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Navigating COVID-19 Together: Updates From The Arc
It's been a little over a month since COVID-19 changed our day to day life and impacted the health and wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Since then, The Arc has been hard at work to ensure the rights and needs of people with disabilities, their families, and the direct care workforce which supports them are not left behind as we navigate this crisis. Here are just a few highlights of what we've been up to and how you can help:

We are so very grateful to have you in our corner and will continue to provide opportunities for you to advocate with us at every step of way.
Victory for People With Disabilities: Recovery Rebate Checks Automatically on the Way
Thanks to the advocacy of people with disabilities and their families and friends, the Treasury Department announced yesterday that it would automatically issue Recovery Rebate payments to people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) via the method by which they usually receive their SSI benefits. This change ensures that people with disabilities on SSI will automatically receive the Recovery Rebate payments authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This money will help millions of the lowest income people with disabilities deal with the economic strain of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more .
Help Your Community by Responding to the Census!
Every 10 years, everyone in the United States is counted through the census. A lot is at stake—the census determines funding for programs like special education, health care, and more. On top of that, the U.S. Census Bureau considers people with disabilities a "hard to count" population. Even with many self-isolating, it is easy to complete the census . It takes just a few minutes to fill out and can be done safely right in the comfort of your home.

When everyone is counted, communities get their fair share of federal funding to help keep all people safe and healthy. Health care, education, and emergency planning all depend on getting an accurate census count. Haven't filled out your form yet? We're here to help! Learn more .
Safeguarding the Rights of People With Disabilities During COVID-19: Legal Advocacy Update
The Arc filed four complaints with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) expressing grave concern about COVID-19 treatment rationing plans in various states , which discriminate against people with disabilities in violation of federal disability rights laws. In response, HHS swiftly issued a bulletin advising states and hospitals of their civil rights obligations in providing medical care during this pandemic, resulting in Alabama withdrawing its ventilator policy that explicitly discriminated against people with I/DD. The Arc has continued to work with other national groups to provide guidance to states and hospitals regarding their legal obligations to provide people with disabilities equal access to treatment, and we will be vigilant in ensuring that hospitals across the country comply with federal law.
Coming Together During Hard Times
As you've read above, the strain COVID-19 is putting on our nation's health system tests the legal and moral promises our country has made to treat people with disabilities in a way that is fair and just. The sad fact is that people with disabilities and their families are facing uniquely scary and dangerous challenges during this pandemic. But we know in times of hardship, we are stronger when we work together . From courtrooms to the halls of Congress to supporting our chapters in their communities, we won't cower in the face of this crisis.

Will you help us ensure people with disabilities, their families, and direct support professionals receive the support they need? Our community is strong, in part because of the support of friends like you. If we pull together as a family, we will make it through .
Walmart Launches Pickup Hour in Select Markets for Those Most At-Risk
Walmart is launching a pickup hour for people most at-risk for COVID-19. Each day, the 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. hour at select pickup store locations will be reserved for customers over the age of 60, first responders, customers with disabilities , and anyone designated high-risk.
Autism Acceptance Month Brings New Prevalence Data
Did you know that April is Autism Acceptance Month? The Centers for Disease Control recently published new estimates on autism prevalence among children, stating that 1 in 54 eight-year-old Americans are on the autism spectrum. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting everyone, and for some with autism, communicating their feelings about it requires a different approach. Learn from Ben, an autistic non-speaking teenager, about his thoughts on this crisis .
For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.