According to Fratelli Tutti, the way forward is closeness
and the culture of encounter.
These are elements of the Marianist charism
present in our communities
which make us connect to this approach.
It is Love that breaks chains and builds bridges.
Fratelli Tutti calls us to take an active part
in the rehabilitation of wounded societies.
Every person is valuable and has the right to live with dignity.
Human beings find their fullness in giving themselves to others.
There is no open world without an open heart.
We must welcome, protect, promote,
and integrate migrants,
and all marginalized people.
Good policy is one that serves the common good.
It favors productive diversity, creativity,
broad vision and interdisiplinary dialogue.
Authentic social dialogue presupposes the ability
to respect the other's point of view.
It means to respect oneself,
to listen to each other,
to try to understand each other
and look for points of contact.
We must understand the true meaning of
forgiveness and reconciliation...
by finding paths of reconciliation in a common project
that recognizes and guarantees the dignity of all people.
"(...) Like Mary, the Mother of Jesus, "we want to be a Church that serves, that goes out of the house, that goes out of its temples, that goes out of its sacristies, to accompany life, to sustain hope, to be a sign of unity [...] to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow reconciliation." (FT n. 276)
AMEN! Allelulia!