Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 30, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Feedback on EmployerOne Survey needed; Magnet helps employers grow their business; Fall career fair at McMaster, September 19/19.
We are looking for your feedback on the EmployerOne Survey
Workforce Planning Hamilton has surveyed local employers via our annual EmployerOne Survey for the past six years.

During that time we have changed and adapted the survey to ensure that we gather adequate information to understand local employers' recruitment and retention challenges while at the same time respecting their time and understanding that survey fatigue is a reality.

We are currently interviewing employers who have completed our survey in the past to discover if there are ways to improve the survey this year and to find out if there is any labour market information that would be useful to them.

If you are interested in being interviewed (either in person or on the phone) please contact Cyndi Ingle: cyndi.ingle@workforceplanninghamilton.ca or call: 905-521-5777 ext. 14.

Employers: Use Magnet to link to talent and to grow your business

Magnet will help your business grow by efficiently matching you to the right talent, growth and procurement opportunities.

By harnessing intelligent matching technology and a collaborative network Magnet makes it easier for businesses to match to opportunities that matter. 
Whether you need resources to scale your company's growth or you're looking to improve your recruitment efforts, Magnet's got you covered.

Magnet matches your business to growth opportunities like government funding, grants, international trade missions, networking events and more.

Not exporting yet? The information and services you’ll receive is tailored to your export-readiness, so there’s value here for both experienced or novice exporters.

As an employer, you don’t just need talent, you need the right talent. Magnet allows you to connect to candidates with the skills and qualifications needed for the job at hand, making your business more competitive.

Magnet also helps in finding fresh talent, like local students and recent graduates. 

It’s free to create your business account. Visit hamiltonexports.ca to connect with opportunities now!
Fall Career Fair at McMaster University, September 19/19
group of youth

Attracting upwards of 1,600 students from across all six Faculties, McMaster's Fall Career Fair has built a reputation with employers as one of the best organized and attended career fairs on a university campus.

When: Thursday, September 19, 2019. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Where: David Braley Athletic Centre

Early Bird Registration is now open on OSCARplus.

Register before July 16 and save $50.00!

For more information about this fair or on-campus recruitment programs at McMaster University, contact Teresa Finelli.
Labour Force Information, Hamilton, April 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca