, Pennsylvania 18014
Emmanuel's Lutheran Church

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In this Issue
Worship this Week

Sunday, August 14
Pentecost 13

The word of God is a refining fire. Jesus is the great divide in human history. He invites our undivided attention and devotion. Today, in the assembly, we are surrounded by "so great a cloud of witnesses." In the word and in the holy communion we are invited yet again to look to Jesus, "the pioneer and perfecter of our faith."

O God, judge eternal, you love justice and hate oppression, and you call us to share your zeal for truth. Give us courage to take our stand with all victims of bloodshed and greed, and, following your servants and prophets, to look to the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

This Week's Calendar
This Week At Emmanuel's

Today: 13 Pentecost
"Summer Experience" 
w/ Holy Communion

9:30am  Traditional Worship - Sanctuary

9:30am  Celebration Contemporary Worship - FH

2:00pm  J-Walker's Picnic

NO  Contemporary                         Worship tonight

Church Office is closed
Secretary's vacation day

Next Sunday: 
14 Pentecost
"Summer Experience" 
w/ Holy Communion

9:30am  Traditional Worship - Sanctuary

9:30am  Celebration Contemporary Worship - FH


Today's Ministers

9:30 Traditional Worship Service 
w/Holy Communion

Rachel Butz

Altar Care:
Vernell Meyers

Win Miller

Win Miller

Win Miller

Jessie Hnatow

Sue Derhammer
Deena Ruth
Cindy O'Brien
Gary O'Brien

9:30 Celebration Contemporary Worship
w/Holy Communion

Praise Band:
Todd Leibenguth
Jeff Louw
J. T. Moyer
Bobby Siegfried
Chris Wolf

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