December 19, 2022
Our Mission
South Central College provides an accessible and inclusive learning environment that
cultivates student success and advances regional economic development.
Dates & Deadlines

  • In-Service January 3-4 (both campuses)
  • SCC Libraries Closed December 17 to January 2 (both campuses)
  • Computer Lab Software Requests December 15
  • Campus Compact Newman Fellowship Info Session December 13 and January 10 (online)
January 3-4 In-Service Agenda
The January In-Service will be held Tuesday, January 3 and Wednesday, January 4. All staff and faculty are required to attend as designated on the agenda. Lunch will be provided both days for all faculty and staff. In North Mankato, boxed lunches will be in Heritage Hall on Day 1 and outside the CTLE offices on Day 2. Boxed lunches for staff will also be available in Faribault. See agenda for more information.
2023 SCC Payroll Calendar Available
The 2023 SCC Payroll Calendar is now available. It is located on the Human Resources SharePoint site under the payroll tab.
Winter Break
Building Hours
Both South Central College campuses will be closed on December 23, 26 and January 2. On other days during Winter Break, the campuses will be open as follows. 
• Faribault Campus: December 19 – January 6, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
• North Mankato Campus: December 19 – 21, 6:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. (normal building hours staying in place to accommodate pre-scheduled evening events) and December 22 – January 6, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
SCC Libraries Closed for Winter Break
winter break
The SCC Libraries at North Mankato and Faribault are closed for winter break from December 17 to January 2. During the break, please use the library return bins on both campuses to return materials. Virtual services are available during the break. Contact the Library for assistance.
Annette Parker portrait
Happy Holidays


Happy Hanukkah! Blessed (belated) Geeta Jayanti! Happy Solstice! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy New Year! Whatever you may celebrate this season, I wish you and yours a wonderful and relaxing break from classes. Please spend it safely and remain in good cheer as we enter a new year with hope and promise.

In case you missed it, please view the annual Holiday Greeting video. I look forward to seeing you refreshed and renewed in the new year at In-Service on January 3 and 4!


Dr. Annette Parker
Accreditation Committee Members Sought
South Central College is seeking employees to serve a 2-year term on the AccreditationCommittee, beginning May 2023 and continuing through April 2025. If you would like to serve in one of the at-large positions, please submit a short statement of interest to Susan Jameson. If you want to serve in one of the Union positions, please have your representatives submit your interest to Brian Tiegs. Please email Susan or Brian expressing your desire to serve on this important committee by Tuesday, February 28. A decision will be made in March. For more information on the Accreditation Committee, visit the SharePoint Page.
Statewide Employee Resource Groups
The State of Minnesota has posted the Winter Meeting Schedule for the Employee Resource Groups. These meetings are scheduled monthly. Please see the flyer linked for more information.

Visit for more information or to sign up for an Employee Resource Group.
Nominate a Civic-Minded Student
As a member institution of Campus Compact, faculty and staff may nominate a student for the 2023-2024 Newman Civic Fellowship, a yearlong program that recognizes and supports outstanding community-committed students at Campus Compact member institutions. The fellowship is a yearlong opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to nurture their assets and passions, engage in collaborative action, and act to address inequality and polarization. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides in-person and virtual learning opportunities focused on building the skills fellows need to serve as effective agents of change. Nominations are due February 1. To learn more, visit the Campus Compact website or register for one of the info sessions to be held on December 13 and January 10 all at 2 p.m. Eastern.
Computer Lab Software Requests
Please submit a list of all your computer lab software needs for the Spring 2023 semester to the IT Help Desk by December 15. We will be refreshing labs and re-installing software over the Winter Break.

If you are not sure of what computer lab you will be in, we still need to gather the list so we can prepare the applications for installation. Software requests should include anything besides Microsoft Office and Internet browsers. Do not assume software used this semester will still be on computers next semester. We need to know all your software needs for any labs. Please have these requests submitted as early as possible. Any requests received after December 15 may not be installed in the labs for the start of the Spring semester.
IT Services Winter Break Activity
Classroom technology upgrades will include the addition of Zoom Room technology.

North Mankato: C123, C129, C165, C170, D138, D140, D176

Faribault: B104, B105, C110, C112

Technology training requests for classrooms should go to the IT Help Desk. We encourage faculty to review the technology in their assigned classroom spaces prior to the start of the semester.

The IT Help Desk and open computer lab in room C190 on the North Mankato campus will remain open over the Winter Break with the exception of closed college days. Hours will be 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday. IT Services will be on the Faribault campus as-needed for projects and requests.
Educational Development Highlights This Week
Information and registration links for all of the trainings are available on the Faculty Development Calendar on the CTLE webpage or the CTLE SharePoint.

CTLE Virtual Open Hours (drop in with any questions)
  • Assessment Open Office Hour: Tuesdays, 3 - 4 p.m.
  • Tech Time with Brent: none this week (PTO)
  • Curriculum & Instruction Office Hour: Thursdays, 10 - 11 a.m.

FREE Webinars this Week
  • none this week

Upcoming Opportunities (free and online)

Coming Spring Semester: Course Peer Review
Have you thought about participating in an online Course Peer Review? This is a collaborative effort among faculty to provide feedback and suggestions for online course design. Faculty will get a better sense of what is working well in their course, areas for improvement, and suggestions for course enhancements. Feedback from your peers can be a meaningful tool in professional development as well as allowing faculty to share their knowledge and expertise in online course design.
Other great reasons to participate:
  • Relevant and practical professional development
  • Improve course accessibility
  • Gain ideas for implementing equitable teaching practices
  • Collaborate with peers to identify common challenges
  • Share knowledge of online course design with peers
  • Monetary stipend is provided to both the reviewer and the reviewee.

More information will be in upcoming Connections newsletters but if you’d like to find out more, contact CTLE.
Contribute to Connections! This eNewsletter goes out weekly to all employees. To share information and news with employees about your program or department, please submit your article by Noon Thursday the week prior, using the Events and News Form. View the submission guidelines to help with writing and formatting your article as well as properly incorporating attachments and links.