Industry Leading
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Employee Spotlight
Do you know all of your coworkers? Chances are, probably not! With so many of us spread out across job sites, we wanted to make it a little easier to get to know each other. Look for an employee spotlight in every newsletter!
Eric Schubert
Information Technology Manager
Eric has been with Casella Construction for eight years now.
[ Eric Schubert, on a typical day, enjoying his job]
[ Photo-op with the talent]
Andover, VT

Owen, Jayna, and Debra

Two cats that enjoy destroying anything they touch.
One hamster Jayna received from her second boyfriend. And no, he didn't ask first.

Favorite Food:
Mom's beef stroganoff, and just about anything else she made.

Guilty Pleasures:
Beer. God I love beer.

Pet Peeve:
Coming to a complete stop at a red light to have it turn green as soon as I'm not moving.

Life's too short for hate

Best advice you ever received?
"Keep your chin up; it'll all be okay." It's always said when you don't want to hear it, but it's almost always true in the end.

Three things everyone should know about you:
I tend to be calm under pressure

I give new definition to "fashionably late"

I don't care what you think about my cowboy boots

What was your first job?
Cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood. I was 10.

Best thing about your job?
Beating chaos and inefficiency over the head with technology

Who do you most look up to?
Elderly folks, the more soft-spoken the better. They are nearly always endlessly wise in the ways of the world.

Project Highlight: Saratoga Wastewater Treatment Transportation Contract
Casella Construction handles all of the waste water sludge for Saratoga County in NY - approximately 20,000 tons per year! We load up all night and truck all day, Sunday to Friday.

The sludge is then driven up to the Canadian border to a compost facility (the composters even speak a little french!)

We certainly know when the race track opens up in Saratoga because it becomes our busiest time!

Trucking 20,000 tons is a transportation feat of no small importance. Keep up the great work, Saratoga crew!
[ Our trucks loading up in Saratoga]
[ Heading out to make the trek to the Canadian border]
April Good Catch Winner!
Congrats to Ryan Decker, who was our Good Catch Winner of the Month!

While working at the East Clarendon Quarry, Ryan discovered an air hose on the Sul-Air that was about to break. He created a tag to make sure the faulty hose was properly Locked Out/Tagged Out, and got a new air hose for the

Great Catch, Ryan!
[from l to r: Brian Kendall, Arthur Wall (MSHA inspector), Ryan Decker, Kelley Staples]
Locating Underground Utilities
Check out the video below for information on locating underground utilities and Dig Safe, as explained by Safety Manager Joe Matteri during safety orientation
Have you ever heard of COVID Hand?
Our good friend Wobby tells us what we need to know about it!

Jobsite Photos!
Check out the jobsite photo submissions of the week!
Gas Work in Coventry is Progressing Well
[submitted by Mark Faust]
[submitted by Robbie Towle]
Coventry Progress
[ Coventry Landfill]
[ May 6, 2020]
[ Submitted by Dan Caputo]
Industry Leading
Great Work, Bennington!
A resident from Michael's Drive in Bennington called to let us know how impressed he is with the crew working on this project, and praised their work in general.

In particular, the resident was worried because he hadn't seen his cat, and wondered if he might have gotten lost or hurt in the construction.

The crew took the time to look inside pipes as they worked to see if they could spot the cat, but he must have just wandered off, because the cat is now back home, safe and sound.
However, during the search, Todd Ross found a different cat that was injured. The next day Zack Thompson checked with the homeowner, who was extremely grateful for our crew's thoughtfulness and assistance. The injured cat found his way to the vet and will be just fine!

Thank you to everyone who went above and beyond to take care of our neighbors. You make us proud - you are setting a great example of what it means to be an industry-leading team!
Thanks for Voting!
Coronavirus Survival Pack Winner
[ Mark Tarbell, at a jobsite last week]
Mark Tarbell was the recent winner of a coronavirus survival pack!

Thanks Mark, and everyone else who participated in our survey, for letting us know what time you prefer to receive this newsletter.

Do you have any thoughts about the newsletter, or some ideas about what you'd like to see featured here? We'd like to hear from you!
We can't wait to see them!
'Rona Resourcefulness
How are you and your family getting creative during the coronavirus lockdown?
Parker and Thea (Jeff Chase’s kids) are making outdoor forts!
Wyatt and Waylen (Kristi Ladabouche’s kiddos) are doing some farming!
Jackson (Brittany Hall’s son) is learning a new sport!
Let's see yours! Send your photos here !
We are hiring for spring!

Do you know someone who could make a positive difference on our team this spring?

Please ask your most talented contacts to apply!
And let's not forget the thank you.

If someone you recommend is hired and stays with us at least 90 days, we will thank you with a $250 referral bonus in your check! (Just make sure they mention your name in their online application. Click here for details.)

Contact Melissa Coltey for details and with recommendations at [email protected] or (802) 774-1375.
Let your friends know!
Click below to see what you missed:
The OZ Principle and 'Rona Resourcefulness
NEWSVT and Vote for Your Favorite Photo
Congrats Chris! & Enter to Win a Survival Pack
Employee Spotlight & Photo of the Week!
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992