Look for our next weekly newsletter on September 22, 2016.
What does WPH believe?
Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!
Employers: Complete our 3 minute survey today and help us plan for the future!
Employers: Workforce Planning Hamilton needs to hear your voice!
WPH supports employers in Hamilton by undertaking a number of initiatives on a yearly basis to support your hiring and workforce development needs.
The survey covers:
1. Employer One - our annual survey of employers on their workforce challenges and issues distributed in January, which helps the community understand your unique needs as an employer.
2. Soft skills - Tools & Resources - the number one issue for employers across all sectors and sizes of employer. Share your experiences.
3. Employer Hub - our proposal to create a one-stop shop for information and tools and resources that support employers' recruitment and retention challenges.
Skilled immigrants wasting their talents in Canada
Immigrant doctors, as well as nurses and other well-educated newcomers across the country, are struggling to obtain Canadian accreditation and find work in their field, even in professions where there is demand for their skills.
"Our problem is that, since about 1990, we have not been able to fully make the best use of our immigrants," said Michael Bloom of the Conference Board of Canada.
"We know that because they haven't reached the level of pay, of income that matches the Canadian-born. They haven't done as well as the previous generations of immigrants."
The Leadership Summit for Women is an annual community-wide event that brings together women, trans* individuals, and allies from
the McMaster and Hamilton communities. This event provides the skills, space, and support for all participants to reach their full potential as individuals and as collaborative members of a community. The summit takes place on Saturday, November 12, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the David Braley Health Sciences building.
If you are interested in a workshop presenter at the event,