International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities (IO-MLC) 

Region of North America, Asia, Australia, and Ireland

April 2022
IO-MLC Lay Assembly
Features Young Adults
The quadrennial International Lay Assembly is like no other Lay Assembly in our Branch of the Family. Unlike continental or regional assemblies which most often focus on presenting learning content and sharing local ideas and resources, the International Lay Assembly is a weeklong working meeting in which the participants make decisions and create direction for all the MLCs around the world.

The earliest foundational documents for our Lay branch were written at IO-Lay Assemblies: 
·      The MLCs On Identity (Chile 1993)
·      The MLCs on Mission (Spain 1997)
·      The MLCs on Being in Community (USA 2001)

This is not a “come-if-you-want-to” kind of meeting. You have to be invited to represent your country as a voting Delegate, and each country is restricted in the number of delegates it can send based on the number of its MLC membership.

A limited number of Observers, Advisors, and Religious Guests can be invited based on specific reasons for their attendance. And there are even rules about who can speak at Plenary sessions and the smaller language group discussions that occur between the Plenary sessions.

The Plenary sessions are like being at a United Nations Meeting! Interpreters for English, French, and Spanish are in booths in the back of the room and all meeting participants are wearing headsets.

In our most recent work (Peru in 2014 and Korea in 2018) we have focused on defining the priority work for all MLCs worldwide. All countries have been working on:
·      Creating common, consistent, quality Formation Programs for our Laity;
·   Developing Youth and Young Adults in the Marianist Charism;
·      Focusing social programs on the poor and marginalized;
·      Becoming financially sustainable over time.

For this year’s meeting, the International Team decided to ask each Region to do some “talent spotting” and invite some Young Adults from their Region to attend this meeting. We wanted to encourage their involvement in MLC work, be introduced to the global aspect of the Marianist Family, and be inspired to take on some leadership roles in our future development.

To accomplish this, it would be important for us to listen to their experiences and ideas as we dream about moving into our future. We want Young Adults to help lead us!

And that is the point of the 2022 meeting: To use Pope Francis' encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, as a framework for dreaming about our futurel How are we, as Marianist Laity, going to move forward into our future as a Private Association of the Fairthful, recognized by the Vatican, that brings Jesus to the world?
Meet the Young Adults in the North American and Asian Delegations
The delegation for North America is sending three Young Adults as well as two Young Adults attending as Voting Delegates. The Delegation from Asia is sendiing one Young Adult

Andrew Peter Ancheta II
Aiea, HI. 

Andrew was born and raised in Hawai'i & is a graduate of Chaminade University, Honolulu. He is currently Activities Coordinator there & is active in the Ku'ikahi MLC. He assists with prison ministry, family retreats, events at the Marianist Center, & various liturgical ministries at the Mystical Rose Oratory.
Jack Dalton
Dayton, OH. 

Jack is a graduate of the University of Dayton, and currently participates in the PULSE program as an ECHO volunteer. He assists mental health therapists & family advocates serving students in 17 Catholic Schools in his area. He belongs to Pillars MLC and is their community contact.
Kateri Dillon
Cincinnati, OH.

Kateri is a graduate of the University of Dayton, participated in the PULSE program after graduation for two years, and is now working for a non-profit in the Dayton area. She is currently a member of the MLC-NA Leadership Council as an Assistant to the Head of Spirituality.
Helena Park
Incheon, Korea. 

Helena is head of Veritas MLC which was established in 2016. During Covid she made efforts to keep the bond among the members and after quarantine was lifted, she continues to be active at face-to-face meetings. She has planned and executed many events like Masses, family trips and spiritual lectures. She attended a school run by the FMI, her parents are members of the Adele Community, and her father was the 11th president of the Council.
Voting Delegates--Young Adults
Sarah Gray
Cincinnati, OH. 

Sarah is a graduate of the University of Dayton. Previously she job-shared as an assistant to Director, Jim Vogt, at the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative and as Administrator for MLC-NA for two years. She also did much work on the 2020 Lay Assembly for North America. She had the gift of living with Marianist religious communities in India in 2015 and spent time with both lay and religious Marianist communities in Spain in 2016. Currently she is the Director of MSJC.
Eric Rodriquez
San Antonio, TX. 

Eric is a graduate of St. Mary University, in San Antonio, Texas. He belongs to the Mantle Community in San Antonio and spent 10 years at St. Mary's University as a student and employee. He helped over 2,500 students become part of the Marianist community and watched them grow and graduate during his time as the Assistant Direcctor of Admissions at St Mary's U. Currently he is a loan officer assistant for Benchmark Mortgage in San Antonio.
The Rest of the Delegation
Margy Lisjak - USA
Matt Dunn - USA
Josee Roberge - CAN
Susan Buckley - IRE
George Lisjak-NACMS
Tom Redmon, SM - Spiritual Advisor
Rob Brodrick will allso attend as part of the International Team coordinating social media and some of the video broadcasting.

This completes the team who will be representing North America at the 8th Quadrennial Lay Assembly of the International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities.
Help Support our
North American Team!
You have to be especially proud of our team of Young Adults! They are creative, energetic, and committed to living the Marianist Charism!

For this reason IO-MLC-NA and MLC-NA would like to fund much of the travel expenses of our Young Adults for this meeting as well as help with the hefty registration fees for some of our other delegates. The IO funding is providing a majority of these expenses, but we still are in need of more to support our team.

MLC-NA has started a fund-raising campaign to raise $4,500 to contribute toward this need. Will you join MLC-NA by adding your contribution at the following link?

All donations at the $100 or higher level, will receive a special gift of five notecards showing the art of five of our Marianist artists. The images on the cards include art from Br. Cletus Behlmann, Br. Charlie Wanda, Matty Spicer, Br. Mel Meyer, and Br. Louis Schuster!  We hope this special gift will be an incentive for you to contribute to a good cause AND receive a small gift of Marianist art!
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Let Us Reflect
& Pray...
Reflections on the Marianist Charism taken from Fratelli Tutti
By Javier Palop, Assembly Keynote Speaker
According to Fratelli Tutti, the way forward is closeness
and the culture of encounter.
These are elements of the Marianist charism
present in our communities
which make us connect to this approach.

It is Love that breaks chains and builds bridges.
Fratelli Tutti calls us to take an active part
in the rehabilitation of wounded societies.

Every person is valuable and has the right to live with dignity.
Human beings find their fullness in giving themselves to others.

There is no open world without an open heart.
We must welcome, protect, promote,
and integrate migrants,
and all marginalized people.

Good policy is one that serves the common good.
It favors productive diversity, creativity,
broad vision and interdisiplinary dialogue.

Authentic social dialogue presupposes the ability
to respect the other's point of view.
It means to respect oneself,
to listen to each other,
to try to understand each other
and look for points of contact.

We must understand the true meaning of
forgiveness and reconciliation...
by finding paths of reconciliation in a common project
that recognizes and guarantees the dignity of all people.

"(...) Like Mary, the Mother of Jesus, "we want to be a Church that serves, that goes out of the house, that goes out of its temples, that goes out of its sacristies, to accompany life, to sustain hope, to be a sign of unity [...] to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow reconciliation." (FT n. 276)

AMEN! Allelulia!

Calendar of the Marianist Family

  • May 13 Our Lady of Fatima

  • May 24 Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians, Anniversary of the foundation of the FMI

  • May 26 Ascension Thursday

  • May 31 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patronal Feast of the Alliance Mariale

Share a Story!
Gifts and Tasks is published on the 4th Friday of each month. We need local and national news, stories, reflections, and photos. Please send submissions and ideas for next month's issue to Marceta Reilly by the previous Sunday.
Kindly forward this issue to contact persons within your country to help with its distribution. Click here to subscribe to Gifts & Tasks.