E ncourageMale - October 2018
Men's Breakfast - F ri. (Nov. 16)
Join 100's of guys for breakfast featuring Mark Koch - Hollywood Producer, Prelude Motor Sports, Publisher, Author. Network with others plus be encouraged/inspired both professionally and personally.

Meeting at Airport Hilton Palm Beach from 7AM-9AM on Friday, Nov. 16th. Tables, Sponsorships available NOW.
The King's Academy host Group for Dads & Sons . . .
Gathering Conquer Series meeting for 10 sessions designed for Dads and Sons. Develop a Sexual Purity Battle-plan.

New Coach Training for Boot Camp For New Dads . . .
Join with others who impact families by being a Coach. Next training takes place Sat., Nov. 3. Join us & make difference!

County-wide Groups . . . Get Connected!
I’ve been blessed with good role models, and some not so good. Looking back, the leaders I ever had shared some common traits. Read '7 Traits' by R.Edmonson
It's Pastor Appreciation Month ... easy way to help and show you care. The NICKEL PRAYER DEFENSE can protect your MVP! APPRECIATE YOUR PASTOR.
Thank you for your support of the Marriage Retreat. Enjoy some highlights from last month's Weekend-to-Remember. TOP 10
MOODY Radio interview featuring The Gathering & Conquer Series that launched at King's Academy.
23 County-wide Locations