June 7, 2020 ~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
Memorial Run for Retired Officer John Pettingill
Christine Furtado's father was a thirty-two year old veteran of the West Bridgewater Police Department. Sadly, this past January he lost his battle with diabetes. She's now putting together a memorial run to raise money for the American Diabetes Association.
The memorial run for John will be on July 19th at 10:30 am at the Raynham Dog Track. The ride starts at 11 and will conclude at 3199 Cranberry Highway, Wareham. Mama Deb's food truck will be there along with other refreshments.
All proceeds will be donated to the American Diabetes Association.

Everyone is welcome to come.

You can let Christine know you're interested on its event page on Facebook.

Story and photo credit: Christine Furtado
Historical Tidbit:  

Origin of West Bridgewater
West Bridgewater was first settled in 1651 as a part of Olde Bridgewater. For the first 200 years, our seat of government was located here in West Bridgewater.  
At the November 1821 town meeting, it was voted to "be expedient to divide the town of Bridgewater into 4 townships."  It was at that meeting that East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, North Bridgewater (Brockton) and Bridgewater were conceived.
West Bridgewater was incorporated in 1822.  
Story Credits the East Bridgewater Sesquicentennial Booklet & Wikipedia
Photo: J. Rose
Town Hall

Check town website for needed updates.

WB Public Library
Council on Aging

1st & 3rd Wednesday each month
2:30 - 3:30p
Spring Street School
2 Spring St, WB
John Holmes
 won a
45 min Reiki Treatment from
Jacquelyn Rose to be used when
restrictions are lifted.

You should play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.

You could win a
$10 gift certificate to Mama Deb's
food truck. Enjoy delicious fresh Italian food or purchase some sauce to take home. Go to  mamadeb.biz  for upcoming food truck events.
Since its inception, your BuzzAround has built bridges across divides: our focus on the goodness of all humanity. We bridge generational, religious and social divides. Diversity and inclusion within each community are the building blocks of our message as we share stories and events that show, time and again, that empathy and compassion are core to the human experience. In sharing these stories, we can truly see our neighbors, appreciate our similarities and understand where and why we differ.  
Thankfully, our U.S. Constitution allows for freedoms so that we can express ourselves and make the changes necessary to build a fair and just society. We believe our way of life is dependent on all people being served equal justice. It has been proven clear that our criminal justice system is not color blind. There is systemic racism built into the fabric of our institutions at every level, disadvantaging and discriminating against people of color in ways that go beyond individual intent to discriminate, and so we need to educate ourselves and change our systems.

What we are seeing is the public expression of pain and outrage. It is good that Black people know that they are worthy. It is good that we live in a society that allows for freedom of speech and assembly. It is good that people of all colors educate themselves, stand together and have empathy. 
The majority desire to protest peacefully to draw attention, educate, motivate change, stand together and act from a place of power and love. Also, saying Black lives matter is not in opposition to the importance of lives of our law enforcement personnel. BuzzAround promotes & supports goodness in all humanity. While the narrative of violence and destruction is dominating media coverage, in your BuzzAround, you will continue to see good news, including the efforts communities are making toward positive change and the stories of people of all colors, ages, interests and religions doing good. 

If you would like to provide access to education and basic needs to those hardest effected: please contribute to Brockton Library Foundation & United Way Brockton Together Fund. If you would like to support legal reforms NAACP Legal Defense Fund
WB Senior Shout Out
West Bridgewater Middle-Senior High School congradulated Matthew Wright, 2020 graduate student, who will be attending The Unversity of Massachusetts at Lowell Honors College studying Chemical Engineering. Great job, Matt!

Photo and story from WBMSHS
If Staying Home Doesn't Sound Good to you...
Family and Community Resources, Inc. is here to help . If you, or someone you love, are worried about continuing to be quarantined in a home where you do not feel safe, call our 24 Hour Hotline 508-583-6498.  Multi-lingual advocates provide the following free, confidential services to survivors and their children including: a 24-Hour Crisis Line, Safety Planning and Crisis Intervention, Transitional Housing Support, Individual & Group Support, Mental Health Counseling and Support for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. To learn more, call us at 508-583-6498 or go online to  fcr-ma.org  for more information about our programs and services.

You can also call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)  thehotline.org , and SafeLink 24/7 Crisis Hotline: (877) 785-2020 or (877) 521-2601 (TTY).
West Bridgewater Public Schools Re-Opening Track at MSHS
In accordance with the Governor's 4 phase re-opening plan, the Town Emergency Management Committee re-opened the track at MSHS to runners and walkers, on Monday May 25th. Please note, that the turf field will remain closed to all activities.
It is mandatory that all residents comply with the following social distancing restrictions that will be in full effect: Face masks and face coverings are mandatory when in public when social distancing may not be
possible. All residents must remain a social distance of 6 feet apart. Gatherings of more than 10 people remain prohibited. Let's all do our part to comply with the regulations set forth in the Governor's plan so that the State can move forward with a smooth reopening and avoid another spike in COVID cases. Photo and story credits: West Bridgewater Public Schools
We have mulch, stone, loam, feed & grain and we're open for many other essential items for your home and garden!
Please call with your order and drive up.

 1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) Bridgewater 
(508) 697-0357

Food Pantry Announcement
Wednesday, June 17th
2:30 - 3:30p
Spring Street School
Until further notice, our food distribution time has changed.
Pull into Spring Street parking lot and check in. Pop trunk and proceed along sidewalk near overhangs. 
Helpers will put groceries into your car. 
Any questions email Cal: calvin6743a@gmail.com or send message through Facebook
Special Voter Registration Session
Tuesday, June 9th
8:00a - 8:00p
Lobby of the Police Station
99 W. Center St.
Residents who are not registered to vote may register up to and including Tue, June 9, 2020 to be eligible to vote at the Annual Town Meeting to be held on Monday, June 29, 2020 at the MS/HS Auditorium at 6p.
Registration may also be done online at
Call the Town Clerk’s office at (508) 894-1167 if you have any questions or click here to check your voting status.
Grants Rental
Grant's sends out support & care to all of our communities.
We're all in this together.

10 Bedford Park, Bridgewater
 (508) 279-0950

Dance Theater of New England
West Bridgewater Public Library Curbside Holds Pick Up
Place your holds by phone at 
508-894-1255, between 10a -2p, Mon - Sat. 
-or Place your holds online through our online catalog here:  West Bridgewater Catalog Items Available for Holds.

We will call you to tell you when your holds are available to pickup.
When we call you, let us know the approximate time you plan to pick up your holds curbside.

Call us from your car when you arrive at the library and we will bring your items out to you!

Take your items home and enjoy!
 This contactless method is for the safety and well-being of visitors.
Photo and story credit: West Bridgewater Public Library
2020 West Bridgewater Virtual Memorial Day Ceremony
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic restrictions this years West Bridgewater Memorial Day Ceremony held at the War Memorial Park has been cancelled. To honor our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day, the Town West Bridgewater and West Bridgewater Community Access Media Present the 2020 Virtual Memorial Day Ceremony. Featuring memorable moments from past WB Memorial Days and messages from WB & State Officials.
Video and story credit: West Bridgewater TV
52 Weeks Logo & Link Ad in 1 Hive

For $99 / each month, your Logo & Link ad is in 1 Buzz Around town e-newsletter each week. Ad rotates monthly between Bridgewater, Brockton, EB, Halifax, Raynham, WB & Whitman. 1 year contract commitment

Read more
Direct Mechanical
“Your Full Solutions Provider”

HVAC – Residential - Commercial 
Water and Air Purification –
Sales - Installation - Service 
Air and Surface Sanitation 
Eradicate viruses, bacteria, mold and mildew, eliminate harmful odors! 
(774) 297-4697 
~Womens Owned Business~ 
$1,000 Scholarships 
The MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board is pleased to announce a new scholarship program for graduating seniors within our Connecting Activities Partnership. From now until June 15, 2020, applications will be accepted from graduating seniors of the Class of 2020. $1,000 Scholarships will be awarded on or by June 30. Advancing college and career readiness, the Connecting Activities Partnership promotes the connection between education and employment through internships and career awareness. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2020!!

Who is Eligible? Graduating seniors from: Brockton Public Schools, Avon High School, Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical HS, Oliver Ames High School, Abington High School, Stoughton High School, Whitman-Hanson High School, South Shore Regional Vocational Technical HS, and Bridgewater Raynham High School. Application Deadline is June 15, 2020.
Click HERE to view and share application.
West Bridgewater Seniors Celebrate!
Superintendent Dr. Oakley and Wildcat joined in on the festivities.
The seniors of WB Middle Senior High School had their annual car parade on May 29th. This parade is a tradition that goes back decades in WB. It is held on the last day of classes.
People lined the streets and gathered at the elementary schools to show support and wish them well with all their future endeavors.
WB Police and Fire Department were there as well showing their support.

Story and photos: Jen Bellody
Patricia Everett, long time secretary at the Rose L. MacDonald (now retired), was there to cheer the seniors on!

Have fun with us and bee entered to win a
$10 gift certificate to Mama Deb's food truck. Enjoy delicious fresh Italian food or purchase some sauce to take home.
 Go to mamadeb.biz for upcoming food truck events.

Historical Tidbit Question:
How many Bridgewaters are there?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around. 

On June 10, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
Empathy. The Greatest Gift We Can Give One Another.

“Empathy is simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of you’re not alone.” ~ Brene Brown

“The highest form of knowledge is empathy.” ~ Bill Bullard

“Compassion, empathy, and love are the real pillars we need to build within ourselves to become human.” ~ Loknath

“Empathy requires knowing that you know nothing.” ~ Leslie Jamison
That last one is the hardest for me, since I am such a smarty pants. To truly empathize is to acknowledge that I have much to learn.

Empathy opened up a whole new beautiful world of genuine relationships.
As we walk through this wilderness together, let's learn from each other. Have a great week. ~ Jacquie
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Sasha Rockwell, Jacquelyn Rose, Kayla Rose & Greg Venezia
Copyright 2020 Buzz Around West Bridgewater.  You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety or as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around West Bridgewater 6/7/20")  

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. Occasionally, there will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials.
The Buzz Around does not claim to support any particular view.