Monthly message from
Susan Francis
Check Out This Amazing Video From Our Ophelia Project
Art Awareness Program
Mentors Needed!

Take advantage of this opportunity to help a young woman through her next chapter of life by sharing your time and life experience with our next generation of growing minds.
Read Our Latest Blog Post!

A beautiful blog from one of our guest bloggers about this crazy journey we call life.
Interested In Becoming A Guest Blogger?

Ophelia Project is looking for a few guest bloggers to create new and exciting content! Click the link below for more information.
"Empowering young teens to increase their sense
of self-worth and maximize their potential
contribution to society."

What better time than now to contribute to your community?
National Ophelia Project Headquarters - Palm Desert, CA
Ophelia Project is a program of John F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation
501(c)(3) Tax ID 33-0071613
(c)2013 Ophelia Project Coachella Valley