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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 1/17)
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April 2017 Employment Stats

Unemployment Rate: 5.4%
(Yearly change -0.1 points decrease)

Participation Rate: 65.7 %
(Yearly change 2.3 points increase)

Employment Rate: 62.2%
(Yearly change 2.3 points increase)

(Info from Statistics Canada)


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Hamilton Employers: Help us develop Workforce Planning Hamilton's Labour Market Plan!

business_icon.jpg Workforce Planning Hamilton staff are presently interviewing local employers and HR managers regarding their labour market challenges as we get ready to deliver a full Labour Market Plan to the community.

Employer feedback is what will make the plan a success.
The information that we gather from employers about your challenges and experiences provide important intelligence that we share with the broader community. 

When we call you to complete a brief survey we are looking for answers to the following questions:
  • What is your greatest labour market challenge (ie. recruitment; retention; training/workforce development; something else)?
  • How can the community provide better support to your business regarding labour market issues?
  • Are our key labour market issues for the community, identified in our last labour market plan, still relevant?
If you have 10 minutes to complete a brief phone survey please email Viktor Cicman at [email protected] or call 905-521-5777 ext. 16.

Your involvement today will create a strong, inclusive workforce for Hamilton in the future.
More women than men completing post-secondary education

A recent study, Women and Educational Qualifications: Skills and Technology by Statistics Canada, shares interesting information about Canadian women's involvement in the labour market.

Did you know....

1. Educational attainment among women has increased.
2. Women are less likely to have a trades certificate.
3. The number of new female apprentices is growing.
4. Fewer girls than boys score in the upper range of math proficiency.

Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777
or email: [email protected]


 Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca 


We are Hamilton's leader in local workforce development!