Monthly Caregiver Newsletter                    November 2023 


Caregiver Guilt  

Feelings of guilt are common among caregivers, who may believe they are not doing enough.

Not Knowing When to Say ‘No’

Caregivers might struggle with setting boundaries, leading to overcommitment and burnout


Quote of the Month

“There are only four kinds of people in the world: Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.”

-By Rosalynn Carter

Featured Articles

Navigating the Complex Path of Caregiver Guilt

In the heart of every caregiver's journey lies a complex mix of emotions; among them, guilt can often take a profound toll. It's the quiet burden many bear in silence—the feeling that no matter how much you do, it's never enough. Left unchecked, guilt can erode a caregiver’s well-being.

Addressing the Guilt:

·        Acknowledge the Feelings

·        Communicate Openly

·        Set Realistic Goals

·        Seek Professional Guidance

·        Embrace Self-Care

Moving Forward: Caregiving is a role marked not by perfection but by the effort and love put into it.

Guilt may visit, but it does not need to take up residence.

Remember, experiencing guilt does not diminish the immense value of your care. It's essential to seek support, practice self-compassion, and recognize the incredible strength required to be a caregiver. Together, we can lift the weight of guilt to reveal the deep care and commitment that defines the caregiving journey.

The Power of Boundaries: Learning to Say ‘No’ in Caregiving

For caregivers, the word 'no' often feels like an adversary. But establishing boundaries is not just a vital aspect of self-care; it's essential for providing quality care.

The Challenge of Setting Limits: Caregivers may face pressure to meet every demand, often at the cost of their health and well-being. The reluctance to say ‘no’ can lead to caregiver burnout, diminishing the quality of care.

Strategies for Healthy Boundaries:

  • Recognize Your Limits: You are human and have physical and emotional limits.
  • Communicate Clearly: Please be sure to express your capabilities and limitations with family members and those involved in care.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Determine what must be done versus what can wait or be delegated.
  • Use Respite Care: Take regular breaks to rest and rejuvenate, ensuring you have the energy to provide care.
  • Consult With Professionals: Seek advice from caregiver health providers such as the Family Caregiver Alliance, Alzheimer Association of the East Bay, Hospice providers, hospital palliative care teams, faith-based Alameda Care Alliance Collaborative, and many more. Ask Comfort Homesake for a resource list via email at [email protected] or phone at 213-887-1152.

Saying ‘no’ is not a sign of inadequacy but a step towards sustainable caregiving. By acknowledging your limits and setting boundaries, you can ensure you and your loved one receive the care and respect you deserve. Remember, caring for yourself is just as important as caring for others.

For Helpful Resources: Click Below

County Senior Services

Gold Star Shared Housing

Friendly Visits/No One Dies Alone

Aging & Disabilities

Untitled Design

Soul Journey

We understand that the impact of soul injury can feel like a burden in your life, a root cause of persistent stress. That's why we're here to guide you through the art of self-care and well-being. 🌺 Whether it's understanding the stars or unraveling the mysteries of the tarot, our community is a sanctuary for those seeking harmony and balance. 🌙

Join our vibrant Facebook community 🌍, where you can share your experiences, gain support, and empower others on their journey. Together, let's create a space of understanding, healing, and growth. 💫



  1. I married Mr. Right. I didn’t know his first name was Always.
  2. When the President pushes the big red button, Chuck Norris’s cell phone rings.
  3. What’s the difference between God and fighter pilots? God doesn’t think he’s a fighter pilot.


Summer REU student, Kanya Shah, won Internship Funding Award from Syracuse University's Central Career Services

Congratulations to Kanya for winning the Syracuse University Internship Funding Award for this summer's REU program with the Composite Materials Lab (SU-CML)!

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